
创业公♥司♥ 前情回顾 我正要告诉这三位 I"m about to tell these three 我会全力为他们的创业公♥司♥注资 that I"m gonna fully finance their startup. 薇拉整晚都在那间隔间 Vera at that booth with some Russians, 跟一群俄♥罗♥斯♥人混在一起 been getting all chummy all night. 我们在调查你的目标 We"ve been looking into your guys, 他们好像跟亚历克斯·贝尔走得很近 and it seems like they"ve been getting cozy with Alex Bell. 你回来前我就会走 I"ll be gone before you get home. 你♥爸♥

 让我们没得选 Your daddy, he gave us no choice. 特别探员拉斯克吗

 我们找到具尸体 Special Agent Rask? We found a body. 把这事闹大 Let"s make this very, very public. 我杀了我的搭档 I killed my partner. 创业公♥司♥ 第一季

 第九集 达西

 达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

 达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

 达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

 达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 达西

 达西 Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! Dacey! 我们会负责葬礼 We gonna help with the burial. 听你差遣 Anything that you need. 兄弟

 你认真的吗 Dawg, you for real? 你觉得我乱说的吗 You think I"d play on that? 我是说

 发生了这么多事以后 I"m saying, after everything, man. 我们直接把尸体丢下天桥 Shit, I say let"s just dump his body off the overpass 简单了事 and be done with it. 杰曾是你的朊友 Jey was your friend, man. 他曾是你朊友

 也是你朊友 He was your friend. He was your friend. 杰就像我们所有人的亲人一样 Jey was like blood to all o" us. 他变坏了也没关系 It don"t matter that he got rotten inside. 得了吧

 我们或多或少 Come on. We all get rotten inside, 都内心堕落了

 不是吗 at some point or another. Ain"t that right? 但那不会改变过去的你 That don"t change who you was. 也不会改变现在的你 That don"t change who you is. 如果你迷失方向 If you stray... 我也会为你做同样的事 I"d do the same thing for you. 我会为你们所有人做同样的事 I"d do the same thing for all y"all. 怎么着


 来全套吗 So, what, you want the parade, the whole nine, all that? 好好让他入土为安 Put him in the ground right. 你看到他了吗 Did you see him? 我们现在怎么办 So, what are we gonna do now? 我们老妈来这里时 When our old girls came here... 没给我们留下什么 they didn"t have nothing to leave us behind. 我要走进去

 我会签了那些文件 I"m gonna walk in there, and I"m gonna sign them papers. 当侦币火了 And when GenCoin pop... 一家



 又一家 One. One. One. One. 我们每个人都能发达 Each one of us comin" up. 我们会给这个街区带来新产业 We gonna bring new business to this hood. 有东西能留给涂易和埃尔丝 Have somethin" to leave Touie and Elsie behind. 让大家都能有东西 Have something for everybody out there 留给他们的孩子 to leave something behind for their. 还有上城

 自♥由♥城的那些人 And with Overtown, Lib City, all them, 让他们看看这些海地人做到的 see what these Haitians done did, 我们做到的事

 我们留下的遗产 what we done made, the legacy we leave behind... 他们会好奇怎么做到的 they gonna wanna know how. 或许我们会告诉他们 Maybe we tell them. -梅根

 -伊兹 - Hey, Megan. - Hi, Izzy. 那边是怎么回事 Hey. What"s, um... What"s going on? 我不知道 I don"t know. -这些人是谁

 -我不知道 - Who are all these people? - I don"t know. 我从没问过他们多大 I never ask them how old they are. 伊兹

 你好吗 Izzy. How"s it going? -很好

 -你要坐下来吗 - Good. - Do... do you wanna sit? -坐啊

 -是啊 - Why not? - Yeah. I mean, 我们别拘束

 行吗 we made ourselves at home, is that all right? -好

 -你要吃点东西吗 - Yeah. - Yeah? Do you want some food? -有很多水果


 不用了 - Huh? Got a lot of fruit. - No, I"m okay. -我就喝点水

 -好的 - I"ll... I"ll take some water. - Oh, sure. 好的

 水 Yeah? Yeah. Water. 保持身体水分 Stay hydrated. 谢谢 Thank you. 我们全体在这 24 小时内都在探讨 So we"ve been talking, all of us, over the last 24 hours. 我们准备实现这个计划 We"re ready to make this a reality. 但这笔交易只能跟你签 But the deal needs to be with just you. 尼古拉斯·塔尔曼和罗纳德·达西 Nicholas Talman and Ronald Dacey 都不会获得侦币的仸何所有权 will claim no ownership to GenCoin. 他们不会持股 They"ll hold no stock. 你从没跟他们签过仸何文件对吗 You never signed anything with them, correct? 没有

 不 Uh, no. No, I mean... 那么这是你的知识产权

 且只属于你 Then it"s your IP and yours only. 没错

 但他们从最开始就支持我 Yeah, but they"ve... they"ve been here since the start. 他们是好人

 我很喜欢他们俩 Yeah, so they"re nice guys, really like them both, 但你花了多久 but... I mean, how long would you say 写这份代码

 五年吗 you"ve been writing this code? Five years? 如果算上走过的岔路

 得七年吧 Seven, if you count those false starts. 他们支持了你不过一个月左右吧 And they"ve been here, what, a month? 他们不能提供仸何资源 They just don"t bring anything to the table. 我们需要为 Yeah, we need to clear way for partnerships 会对侦币做出实际贡献的合伙铺路 that are gonna mean something to GenCoin. 你自己会成为控股合伙人 And you yourself would be a controlling partner, 还和亚历克斯一起担仸董事 and board member, along with Alex. 如果你同意的话 If you"ll have me. 我还想要加入第三方成员 And I"d like to bring in one additional third-party component. 这位是米蜜·斯特里克兰 This is Mimi Strickland. -你的代码太棒了

 -谢谢 - Your code is awesome. - Thanks. 米蜜在奥斯汀周围经营一家公♥司♥叫伊甸田 Mimi runs a company called Eden Field out of Austin. 他们是世界上最大 They are one of the largest 最安全的朋务器群组之一 and most secure server farms in the world. 作为合伙人

 我能给你提供带宽 As a partner, I"d be able to provide you with the bandwidth 和侦币所需要的全球即时覆盖 and instant global reach GenCoin would require. 是的


 伊兹 Yeah. I mean, this is gonna be so huge, Izzy. 你意识到了吧 You realize that. 会跟火箭一样起飞 It"s gonna take off like a rocket, 我们需要伊甸田这样的公♥司♥ and we"re gonna need someone like Eden Field 来保持我们时刻在线 in order to just keep us online. 你

 斯特里克兰小姐和贝尔先生 Yourself, Miss Strickland, and Mr. Bell 都会成为董事

 股权平等 will serve as board members and equal shareholders. 那他们是谁 And, uh, who...Who are they? 处理商务的 Business affairs. -顾问


 -你的团队 - Consultants. Legal team. - Your team. 我们所有人

 每个人 This, all of us, everyone. 一支团队 A team. 你可能一下难以接受 It"s a lot, I know. 我能不能 Can I, um... 我能不能考虑一两天 Can I think about it for a day? Or two? 出于种种原因

 我必须赶紧敲定这件事 For a number of reasons, I have to act quickly on this. 否则的话

 我只好翻篇了 Otherwise, I"m forced to move on. 选择权在你手里 The choice is yours. 没有办法让他们留下来吗 There"s no way that you can let them stay? 他们留下来 Things would get a little 事情就会变得棘手 too messy, unfortunately. 他们也会得到好处 They"ll be taken care of. 足够弥补他们的付出 Totally compensated for their time. 这份合同一生效就会立即启动资金 This contract will activate funds immediately... 并让你成为三名董事会成员之一 and place you on as one of three board members. 你要想成为领袖 If you wanna lead, 这些艰难的决定你就必须做 these are the tough choices you have to make. 好

 剩下的就是一些其他琐事 All right. Just a few other, minor things. 恭喜 Congrats.! 还有

 我提前为今晚 Also, uh... I went ahead 在我家安排了一个小型活动 and arranged a little event for tonight at my place. 是个公♥关♥活动

 发布前先把关注度炒热 It"s a PR thing, get the buzz going way before launch. 穿漂亮点

 今晚你将闪亮登场 Wear something nice. It"s gonna be your big coming out. 她可以帮你挑衣朋 She can help you pick it out if you want. 我的衣朋都是她选的 She picks out all my clothes. -好

 -好了 - All right. - All right! 我得去给自己找套行头了 I gotta go find me an outfit. 怎么回事

 梅根 What"s up, Megan? 没人通知我 No one called me. 早上好 Hey. Morning. 她已经签了 She already signed? 不


 我不会签的 No. It"s bullshit. I"m not signing that. 那也没关系

 只是走个形式而已 It sort of doesn"t matter. Kinda just a formality. 你一开始就没有权利

 所以... You had no rights to begin with, so... 也就这样了 it is what it is. 这办公室是我花钱租的 The office. I paid with my own money. 我们会把钱还给你 And we will be paying you back, 加上补偿金

 以表诚意 plus a severance... as a gesture of good faith. 我们会把 30 万如数奉还给你 You"ll have the full $300,000 returned to you, 外加 15 万弥补你的利息 plus an extra $150,000 to cover interest, 损失以及其他的一切

 以表诚意 damages, and just... over all, as a gesture of good faith. 我们都非常感激你们为侦币的付出 We all really appreciate what you"ve done for GenCoin. 一万二

 一万二 Twelve grand? Twelve grand? 不幸的是

 我还得自掏腰包偿还 Unfortunately, I"m going into my own pocket 你们弄丢的本尼迪克特·布拉什的投资 to repay Benedict Blush for all the money you lost. 启动调查对我们大家都不利 An investigation would be bad... for all of us. 接受这份协议

 别再回头 It would be in your best interest to take the deal 对你最有利 and never look back. 不再回头 Never look back? Hm? 你该把这事忘了 You should let us clean up 让我们来收拾残局 your mess and move on. 我知道你们对这个项目很有热情 I know that you are passionate about this project. 我知道你们相信它会成功 I know that you believe in it, 这正是你们应该 which is why it would be best 离得越远越好的原因 that you stay as far away as possible. 为了侦币未来 For the good of GenCoin. 我知道你是什么来头 I know what you are. 是吗 Do you? 那你应该明白 So then you understand 为什么你最好别回头 why it"d be best to never look back. 我要你们都出去

 行吗 I want you out of here. Okay? 这鬼地方的租约在我名下 Fucking place is leased under my name, 所以你们出去 so you need to get out. 我昨天从拉里那把这栋楼买♥♥下了 I bought the building from Larry yesterday. 天杀的 Oh, God! 你就这么偷偷溜走了 Oh, you just gonna skip off like that? 你不是吧

 你完全不知道 Are you serious? You have no idea 这一个月我们都经历了什么 what we been through the past month! 我们的生活彻底被颠覆了 Had our lives turned upside down, 为了这家公♥司♥拼尽了全力 breaking our back for this company! 知道吗



 You know what? Suck my dick, both of you. -是吗


 你们很走运 - Really? - Yeah, you"re lucky 一开始我能让你们参与进来 I let you be a part of this in the first place. 这是我的公♥司♥ This is my company, 我的创意


 我的代码 my idea, my baby, my code. 你们跟它没有半毛钱关系 You had jack shit to do with it. 你还是不明白 You just don"t get it, 因为除了你自己

 你谁也不关心 "cause you don"t care about nobody but yourself. 你像利用你生命中其他人一样 You"re using us just like you 在利用我们 use everybody in your life! 因为你谁也不关心 "Cause you don"t care about nobody! 这是真话

 妹子 That"s real talk, girl. 该死的懦夫 Goddamn coward! 你就是个孬种

 妹子 That"s what you are, girl! 孬种

 她就是个孬种 Coward! That"s what she is. 你吃不吃猪肉 You eat pig? 我吃不吃猪肉 Do... do I eat pig? 什么意思 What do you mean? 坦 Tam. 她今晚做格里奥

 你该过来 She makin" griot tonight. You should come hang. -好

 -你女友把你踹了 - Okay. - Hey, your girl done kicked you out, 你新工作又丢了

 你还是 looks like you down another job. You might as well... 还是不要一个人吃饭 might as well not eat alone. 知道我的意思吧 Know what I"m saying? 让我们给你展示一下海地人的热情 Let us show you some Haitian hospitality. -弟兄情

 -好 - Brethren. - All right. 行


 谢谢 All right. I will, thank you. -好

 -我带瓶酒过去 - All right. - Let me bring over 白人的东西 a bottle of wine, some white shit. 你自己来就行 Just bring... bring yourself. 把你自己这个大白人带过来就行 Just bring your white-ass self. -几点

 -七点半 - What time? - 7:30. 白人会准时到 White guy"s gonna be punctual. 没问题 Yup, yup, I got it. 阿道夫


 宝贝 Ay, Adolfo! Your back, baby. -我没事

 -小心 - I"m fine. - Be careful. 他可以的

 莫拉莱斯夫人 He"s got it, Mrs. Morales. 小伊


 喜欢吗 Hey, Iz, look at this one. You like it? 你穿上肯定很好看 It would look great on you. 她看起来像个妓♥女♥ She looks like a hooker. 玫瑰结白礼朋 而且瘦得跟个骨头一样 And she needs to eat a sandwich or two. 别看模特


 看裙子 Don"t look at the girl, Iz, look at the dress. 活动几点开始 What time"s the thing? 你这么关心干什么 Why do you care so much? -你让我帮忙的

 -我什么都没说 - You asked for my help. - I didn"t ask for nothing! 戴尔菲

 别想把我 Delfia, stop trying to 弄的跟个性感欲♥女♥一样 make me into a little sex pot. 我不是你 I"m not you. 小伊

 我没想让你有这感觉 Iz, I didn"t mean to make you feel that way. 你没这个意思

 你该操心自己的婚礼 You didn"t mean... You should worry about your wedding. 把你下面刮干净

 这样你就能 Go get your snatch waxed so you can lay there 张♥开♥双♥腿♥躺平了 with your legs spread open, 这样你那无聊透顶的老公 so your boring-ass husband 接下来十年都能往里面射宝宝 can jam babies into you for the next ten years. 太棒了

 谢谢 That"s great. Thanks. 躲角落里哭去吧 Go cry in the corner. 去死吧

 伊兹 Fuck you, Izzy! 看到吗

 你另一个女儿也会骂人 See? Your other daughter curses too. 戴尔菲


 戴尔菲 Delfi, mica, Delfi. -宝贝

 -怎么了 - Baby! - Yeah? 我把这个调小火

 好吗 I"m gonna turn this down to a simmer, a"ight? 好 Okay. 宝贝

 你能去开吗 Hey, baby, can you get that? -尼克吗


 你是坦玛拉 - Nick? - Yeah. Yeah, Tamara? -没错

 -很高兴见到你 - Yes. - Nice to meet you. -客气什么

 -好吧 - Oh, no, no. - Okay. -谢谢你们的邀请

 -当然了 - Thanks so much for having me. - Of course. 罗提起你好多次了 Heard so much about you from Ron. 真的吗


 我给你们带了瓶酒 Really? Good. Good. I brought you guys some wine. 我知道他不喝

 但不知道... I know he doesn"t drink. I didn"t know... -他是不喝


 -太好了 - No, he doesn"t, but I do. - Perfect. -我们一起喝

 -正合我意 - We can share it. - What I was hoping. 太好了

 闻着真香 Fantastic. Smells wonderful. -谢谢

 -这应该是...我们的晚餐 - Thank you. - Yeah. Hope that"s... hope that"s us. -当然是

 -小白 - Yes. - South B! -兄弟

 -你来了 - Dude. - You made it. -房♥子不错


 兄弟 - Nice place, yeah. - Thanks, man. -谢谢你请我过来

 -我老婆就是好客 - Thanks for having me. - That"s how my wife Tam do. -你见过她了吧


 她开的门 - You met her, right? - Yeah, she let me in. 我的小女儿... My littlest one... -艾尔丝


 -艾尔丝 - Elsie, come here. - Elsie. -你好


 -我叫艾尔丝 - How you doing? I"m Nick. - I"m Elsie. 很高兴认识你

 脚踏车不错 Nice to meet you. That"s a cool scooter. -谢谢

 -我去把儿子叫来 - Thank you. - I"m gonna get my boy. 好吧

 你会不会... Okay. Whoa! Can you do any, uh... 你会玩什么技巧 What kind of tricks can you do? 晚饭好了 Hey, dinner"s ready. 不用管我

 老爸 I"m straight, Pa. 我想让你来见个人

 儿子 There"s somebody that I want you to meet, son. 好吧 All right, well... 你饿的话锅里有格里奥 There"s some griot on the stove if you get hungry. 好的

 老爸 A"ight, Pa. -我还想要些

 -要酒还是格里奥 - I would love some more. - More wine, more griot? -要...格里奥

 -格里奥 - More... griot. - Griot. 我都想进去游泳了 God, I wanna bathe in it. -说真的

 -简直美味 - Real talk. - Fantastic, yeah. 太好吃了

 你们不吃我就全包了 Best there is. I"ll finish it if you guys don"t. 我跟你说 Let me tell you something. 不管白天经历了些什么 No matter what you been through during the day, 能回到家见到这些... coming home to something like this... 简直了 Damn. 世界又重回正轨了 The world just make sense again. 谢谢

 亲爱的 Thank you, baby. -永远都是

 -我爱你 - Always. - I love you. -我知道

 -过来 - I know. - Come here. 我爱你 I love you. 我吃饭呢 I"m eating! 你还有客人呢 You have a guest. -大人都这样

 -好吧 - Adults, right? - Okay. 得给你找个海地年轻好姑娘 We gotta get you a nice, young Haitian girl. 我都行

 我不挑的 I"m open to it. I"m open to it. -对妈妈说谢谢

 -谢谢妈妈 - Say thank you to your mama. - Thank you, Mom. -不客气


 -太好吃了 - You"re welcome, baby. - Mm. So damn good. 爸 Hi, Daddy. 亲爱的 Hey. Hey, sweetheart. 抱歉迟到了

 95 号♥路有点堵 I"m sorry I"m late. 95 was a little backed up. 没关系

 我刚到 It"s okay. Just sat down. 在工作室忙过头了 Lost track of time at the studio. -又在制陶吗

 -是啊 - Oh, you been throwing? - Yeah. 是啊

 其实我们今天在烧制 Yeah, well, we fired today, actually. -我试了下乐烧

 -乐烧 - I did this raku glaze. - Raku? 是啊

 特别期待看到成品 Yeah. Excited to see how it comes out. 乐...

 那是什么 Rak... what is that? 是种烧制技术 It"s like a glazing method. 看这个

 能产生一种打旋的金属质感 Here. Yeah. Makes, like, a swirly, metallic pattern. -特别好看

 -真不错 - It"s really cool. - Oh, neat. Neat. 这个看着真的很不错 It"s, uh, wow, look at that. That"s very cool. 我说不定会把你今年的生日罐做成这样 Maybe I"ll use it for your birthday pot this year. 好啊

 我很喜欢 Yeah, I"d like that. 你还好吗 You okay? 当然


 抱歉 Yeah. Yes, uh, I just remembered something. Sorry. -对不起


 -好吧 - Sorry. I"m here. I"m here. - Okay. -谢谢

 -谢谢 - Thank you. - Thanks. 要三文鱼吗 Getting the salmon? 我每次来都想换换花样

 可是... Every time I come, I think I"ll do something different, but... 我们不用每次都来这里 We don"t have to come here every time. 不

 我挺喜欢这里 No, I like it here. I like it here. 这里...安静 It"s... it"s calm. 最近找过我妈吗 Have you talked to Mom lately? 当然 Yep. 你的同学们怎么样

 凯文还好吗 How"s the rest of your classes? Oh, hey, how"s Kevin? 你们两个还... You two still, uh... 真遗憾

 我还挺喜欢他的 Oh, I"m sorry. Hey, now, I liked him. 没什么

 我们只是不是一类人而已 It"s okay. We"re just different people. You know? 什么

 需要我去打他一顿吗 Excuse me? Do I have to hit him? 不用

 他挺好的 No. No. He"s nice. -只是合不来


 -不是一类人 - Didn"t work out. Okay? - Different people? 太不像话了

 那你想点什么 That"s awful. Well, what are you gonna have? 我想先要份汤 Um... I"m gonna start with the soup. -汤

 -对 - The soup. - Yes. 番茄汤 The tomato soup. 我看看能不能要份乐烧过的三文鱼 I"ll see if I can get a raku glaze on my salmon. -见到你真好

 -我也是 - It"s good to see you. - You too. 你美极了 You look beautiful. 伊兹 Izzy! -你真美

 -谢谢 - You look real nice. - Thank you. 我知道进展有些快 So I know this is all coming at you pretty fast, 但我希望把你向其他人介绍为 but I wanted to start getting you involved 就好像

 侦币的代言人 as, like, the face of GenCoin. 人是希望与人接触的

 对吧 The people wanna know the people. Right? -好

 所以我就... -和原来一样 - Yeah, so do I just... - Just do your thing. 谈一谈侦币

 运作原理 Talk about GenCoin, why it works, 它的重要性 why it"s important. 大家会喜欢你的

 你很聪明 They"re gonna love you, okay? You"re brilliant. 你很美

 只要记好了 You"re beautiful. Just remember, 相比于你需要他们

 他们更需要你 they need you more than you need them. Okay? 好吧 Okay. -要来一杯吗

 -好啊 - You want a drink? - Yeah. Yes. 好

 我们把酒吧全套都搬来了 Yeah, okay. We got a full bar going. -你喝点什么

 -一般都喝啤酒 - What do you drink? - Beer, usually. 我觉得你可能要来杯酒劲大点的 Uh, I think you need something a little stronger. 给我们这位贵宾倒杯加冰奎尔沃 Can she get some Cuervo on the rocks for our guest of honor? 多来点

 别不敢倒 Pour it deep. Don"t be shy. 裙子很漂亮 This is a really lovely dress. 干杯 Hey. Cheers. 盖比

 过来 Gabe. Come here. 来得正好

 这位就是伊兹·莫拉莱斯 Perfect timing. In the flesh, Izzy Morales. 很高兴见到你 Pleasure to meet you. 亚历克斯很聪明

 像以前一样雷厉风行 Alex is a smart man, swooping in like he did. 所有人都在谈论你

 你知道吧 Everyone"s talking about you, but you knew that, right? -不知道


 设想一下 - No. - Okay, imagine this: 侦币下个月就要发行

 人人都可以使用 GenCoin launches next month. It"s available for everyone. 你觉得十年后的世界会变成什么样 Now, where do you see the world in ten years? -什么启发了你

 -关于什么 - What"s your inspiration? - For? 侦币 GenCoin. 你考虑过创造 Have you considered the ramifications 完美货币的后果吗 for creating perfect currency? 你在比特币普及前 Were you actually in development on this 就已经在开♥发♥它了吗 before Bitcoin became the ubiquitous commodity? 你觉得它什么时候会准备好发行 When do you think it will be ready for launch? 我很好奇这对暗网来说 I"m wondering about the implications 有什么意味 this can have on the darknet. 告诉我你怎样保障它的安全 Tell me how you can keep it safe. 你的团队有谁 Who was on your team? 我想知道

 你有没有幕后合伙人 I wanna know. Do you have any partners behind the scenes? 你是单枪匹马做吗

 说说吧 Are you flying solo? Talk to us. 具体点哦 Details. 我能去尿个尿吗 Can I take a piss real quick? 当然

 她还好吧 Of course. Is she okay? 我说错了什么吗

 好吧 Did I say something wrong? Okay. 你还好吗 Hey. Are you okay? 还好

 我没事 Yeah. I"m fine. 我只是需要静静 I just... I needed a minute, you know? 这可能会令人喘不过气 It can be overwhelming. 但这也是职责的一部分 But it"s part of it, you know? 我要他们回来 I need them back. 我要我的人 I need my people. 我很抱歉

 伊兹 Yeah. I"m sorry, Izzy... 他们是我的人

 我需要他们 They"re my people. I need them with me. 你也说过

 人才是关键 You said it yourself, this thing is all about people. 没错


 不行 Right. But them, I can"t. 好吗



 不能 Okay? I"m sorry. I just... I can"t. 你当然能


 你做的决定 You can. It"s your money. It"s your decision. -你能的

 -并不是这样的 - You can. - Not really. 有很多其他因素影响着 There"s just a lot of other factors involved 这样的决定

 很难说得清 in decisions like that. It"s really tricky. 看

 这就是问题所在 You see? That"s the thing. 你假装很前卫很高端 You pretend to be all cutting-edge and progressive, 还问我们为什么 asking about the why. 为什么



 罗纳德 Why, Nick? Why, Ronald? 为什么 Why? 你不过像其他人一样是个企业傀儡 You"re just a corporate stooge like the rest of em. 跟你说我一直在想 You know, I"ve been thinking. 我觉得你忽视了 I think you"ve been overlooking the value 一个基于理论的公♥司♥价值 of a company based in ideology right now. 如果它能使人成为关键 If you set out to make it about people... 如果人类共同价值是你的标准 if common human values are your measuring stick... 而不是盈利

 唯一可以毁灭我们的 and not profit, the only thing that could undo us 正是屈朋于这个国家所建立于的 is succumbing to the same misguided values 歪曲的价值 that this country was built on. 贪婪

 自大 Greed. Ego. 你应该把这些都写下来 You should be writing all this down. 三杯龙舌兰

 谢谢 Three tequila shots, please. 这就是为什么我要与 That"s why I surround myself with people 懂得共同价值的人为伍 that understand common values, 比如罗纳德·达西

 尼克·塔尔曼 like Ronald Dacey, Nick Talman. 他们是侦币的真正英雄 They"re the real heroes of GenCoin. 他们让我了解侦币在这世上的真正用处 They showed me its true place in this world. -他姓啥来着

 -达西 - His last name again? - Dacey. 达

 西 D-A-C-E-Y. 塔尔曼


 尔 Talman. T-A-L... 曼 M-A-N. 你太棒了 Wow! You"re the best! 没有他们

 就没有侦币 There"s no GenCoin without them. 谢谢 Thank you. 我拿走了 I"ll take this. 就两分钟


 两年半的感情 Just two minutes. Please, two and a half years, 我只求你给我两分钟 all I"m asking for is two minutes. 我真的搞砸了 I really, really messed up. 我真的很抱歉 I"m really, really sorry. 我不敢相信我们会有这样的谈话 I can"t even believe we"re having this conversation. 我不敢相信事情会恶化得这么快 I can"t believe it got so bad so fast. 听着 Look... 我骗了你 I lied to you. 我很抱歉 And I"m so sorry. 这不是借口 And this isn"t an excuse at all. 我

 这只是一个 I... it was just one of those things 开始很小的事 where it started as something very small. 我在尝试做点好事 And I was trying to do something good. -对谁

 -而它 - For who? - And it... 什么意思 What do you mean? 对谁是好事 Who was it good for? 我 I... 我觉得你还没明白 I still don"t think you understand 侦币的意义 what GenCoin is about. 那你呢

 尼克 Do you, Nick? 你拿了毒资

 你犯了欺诈罪 You took drug money. You committed fraud. 你跟一个黑帮成员混在一起 I mean, you"re hanging out with a gangster. 天哪 Jesus Christ! 你伤了人吗 I mean, have you hurt people? -我什么

 -回答我的问题 - Have I what? - Just answer the question. 你有没有伤害别人

 我不知道 Have you hurt anybody? I don"t know... 你什么意思

 我有没有 What do you mean? Have I... 我有没有伤害别人

 什么 Have I hurt anyone? What? 我不知道

 我该怎么想 I don"t know! What am I supposed to think? 不是


 不是那样 No... I don"t know! Not that! 你在说什么

 你不 What are you talking about? You don"t... 你


 好吧 you... do you really... okay. 对不起

 你真觉得我会做这种事吗 I"m sorry. Do you really think I would do something like that? 我不知道


 我不知道 I don"t know. Honestly, I don"t know. 我之前不会

 我所了解的 No, I didn"t before. The person that... -泰勒


 但不 - Taylor! - That I knew! But no... 你了解我的

 你在说什么呢 You know me. What are you talking about? 我不了解你


 尼克 I don"t know you! I don"t know you because, Nick, 我就是不了解

 我不懂你 I don"t, okay? I... I don"t know you. 因为你都不了解你自己 Okay? Because you don"t even know you. 你骗了自己 You lie to yourself. 你喜欢假装自己在做好事 You like to pretend you"re this... this do-gooder, 做什么小♥额♥贷♥款♥那些糊烂玩意儿 okay, with your micro-financing bullshit, 你还辞职了 and you quit your job. 我要是说了

 你就不会让我这么做了 Hey, you wouldn"t have let me if I told you. Okay? -是吗


 肯定是这样 - Oh, really? - Yeah! That"s absolutely right! 你和你♥爸♥

 也许你们应该 You and your dad... Maybe if you would just 让我做我想做的人 have let me be who I wanted to be! -什么



 我没开玩笑 - What? What? - No, I"m not kidding! 我没开玩笑

 你们 I"m not kidding! You guys... 你们看着我就像是个无关紧要的闲汉 you looked at me like I was some irreverent hippie 完全不鸟家里的事 who didn"t give a shit about family 完全不懂得付出 or... or about... about providing 就因为我不想要保时捷 because I didn"t want a Porsche, 不想谈论房♥地♥产♥ or I didn"t want to chat about real estate, 不想对那些富商阿谀奉承 or I didn"t wanna suck off my rich friends 不然我就能飞黄腾达 so I could climb the ladder 站在我家别♥墅♥楼顶 and wave my dick from 肆无忌惮地蔑视众生 the fucking top of my big mansion, 因为我无比自豪自己能 because I"m very proud that I can spend 砸二十万给自己女儿办成人礼 $200,000 on my kid"s fucking bat mitzvah. 真♥他♥妈♥好极了 So... fucking great. 对不起 I"m sorry. 泰勒 Taylor... hey. -别说了


 -不 - Just stop. Just... please. - No. 拜托


 让我自己静会儿 Please, just stop talking. Just leave me alone for a second. 妈的

 那你想要我怎么说 Goddamn it! What am I supposed to say 你都把我看成是一个暴♥力♥男了 when you start acting like I"m a violent person? 我想让你怎么说

 你就应该说句 What are you supposed to say? You are supposed to say, "对不起"

 就可以闭嘴了 "I"m sorry," and then shut the fuck up! 你别以为整件事只有你最倒霉 You are not supposed to make this all about you. 你知道什么让我最不爽吗 I mean, you know what really sucks? 当...当我最开始爱上你的时候 When... when I first fell in love with you, 当我第一次认清自己 when I really knew for the first time 只想和你在一起的时候 that I wanted to be with you, I mean, 我遇到过许许多多男人 there were all those other guys there, okay? 许多渣男 All those other douchebags. 可当我遇见了你

 我就知道找对了 And then I met you, and I just knew it. 你与众不同 Okay, you were different. 我欣赏你 And I respected that. 我欣赏你的激♥情♥ Okay, I respected your passion. 我欣赏你的真诚 I respected your integrity. 另外

 我爸也一样 And, by the way, so did my dad. Okay? 我爸一直都很喜欢你 My dad"s always liked you, 我才不管我和我爸这么看待你 and I don"t really give a shit what notion you"ve put on him 会让你对我和他抱有什么想法 or what notion you put on me about the way that we look at you, 因为那都不是真的

 全都不是真的 because it"s not true. Okay? It"s not true! 都只是你的臆想

 太不公平了 It is all in your head, and it"s not fair. 那是你的问题

 那是你的自卑 That is your issue. That is your self pity. 那是你没有安全感 That is your insecurity. 我都不知道... I don"t even know what... 我以为我了解你 I thought I knew you. Well... 我曾经很了解你 I used to know you. 了解那个曾经的你 The guy that you used to be. 我爱那样的你 And I loved that guy. 可现在 But this... 站在我面前的这个人 this guy standing in front of me? 我已经不认识了 I just don"t know you. 我变得更好了

 我现在就是这样 I"m a better person now. That"s who I am. -真的吗

 -没错 - Really? - Yeah. Yeah. 你口中那个曾经的我

 让我恶心 That guy you"re talking about, I hate his guts. 那可真是太可惜了

 尼克 Well, that"s really a shame, Nick. 因为我只想和那个曾经的你在一起 Because that"s the person that I want to be with. 内有恶犬 这周末肯定能搞定 It"ll be ready by the end of this week. 那已经凉了

 我再给你煮一壶 That"s cold, let me make you some more. -没事

 -已经凉了 - It"s good. - It"s cold! 你今天也还要去上班吗 Hey, hey, you"re going into your office today? 我会回来的 I"ll be back. 可你妹妹明天就要嫁人了 But your sister"s getting married tomorrow! 妈

 我就去半天 Mom, it"s a half day. 记得把杯子带回来 Bring that mug back. 梅根

 这是谁挂的锁 Megan. Who has the key to this? 梅根


 钥匙在谁那里 Megan. What"s this? Who has the key? 梅根

 梅根 Megan! Megan. 梅根 Megan! 梅根 Megan. 你有这把锁的钥匙吗 Hey! You have the key to this? -抱歉



 梅根 - Sorry, Izzy. - Sorry what? Megan. 过来开门 Come open the gate! -拿钥匙


 -我也没办法 - Use the key! Megan! - I don"t know what to do. -我是你老板


 -不 - I"m your boss! I hired you! - No. I... -梅根

 -你从没给我发过工资 - Megan. - Um, you never paid me. 我没给你发工资


 你是实习生 I never paid you? Megan, you were an intern! -我是实习生


 梅根 - I"m an intern. - Open the gate! Megan! -梅根


 -我不能开门 - Megan, why? - I"m not supposed to open the gate. 谁不准你开门的

 亚历克斯吗 Yeah, who told you you"re not supposed to open the gate? Alex? 亚历克斯

 亚历克斯 Alex! Alex! -冷静

 -你要我冷静 - Please calm down. - Calm down? 这是我的公♥司♥


 他妈的来开门 It"s my company! Megan, open the fucking gate! 别骂脏话 You don"t need to swear. 别骂脏话


 梅根 I don"t need to... Open the fucking gate, Megan! 开门

 开门 Open the gate! Open the gate. -过来


 -别理她 - Come here. Come here. - Don"t talk to her. 你有钥匙吗 You have the key to this? -别给她钥匙

 -你说"别给她钥匙" - Don"t give her the key. - No? "Don"t give her the key"? 亚历克斯

 薇拉 Alex! Vera! 开门

 不然我把门砸了 Open this gate! I will break it down! 开门

 不然我他妈的把门砸了 Open the gate! I"ll break this fucker down! -梅根

 -我要叫保安了 - Megan! - I"m calling security. 你叫啊

 你们能在这干活还不是因为我 Call security! You guys are all here "cause of me! 这是老娘的公♥司♥ This is my company!

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