
《创业公♥司♥》前情提要 我今天差点死了 I almost died today. -该死


 有人想杀你吗 - Goddamn. - Whoa, wait! Someone tried to kill you? 这帮俄♥罗♥斯♥人以为我在他们的软件里放了病毒 These Russians thought I put a virus in their software. 我脑子里只有你

 还有我多爱你 All I could think about was you and how much I love you. 有个人在监狱里 There is a man in jail. 他杀了我搭档

 现在在坐牢 He killed my partner. He"s in prison for it now. 你就是个混球

 达西 And you a bitch-ass, Dacey! 就是因为他

 涂易才不在了 Touie ain"t here no more "cause of him. 维斯·钱德勒加入了 Well, Wes Chandler"s in. 当你在搞商业间谍活动并被绑♥架♥的时候 While you were committing corporate espionage and getting kidnapped, 我达成了这笔交易 I closed that deal. 不用谢 You"re welcome. -我们有一些竞争者

 -卡赞克夫家族 - We got some competition. - Kazankov family. 她死之前他们不会罢休的 They ain"t gonna stop until she dead. 你们都会跟我住在这个岛上 You"re all gonna be living on the island with me. 我要把他们送走

 去个安全的地方 I"m gonna send "em away, someplace safe. 你凭什么觉得自己够格 So, how do you see yourself fitting in? 你能保护好我的投资吗

 我指的是伊兹 Can you protect my investment? Talking about Izzy. 这个阿♥拉♥克网

 我会干到底 This ArakNet shit, I"m gonna see it through, 因为这是我拥有的一切 "cause that"s all I got right here. 早餐准备好了 Hey, breakfast is ready. -老兄

 -抱歉 - Dude! - Sorry! 我们是个家庭 We a family here. 最好是 Gotta be, 因为家庭就是要信任 "cause family all about trust... 就是要忠诚 all about loyalty, 我们就要依靠这些 and those are the things we depend on. 因为我们在这里做的 "Cause what we doing here... 实在是太重要了 is far too important. 我们在努力的 What we working on 是高度加密的新版暗网 is a highly encrypted new version of the dark web. 没有人能知道它的存在 Can"t nobody know about it. 任何人问起伊兹·莫拉莱斯

 她都不存在 Anybody ask, Izzy Morales, she don"t exist. 阿♥拉♥克网创造者是匿名的 ArakNet"s creator: anonymous. 地点

 未知 Location: unknown. 每天都像今天一样 Everyday, just like today, 你要曝光我们创建的据点 you are to report to the spot that we set up. 我或者我们任何一员都会现身 Me or one of my crew, we show up, 然后把你赶走 we drive you the rest of the way. 外面有很多人想看见我们失败 There are plenty of people out there who want to see us fail, 有些人甚至想伤害我们 some that even want to hurt us, 所以按规矩来非常地重要 so it"s damn important that you follow protocol. 我们不是闹着玩

 你们要明白这点 We not playing, y"all need to understand that. 我们一起努力工作 We will sweat together. 一起浴血奋斗 We will bleed together, 因为我们是一个家庭 "cause we a family... 这就是家庭的意义 and that"s what families do. 但安全是头等大事 But security is tops, 因为赌注太大了 "cause the stakes is way too high here. 如果你要逃

 我会找到你 And if you stray, I will find you... 扭断你的脖子 and I will break your neck. 好吗 A"ight? 欢迎加入 Welcome aboard! 创业公♥司♥ 老爸 Dad? 我去叫护士

 马上就回来 I"m gonna get the nurse, okay? Okay. Be right back. 现在增长得很好 So, look, growth is really good. 我们真的应该为此高兴 We should be really happy about that. 舆♥论♥是很强大的 Word of mouth is strong. 虽然不够匹敌盖泽

 但是... Umm, I mean, it"s not enough to top Guizer, but, uh-- 盖泽这周准备突破一百万 Guizer"s expected to hit their first million this week. -我们呢

 -两万 - Where are we? - 20K. 但我们增长相当快 Yeah, but we"re trending upward really quickly. 知道吗

 我受够了一直看这个 You know, um, I"m done looking at this, you know? 当你的对手拿了一块派 When your competitor takes a piece of the pie, 不仅仅是他的派变大了 it"s not just that his piece of the pie gets bigger, 是整个派变得变小了

 直到他全部拿走 it"s that the whole pie gets smaller until he"s the pie. 那我们怎么办 So, what do we do? 我需要灵感 I need inspiring. 我现在毫无头绪 You know, I"m-I"m-- I"m a little underwhelmed right now. -我需要灵感

 -玛拉和我一直在讨论 - I need to be whelmed. - Uh, well, Mara and I have been talking, -然后

 -我们在做的是工作 - and, uh-- - What we"re doing is working-- 有条不紊地工作 slow, steadily. 所有大型互联网都是这么做起来的 That"s how all great networks started. 但时代不同了 Yeah, but that was a different time. 我们现在需要激进 Now we need to be aggressive. 你要么是唯一的

 要么什么都不是 You"re either the only or you"re nothing. 她说得对

 我们要动作快点 She"s right. We gotta move fast. 迈阿密布兹科技大会下周举办 BuzzTech Miami is next week, 我们可以参加

 做些努力 and I think we can go and make some inroads. 等等


 什么 Wait. Pause. What? 不弄那些招摇的

 不摆摊什么的 Nothing fancy, no booth or anything. 就是吸引别人的注意 Just going to get in people"s ears. 软件开♥发♥者啊

 应用开♥发♥者啊 Software developers, app makers-- 我们得让他们开始用我们的网络 we need to get them to start using our network. 这主意不错

 我喜欢 This is good. I like this. -我没意见

 -这主意糟透了 - I"m whelmed. - It"s a terrible idea. -为什么

 -开♥发♥者不会买♥♥进暗网的 - Why? - Developers are not gonna buy into the dark net. -不是现在

 -暗网这名字听着就不行 - Not now. - The dark net sounds terrible. -听起来不合法

 -我们要改一下 - It sounds illegal. - We"re gonna reframe it. 阿♥拉♥克网要成为一个家喻户晓的名字 ArakNet needs to be a household name. 没有人会说

 "我在上暗网" No one"s gonna say, "I"m on the dark net." 他们会说

 "我在上阿♥拉♥克网" They"re gonna say, "I"m on ArakNet." 实际上很多公♥司♥都在观望 And lots of companies have been looking, actually, 自从网络不再中立开始 since net neutrality"s been compromised. 是啊


 亚普戈博网 Yeah, KolPart, YapGrab. -这些都在分崩离析

 -是啊 - Those are all falling apart. - Exactly. 这就是他们需要我们的原因 That"s why they need us. 他们不断遭入侵

 信任正在消失 Yeah, they keep getting hacked. Trust is evaporating. 这很好 This is good. 他们所要做的就是下载阿♥拉♥克网 I mean, all they need to do is download ArakNet, 让人们交流

 让人们分享 get people talking, people share. 完全同意 Overwhelmed. 整个会议里我听过最蠢的事 Dumbest shit I"ve heard this whole meeting. 你想去布兹科技大会

 我没兴趣 You wanna go to BuzzTech? Underwhelmed. -我说什么呢


 我去 - What"d I say? - I"ll go. I"ll go. 伊兹 Izzy. 我要那个小贱♥人♥退出 I want that tiny bitch out. 这不光是她的想法 This isn"t just her. -布兹科技大会


 这是良机 - BuzzTech? - Yeah, it"s a huge opportunity. -我们不能抛头露面

 -没问题 - We"re trying to stay hid. - Okay, 你和罗纳德待在这里

 我和玛拉去 you stay here with Ronald, I will go with Mara. 我才不怕被超越

 尼克 Hah! I"m not scared of getting capped, Nick. -我...

 -这不是问题 - I-- - That"s not the problem. 我担心阿♥拉♥克网会公开 I"m worried about making ArakNet a public thing. 可是它本来就是公开的啊 But it is a public thing. 有人在写相关博客 People are writing blogs about it 还有关于它的红迪网论♥坛♥ and having Reddit forums about it. 这就是它的传播方式

 是我们要的 This is how it spreads. This is what we want. 是啊

 通过口耳相传 Yeah, through-- through word of mouth, 而不是通过什么狗屁公♥关♥ not through some-- I don"t know, some PR bullshit. 你在干什么

 这是什么 What are you doing? What is this? 你什么意思

 什么 What do you mean? What? 你在干什么

 你为什么做这件事 I mean, what are you doing? Why are you doing this? 你不就是要求胜吗 Is this not what you wanted? To win? 我只是说我们不需要什么大型会议 I"m just saying we don"t need some big conference. 当然需要 Yes, we do. 不是的

 我们本来的纲要更好 No. No. Our platform is better. 本来的纲要更大

 更宏伟 It"s-- it"s bigger. It"s huge. -人们会看到的

 -但维斯也是对的 - People are gonna see that. - But Wes-- Wes is also right. 盖泽会挖走那些开♥发♥者 Guizer is gonna scoop up these developers. 然后呢 And? 我们速度更快

 加密更好 Our speed is up, our encryption is huge, -跳转更高效

 -我们要去 - our hops are more efficient. - We"re gonna go. 我是行政总裁

 我决定了 I"m CEO. It"s my call. 你要做这个决定 You"re gonna make that call? 是的 Yeah. 因为你是行政总裁

 你不能老是这样 "Cause you"re CEO? You can"t keep playing that card! 我现在就是要这么干 I am going to play that card right now 因为如果不这样

 我们在忙什么呢 because if not, what are we doing? 我们就是在瞎忙活

 那就是我们在做的 We"re just spinning our wheels. That"s all we"re doing. -我们应该是一个团队

 -我们是团队 - We"re supposed to be a team. - We are a team, 也就是说这不是你一个人的事 meaning this isn"t just about you! 意味着也有别人在牺牲 Meaning there are other people sacrificing as well-- 牺牲职业生涯和他们的生命 sacrificing careers and sacrificing lives. 听起来怎么样

 可能有生命危险 How about that? Potentially sacrificing lives. 我要那小贱♥人♥滚 I want that tiny bitch gone. 我的天 Oh my God. 我们谈过这事了 We talked about this. 我们唯一可以存活下来的方式 The only way that we get out of this alive 就是做大才能不失败 is if we"re too big to fail, 所以我自己和那小贱♥人♥去

 谢了 so myself and that tiny bitch are going. Thanks. 盖泽

 上网人次 干得好 Nice job. 香港的合伙人 ...partnerships in Hong Kong-- -沈景

 -贝尔先生 - Jing-Shen. - Mr. Bell. 很高兴见到你


 聊聊 Good to see you. Vera, chat? -失陪一下

 -好的 - Would you excuse me? - Oh. Absolutely. 谢谢

 谢谢谅解 Thank you. Very gracious. 先喝点饮料吧 Help yourself to a drink. 我们可以利用布兹科技大会公开移交公♥司♥ We can use BuzzTech as a way to hand over the company publicly. 我可以解释说 Okay? I"ll just explain that 我需要一些时间做我下一个项目 I need some time to work on my next project. 大会是在明天

 亚历克斯 The conference is tomorrow, Alex. 为什么现在才说 Why are you doing this right now? 因为我受够了 "Cause I"m done, okay? 我要进行股权收♥购♥ I want a buyout. 你还有两年 You still have two years left. 盖泽有了一百万用户

 现在稳速发展 Guizer has a million users. It is on cruise control... 都是因为我 because of me. 薇拉 Vera. 盖泽赢定了

 势不可挡 Guizer is winning. It is unstoppable. 我赢得了我的份额 I-- I earned my take. 你这是... What are you...? -这是什么

 -你股权收♥购♥的条件 - What is this? - The conditions of your buyout. -一千万用户

 -这是我们第二个里程碑 - Ten million users? - Our second milestone. 不

 不 No! No! 亚历克斯

 我们要你出现在布兹科技大会上 Alex! We need your face at BuzzTech. 我们需要你出现在旧金山的科技创新大会上 We need your face at Disrupt in San Francisco. 我们需要你 We need you... 出席东京的峰会 the summit in Tokyo. 到那时


 盖泽所向披靡 And by then, you"re right, Guizer will be bulletproof. 侦币会成为全球通用的货币 GenCoin will be a ubiquitous global currency. 我们将会把暗网一体化 We"ll have horizontal integration across the dark web, 而你可以舒舒服服地进行股权收♥购♥ and you can take a comfortable buyout 在史上最大的科技革命中 and become a passive earner 毫不费力地躺着赚钱 in the largest tech revolution in history. 东西都在吧 Hey. You have "em? 嗯 Yup. 你们还要这么干吗 You guys are really doing this, huh? 如果薇拉搞什么动作呢 What if Vera tries something? 那么多人

 不可能吧 With that many people? I doubt it. 我可不确定 I don"t know. 你知道这是我们最好的机会

 你有底的 You know this is our best shot. Deep down, I know you know that. 祝我们好运 Wish us luck. 内文 Hey, Nevin. -我的天

 -你好吗 - Oh my gosh. - How are you? -你好吗

 -见到你真好 - How are you? - Good to see you. 我是尼克·塔尔曼 Nick Talman. 我是扎克

 我们能为你做什么 Hi, Zack. How can we help you? 扎克

 幸会 Zack, nice to meet you. 我是尼克·塔尔曼

 能聊一下吗 Nick Talman. Can we chat for a sec? 当然 Sure. 有太多繁文缛节和不可预知的障碍存在 There is so much red tape and so many unexpected roadblocks, 阿♥拉♥克网的优势正在于此 and that"s the beauty of ArakNet. 能让你们拓展到全球 It"s gonna give you the power to expand globally, 不受限制 without restriction. 我知道你们 2018 年想进军中国

 对吗 I know you guys are looking to be in China by 2018. Is that correct? -是啊

 17 或 18 年吧

 -很好 - Yeah, 2017, 2018. - Great, 但如果你们没有像我们这样的暗网 but there"s no way you"re gonna be able to do that 你们是不可能成功的 without a dark web network like ourselves. 内文


 阿♥拉♥克网的 Nevin, I"m Nick Talman, I"m with ArakNet. -玛拉跟你谈过了吗


 怎么了 - I believe Mara spoke to you? - Yeah, what"s up? 这不是一个新平台

 这是一场革命 This isn"t a new platform, guys. This is a revolution. 你的用户们会耗尽这种自♥由♥ Your users are gonna eat up this sort of freedom, -因为缺乏监管

 -也许吧 - the lack of regulation. - Maybe. 盖泽不仅仅是暗网的未来 Guizer isn"t just the future of the dark net. 还是互联网的未来 It is the future of the Internet. 接口还不足以打动我 Wasn"t blown away by the interface. 你们很牛 So, you guys are amazing, 但有了盖泽

 你们可以大展身手 but with Guizer, the world is your playground. 我昨晚跟亚历克斯·贝尔谈过了 Look, I sat down with Alex Bell last night, 他说动我了 and he got me thinking. 有了这些公♥司♥加入我们的平台 And with each of their companies becoming exclusive to our platform, 我们将成为未来几代人都会使用的 we will be the ubiquitous dark web access point 暗网访问入口 for generations to come. 保罗


 兄弟 Paul? Good to see you, man. -你搞定样品机了

 -是啊 - You-- you got your prototype? - Yeah. -你哪来的资金

 -卢卡斯·费恩 - Where"d you get the funding? - Lucas Fein. 他召我回去了

 因为他们发现我没有... He called me back in when they found out I wasn"t... -当然了

 -再和你打交道 - Sure. - ...with you anymore. 明白了 I see. 一切都很好 That all sounds great. 只有一件事

 我们刚和盖泽达成一致 The thing is, we just agreed to the same thing with Guizer. 行吧 All right. 就算我们要做这件事

 也是会选他 If we"re gonna do this sort of thing, it"s gonna be with him. 好的

 我懂了 Okay. I see. 我们在这里


 谢谢你们 We"re here. We"re born. Thank you, everybody. 这样如何

 玛拉 How about this? Mara. 你帮我搞定她 Okay. You help me get up in that, -打住


 -我就挺你 - All right. Go fuck yourself. - ...I"m all yours, bro. 我不知道你们有没有意识到 I"m not sure if you guys are aware, 我们真的完败了 but we"re getting a really good ass-whupping. 盖泽都超过一百万了

 我们才到两万 Guizer"s got over a mill, we"ve barely reached 20K. 昨晚我们测试的配置 Um, the configuration that we tested last night, 其实超过了他们的流量 actually outperformed their up/down. 是啊

 自从我改进了密♥码♥ Yeah. Yeah, we"ve got their decryption totally beat 就彻底打败了他们的译码 since I souped up that cipher, so. 所以我们的配置更强

 输出更快 So we have a better configuration, and our exit is faster. 他们还是占了上风 They still have the drop on us. 那是因为我们的前端太差了 It"s because our front end sucks. 我们的前端不差 Our front end doesn"t suck. 我们的前端烂得不行啊

 亲 Our front end is as clumsy as a bag of dicks, girl. 有吗

 因为前端是我造的 Is it? Because I built that front end. 我知道是你

 所以我说 I know you did, and that"s why I"m saying, 也许我们该换个人做做看 maybe we should get somebody who does this kind of thing. 可能会有用 It could help. 不是接口的问题

 兰斯 It"s not the interface, Rance. -我要提出我的想法了

 -别 - I"m gonna pitch them my idea. - No, don"t. -太冒险了


 -凯西 - It"s too risky. They"re not gonna-- - Cassi? 你有想法吗 You have an idea? 说吧 Spit it. 好吧

 我在想 Okay, I was just thinking-- I don"t know-- 我可以编写个病毒 I-I-I-- I could write a virus 可以利用应用评论插件 that hijacks the app review plug-ins 公布有利我们的广♥告♥ and turns them into advertisements for us. 不错 Beautiful. -有品位


 -我喜欢 - Like classy, like cooler... - I love it. 类似阿♥拉♥克网的商标, just the ArakNet logo. 来个蜘蛛爬过屏幕这样 Like-- like a spider crawls across their screen. Like-- -来点小玩意

 -没错 - Just a little-- - Yeah, right. 可以设计得很酷

 很隐晦 Like real cool and cryptic. 可以让人们感到好奇 It would make people wonder, you know? 嗯

 很有意思 Yeah, it"s-it"s-- it"s an interesting idea, 但是不合法的

 所以... but it"s illegal, so it"s-- it"s-- - -没错

 -是个好主意 - Well, yeah-- - It"s a great idea, 但只有被捕了才犯法 and it"s only illegal if you get caught. -别被捕


 -好的 - Don"t get caught, Cassi. - Okay. -好

 -伊兹 - Okay. - Izz. -我没事


 随便了 - I"m good. - Okay, whatever. 会议结束

 回去工作吧 Meeting adjourned. Time to work. 你好吗 很好 谢尔盖得了尿路感染

 但是... 女孩还是男孩 是和一个南滩妞一起时得的 听着 我要结果 那个古巴女人 古巴女人

 对 但她有帮手 我姐目光太短浅了 我要三个人都消失 那个海地人

 那个犹太人 你叔叔怎么说 去他的 他想要的 就是退休去博卡 背弃原则 怕累活儿 但我们 三个 我们可以统治这座城市 她没告诉你这里的情况吧 She ain"t tell you what"s going on here, did she? 她说了 Yeah, she told me. 但你还是来了 And you"re still here. 我就是需要一个转变 I just needed a change. 你懂吗 You know? 这绝对是一次转变了

 那是肯定的 That"s one hell of a damn change, that"s for sure. 你绝对想不到 You have no idea. 你为什么不和我们一起住在岛上 So, why aren"t you living out on the island with the rest of us? 你们不是我唯一要照顾的人 Y"all ain"t the only people I gotta look out for. 你一直做私人保镖吗 Have you always worked in private security? 他有整套媒体机制 I mean, he has an entire media machine. 我们很难匹敌 It"s very hard to compete with that. -坐下


 谢谢 - Sit down. - No, thank you. 你搞得我很紧张

 坐 You"re driving me nuts. Sit. -抽一根


 -我不抽烟 - Have one of these, please. - I don"t smoke. 不是抽烟

 这是雪茄 It"s not smoking. It"s a cigar. 给我点...给我点酒 Just give me... just give me a scotch. 明天我去... I"m gonna take it tomorrow... 布兹科技大会

 喝喝咖啡谈谈事 at BuzzTech-- the coffees, the meetings. -听着


 -尼克 - Look, I-- I really feel-- - Nick. -怎么了

 -拜托 - Yeah? - Please. 我已经决定了 It"s what I do. 我为这东西花了大价钱 I paid good money for that stuff. 又没毒害 It ain"t poisoned. 很抱歉我惹恼了你 I"m sorry if I annoy you. 不

 我就是不懂 No, I don"t get you. 一开始你疏远我

 那是阶级问题 First you stand me off. Like, okay, that"s class. 我是塔姆 Hey, this is Tam. 给我留言

 我稍后回你 Leave me a message, and I"ll get back to you. -大罗尼


 马夫 - Hey, Big Ron. - How you do, Marv? 不用找零了 Keep the change. 怎么回事 What"s going on around here? 你怎么了 What"s the matter with you? 那个男人追着我 That man is after me. 你得阻止他

 他又追我了 You gotta stop him. He"s after me again. 你从哪里来

 高个子 Where you from, Kantavious? -夏洛特

 -夏洛特 - Charlotte. - Charlotte. 你跟这些人共事了多久 So, how long you been with these guys? -从一开始

 -真棒 - Since the beginning. - Fantastic. -嗯

 -他们给你住套房♥了吧 - Yeah. - They put you in a suite, right? 不是套房♥

 但是... Not a suite, but-- 不是吗 No? -那可太棒了


 -嗯 - That"s fantastic, man. - Yeah. 他们炒了你们鱿鱼 And they canned you? -算是吧


 但这样最好 - Um, well, kinda, yeah. - Yeah, but it was for the best, 因为现在我们有了这个 "cause now we got this. -为什么选盖泽

 -因为亚历克斯·贝尔 - So, why Guizer? - Alex Bell. 名声不错 Great reputation. 没错 I mean, yeah. 我们见识了他们超快的带宽速度 We saw that they had killer bandwidth speed. 我们不是在讨论喷气发动机和智能家居 We"re not talking about scramjets and smart homes. 我们是在讨论匿名安全 I mean, we"re talking anonymity here, man. 我们在讨论自♥由♥ We"re talking freedom. 我来给你们讲讲亚历克斯·贝尔吧 Let me tell you something about Alex Bell, okay? 他有三家公♥司♥损失惨重地倒闭 He had three companies that failed miserably. 想成为下一个埃隆·马斯克

 但他不是 Wants to be the next Elon Musk? He"s not Elon Musk. 他连给我提裤子都不配 He could eat the peanuts out of my shit. -什么

 -我问你一个问题 - What? - Let me ask you a question. 你会从马克·扎克伯格手里买♥&herts;过滤软件吗 Would you buy ad-block software from Mark Zuckerberg? -不会

 -如果你要相信一个合作公♥司♥ - No. - If you wanna trust a corporate-run, 公开的上市公♥司♥

 比如安讯士 publicly traded company like Axis 有着信息民♥主♥的未来 with the future of digital democracy, 那你就可以勇往直前了 well, then you go right the fuck ahead. 听听我刚说的 Listen to what I just said. 见鬼

 对你自己说上几次 I mean, heck, say it-- say it yourself a couple of times. 基本都可以算是讽刺了 It"s basically satire. 他们跟三星


 微软 They"ve got billion-dollar contracts 签了数以十亿计的合同 with Samsung, Amazon, with Microsoft. 你觉得用他们的云端投资会安全吗 You think your investment"s gonna be safe using their cloud? 我也就是说说 I mean, I"m just saying, you know? 我也许是错的 I-I-- I might be wrong. 我希望我没有越界 I hope I"m not out of line, you know? 但是

 去他们的 But, um, fuck them! -大罗尼


 小麦 - Big Ronnie. - "Sup, Mickey? -还好

 -还好 - Yeah. - Yeah. 抱歉了

 伙计 Hey. So sorry, friend. 娜迪亚和我愿你节哀 Condolences... from me, Nadia, both. -谢了

 -没事 - Yeah, thanks. - Cool. -好的


 -你饿吗 - Yeah, all right, bruh. - Are you hungry? -当然了

 -要吃什么 - Oh yeah, yeah. - What can I get you? 好吧 All right. Uh... 今晚有很不错的炸鳕鱼 I got real nice fried cod tonight. -你换菜单了


 -是的 - You change the menu, bruh? - Yeah. -感觉是时候了

 -好吧 - Thought it was time, you know? - Okay. -你知道

 -给我一份鳕鱼吧 - You know-- - Let me get that cod then. -好的


 我就要鳕鱼 - Sure thing. - If that"s what"s up, let me get that damn cod. -很好吃

 -你雇了一个新厨师吗 - Yeah, it"s good. - You got a new chef back there too? -新厨师


 -见鬼 - New chef. Everything new. - Oh goddamn, bruh. -要可乐吗


 给我一瓶 - A Coke? - Yeah, let me get a Coke. 谢了兄弟 Thanks, bruh. 我去抽根烟

 很快回来 I"m gonna grab a smoke right quick. 好 Right. 我说

 小麦 Hey, say, uh, Mickey. 也许冰啤跟这鳕鱼比较配

 是吧 Maybe a cold beer to go with this? Go good with the cod, right? -当然



 兄弟 - Sure. - Yeah, all right. Thanks, bruh. 谢了

 兄弟 Thanks, bruh. 还是来点朗姆酒吧 Maybe a little rum to go with that? 只要一点点 Just a little-- Just a little finger. 谢了 Just-- thanks. 很好吃


 真的很好吃 That"s good, bruh. That"s real good. 谢了 Thanks. -嗯


 我是小麦 - Yeah? - E? Mick. 很高兴见到你

 谢谢你来看我 Hi. Good to see you. Thank you so much for visiting. 谢谢邀请 Thanks for, um, inviting me. 抱歉


 你来点吗 Sorry, I was just in the middle of-- Would you like some? 还有很多 There"s plenty going. 不要吗

 这些还真不赖 No? This is actually not bad. 为了这些吃的

 我可能还会回来 I would come back just for the food. -谢谢


 -是吗 - Thanks, no. - No? 奇怪的是 You know, the weird part is, 这些吃下去

 我根本拉不出 it"s not even gonna come out of my ass. 因为你的打手一发子弹撕裂了我的肠子 "Cause your boy"s bullet ripped through my small intestine, 所以我的屎流进我的血管

 开始腐♥败♥ my own shit started leaking into my bloodstream, went septic. 所以杀死我的不是那发子弹 So it wouldn"t even have been the bullet that killed me. 而是我的屎

 你能相信吗 It would"ve been my own shit. You believe that? 我自己的屎 My own shit. 不管怎样

 我琢磨着你可能想知道 Anyhoo, I figured you"d be wondering 过去几周我究竟去哪里了 where on God"s green Earth I"d been for the past few weeks, 所以我就给你打个电♥话♥ so I... thought I"d give you a call. 你好吗 How are you? 格里戈力要被释放了 Grigory is going to come to his senses. 那是自然 Oh, I"m sure he is, yeah. 他要从监狱里出来了 He will be released from prison 皮尔斯探员的谋杀案要重新开案了 and Agent Pierce"s murder case will be reopened. 我不知道你觉得会发生什么 I"m not sure what you thought was gonna happen. 很合理 That"s fair. 所以当我作证的时候 So when I take the stand, 我要说说掩盖戴菲尔·莫拉莱斯谋杀案的事 I"ll be telling them about the cover-up with Delfia Morales 以及谋杀绑♥架♥伊兹未遂的事 and the attempted murder and kidnapping of Izzy, 还有所有的金融骗局 and all the other financial shenanigans 你已经进行了五六年的那些 that you"ve had going on for the past five or six years, 足以让我把你永远毁掉 with which I could sink you like a stone. 我觉得我该让你知道 I thought I should let you know that. 是的 Yeah. 清楚了吗 Are we clear? -是的

 -好的 - Yeah. - Good. 我说完了

 你可以走了 I"ve finished talking now. You can go. 朋友们

 你们认识我吗 My niggas. You know who I am? -什么


 知道我是谁吗 - What? - I said, do you know who I am? 不知道

 老兄 No, man. 知道我是谁吗 Mmm? Do you know who I am? 我叫什么

 我的名字在这一带意味着什么 What my name is? What my name mean in this "hood? -不知道



 朋友 - No, man. - You don"t know me, nigga? 不

 我们就是来喝杯啤酒 No. We just came to... get a beer. 你们是来喝酒的啊 Oh, you came to get a fucking beer. -嗯

 -你们来喝啤酒是吗 - Yeah. - You niggas came to get beers, huh? 你们是想看看这一带怎么样的吧 You wanted to see what the "hood like, right? 不

 我们就是...不是 No, we just-- No. 怎么

 你觉得今晚很拽吗 You, what, thought you"d be hard for a night, huh? 想拽


 老兄 You wanna be tough? You gotta get hurt, bruh. 这是规矩 That"s a rule. -这是规矩



 伙计 - That"s a rule, bruh. - Chill, man. 你说什么 What"d you say? 你打断我说话

 朋友 You steppin" to me, nigga? 你们在我的地盘上 You in the 305 right now. 混&arts;蛋♥们到我地盘上

 肯定要被揍 Motherfuckers come to the 305, they get hurt. -就是这样


 -我们... - It"s what happen, bruh. - We"re just-- just-- -你们都会被揍

 -不 - Y"all wanna get hurt? - No. 喂喂 Yo! Yo! 别打了 Hold up! 别打他 Leave him alone! 叫警♥察♥

 伙计 Get the cops up here, man. 小罗


 伙计 Ron! Yo, Ronnie, man! Hey! -别打他了

 -拉住他 - Hey, stop hitting him, man. - Hey, hold him. 走开


 兄弟 Get off! Hey, get off me, bruh! 好了


 冷静 Yo, man, chill out! -老兄


 这混♥蛋♥ - Brother... - He came here to get hurt! Starting shit! 不

 他说什么屁话呢 Oh no, he"s talkin" all kinds of shit! 他在说屁话

 老兄 Talkin" all kinds of shit, man! 放松 Easy. 好好睡一觉吧

 伙计 Now just sleep it off, man. 睡一觉就好了 Just gotta sleep it off, man. 别起来



 有我们呢 Hey, hey, hey, chill, chill, chill, man. We got you. 有我们在




 我们在 We got you. No, no, no, no. Chill, bruh. We got you, man. 说吧

 怎么才能让你舒服一点 Now tell us, man, what it take to make you better, man. Huh? 有我们在

 不管你需要什么 We got you, man. Whatever you need, bruh. 我们是你的家人 We your fam. You know? 有我们在

 我们会照顾你的 We got you, man. We your day ones, all right? 我们照顾你

 你会好起来的 We your day ones, bruh. You good. 听见了吗

 我们照顾你 You hear me? We your day ones. 好吗 All right? 你明白的 Know that. 我们那天肯定搞定了不少人 Well, we definitely shook things up the other day, 因为今天早上

 我们突破了 30 万用户 because early this morning, we broke 300,000 users. 两三天内就达到了 25 万人 That"s a quarter-million people in just a couple of days. 都是你的功劳

 他在大会上掀起了狂潮 All because of you, Wes. He put on a clinic at BuzzTech. 你给我铺平了道路


 你做得很好 You lubed "em up for me pretty good, kid. You really did. 伊兹

 你的代码简直是全场焦点 And, Izzy, your code... star of the show, man. 所有人都在谈论这个 It"s all anybody can talk about. 我也应该说

 你知道的 I also should say that, you know, 要不是罗纳德把我们聚在一起 none of this would"ve happened 这都不会发生 if Ronald didn"t get us started. 罗纳德 Ronald. 干得漂亮

 伙计 Well done, man. -好啊

 -宝贝 - Hey, you. - Hey, babe. 你刚刚看起来好像不在状态 You looked like you were passing out for a second. 是啊 I am. 你真的应该让赛尔和凯西多帮点忙 You should really let Sal and Cassi help more. 还有我 And me. 伊兹 Izzy. 亲爱的

 我就是想要做到完美 Baby, I just want it to be perfect. 其实我不想做到完美 I don"t, actually. I don"t want it to be perfect. 我想要做到最好 I want it to be the best. 说吧 What? 如果你还参与侦币

 你会干什么 What would you do if you were still part of GenCoin? 那样大获成功 All that success? 如果阿♥拉♥克网一样那么成功呢 And what if ArakNet is just as successful? 我是说

 你会乐在其中吗 I mean, would you even enjoy that? 这话怎么说 Where"s this coming from? 也许挑一间可爱的角落办公室 You know, maybe take your nice little corner office? 还有假期 Vacation time? 斯泰拉

 你为什么... Stella, why are you-- 所有噪音都停下来的时候真的很可怕 It"s scary when all the noise stops, isn"t it? 你跟尼克谈过了 You talking to Nick? 伊兹

 几周前你差点死了 Izzy, you almost died a few weeks ago. 你都不谈论这件事 You don"t even wanna talk about it? 那个救你的人

 你都没有... And that guy who saved you, you don"t even-- 你都不知道他还好不好 Do you even know if he"s okay? 亲爱的

 这有什么关系 Baby girl, why does it matter? 我不关心那些 I"m-I"m-- I"m not worried about that. 斯泰拉


 我在担心我们 Stells, I"m trying to move on. I"m worrying about us. 看看这个 Look at this. -好


 -什么 - Yeah, okay, look. - What? 我想和你在一起 I wanna be with you, 不管我们是否一起工作

 还是只是在一起 whether we"re working together or if we"re just together, 但是听着

 如果你要把这些破事闷在心里 but... listen, if you just keep all this shit bottled up inside-- -什么破事

 -"什么破事" - What shit? - "What shit?" 认真的吗 Really? 斯泰拉

 去年发生了很多破事 Stells, a lot of shit happened this past year. 人会变得麻木 You... become numb. 没错 Exactly. 你今天 You have been 冠军赛

 迈阿密对战纽约 在我脑中挥之不去 Strong in my mind today 我爱的人 Who that I love 挡在我面前 Stands in my way 阻止我靠近 And keeps me from trying 我该向谁诉说 Who am I to say? 我的爱正在枯萎 My love is dying 朝着你的方向 To be on your way 而我又为什么 And why am I always 盖泽

 上网人次 在黑夜里哀伤憔悴 Drawn to the darkest light? 看起来好像 It seems that I 我相信我可以让它焕发光芒 I believe I can help it shine 所以让我看看 So let me see 你脸上的皱纹 The lines upon your face 邀请我 Invite me in 去你最黑暗的深处 To dance... -救命


 -抓住他 - Help! Help! - Get him. 跳舞 In your darkest place -抓到了


 救命 - Gotcha. - Help! Help! 救命


 住手 Help! Stop! Stop! 去最黑暗的深处 To dance 跳舞 In your darkest place 去最黑暗的深处 To dance 跳舞 In your darkest place

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