
《生死狙击》前情提要 Previously on "Shooter"... 我以为你是来这让我 Thought you were here to talk me out of 劝说山姆撤销对你提起的意外致死诉讼 a wrongful death suit that Sam was filing against you today. 我想在 30 年后

 你会很难找到 I think you"re gonna have a hard time coming up with any evidence 任何能支撑你指控的证据 to back your claim after more than 30 years. 但你却来了

 这是为什么呢 Yet, here you are. Makes me wonder why. -古铁雷斯

 -很高兴认识你 - Gutierrez? - Nice to meet you. 你跟我父亲厄尔·斯威格一起服役 You served with my father, Earl Swagger. 所以厄尔·斯威格遭人暗♥杀♥后 Which is why I"ve been hiding 我就躲了起来 since Earl Swagger was assassinated. 就在他死前几周 Just a few weeks before he died, 他说他想曝光阿特拉斯 he said he wanted to expose Atlas. 你对现在的阿特拉斯有什么了解 What do you know about Atlas now? 一无所知 Nothing. 但还有个人你可以找她谈话 But there is someone else you can talk to. 凯瑟琳·梅菲尔德 Katherine Mayfield. 越战完后

 她成了五角大楼的黑魔王 After Vietnam, she became something of a dark lord in the Pentagon. 她在哪 Where is she? 她住进了州北部的一家精神病院 She was committed to a psychiatric hospital upstate. -她是疯了

 -不一定 - She"s crazy? - Not necessarily. 你从保险箱里偷走了一样东西 You stole something from the safe. 一张名为"上帝盒子"的解密卡 Decryption card called the God box. 雷德·巴马想要它

 也就意味着阿特拉斯想要它 Red Bama wants it. That means Atlas wants it. 我会告诉你交易的时间地点 I"ll let you know where and when to bring the card. 告诉雷德他该来谢我 Tell Red he has me to thank 等他意识到阿特拉斯有多惨 when he realizes how screwed Atlas is. 一张名为"上帝盒子"的解密卡 She slipped it to me. What is this card? 这是解密卡 It"s a decryption key 用来解密一道政♥府♥通信网络 to a government communications network, 但你必须登录泰坦的内部系统 but you have to access Titan"s internal system to know which one. 纳丁暴露了 Nadine is blown. 她需要帮助逃出来 She needs some help getting out. 楼里有炸♥弹♥ People, there"s a bomb in this building! 随时可能爆♥炸♥

 It could go off any minute! 阿特拉斯多半会怎么应对 How"s Atlas likely to respond to this? 他们会激活 They"ll activate any sleeper agents 任何一直在泰坦工作的潜伏特工 who"ve been working at Titan all along 完事后再派一支撤离队 and send an extraction team for when it"s done. 这对纳丁有什么好处 How does this end well for Nadine? 我投降

 我没带武器 I surrender. I"m unarmed. 太阳出来了

 我们该走了 Sun"s up. We should go. 去哪儿

 他们转走了她 Go where? They moved her. 她现在可能在任何地方 She could be anywhere by now. 不能放弃任何人 No one left behind. 你知道这狗屁是我们在战场上排成队 You know that crap was invented when we were standing 射击红衫军的时候喊出来的吧 in a line shooting at Redcoats in a field. 世界变了

 斯威格 It"s a new world, Swagger. 一场新的战争

 敌人隐形 A new war where the enemy is invisible 人不会死

 而是消失 and people don"t die. They disappear. 要是阿特拉斯抓走了纳丁

 她就救不回来了 If Atlas has Nadine, she"s gone. 我们可不知道他们抓没抓到她 We don"t know if they have her. 我们得尽力去找到她 We"ve gotta try to find her. 纳丁 Nadine. 也很开心见到你们 Nice to see you all too. 四小时前 你是谁 Who are you? 想玩字母游戏吗 Wanna play Alphabet? 我说字母

 当我猜出 I go through the ABCs, you tap the wheel 你效力机构的三个字母

 你就拍方向盘 when I hit the first three-letter agency you work for. 继续保持淡定

 孟菲斯 Keep playing it cool, Memphis. 我知道这是你的风格 I know that"s your thing. 我不是来杀你的 I"m not here to kill you. 你太整洁了

 不像中情局的 You"re too clean-cut for CIA. 对缉毒局来说又不够壮

 无意冒犯 Not ripped enough--no offense-- for DEA. 你不是联调局的

 这我最清楚 You"re not FBI. Takes one to know one. 关于你他们说得没错 They were right about you. 你缺少的优雅

 都给你的胆量了 What you lack in grace, you make up for in grit. 危险的组合 Dangerous combination. "他们"是谁 Who"s "They"? 你一个人带我过来很奇怪 Odd you bringing me here by yourself. -没有犯错的空间

 -我从不犯错 - No room for mistakes. - I don"t make mistakes. 私人地点 Private location. 离办公室较近

 以防上司打电♥话♥ Close enough to the office just in case the boss calls. 你是司法部的

 但你擅自行动 You"re DOJ. But you"ve gone rogue. 整个行动都是秘密进行的 This whole thing is off book. 别再演戏了

 告诉我你想要什么 Stop the theater and tell me what you want. 阿特拉斯 Atlas. 从没听过 Never heard of it. 我追踪阿特拉斯很多年了 I"ve been chasing Atlas for years. 我能给你内♥幕♥消息

 我们可以联手 I can give you an inside track. We can work together. 让我想想

 不 Let me think. No. 从前有三个爱国者 Three patriots, once upon a time. 天啊

 从何说起 Whoo, boy, where to start? 盗窃


 绑♥架♥ Grand theft, assault, kidnapping. 对象是一名外交官


 在德国 Of a diplomat. With immunity. In Germany. 这是很棘手的事

 我不说你也知道 It"s a messy business. I don"t have to tell you. 有一半时间你都在场 You were there for half of it. 斯威格和约翰逊的事迹可追溯到 2012 年 Oh, we got Swagger and Johnson tracked back to 2012. 在赫尔曼德省[阿富汗] Helmand Province. 无意中发现了一大批毒品 Stumbled on a big pile of drugs. -找到海&arts;洛♥因♥不是罪

 -贩卖♥♥就是 - Finding heroin isn"t a crime. - Selling it is. -他们把毒品烧了

 -你确定吗 - They burned it. - You sure about that? 卡洛斯·佩雷斯

 银行家 Carlos Perez. Banker. 在墨西哥被近距离开枪射杀 Murdered at point-blank range in Mexico. -一派胡言

 -然后是你 - This is bullshit. - And then there"s you. 你是帕特里夏·格蕾格森最重视的项目 You were Patricia Gregson"s pet project. 看起来她认为你很特别 Seems she thought you were something special. 她喜欢我玩她的游戏 She liked that I played in her game. 她保护了你

 比你知道的还多 She protected you. More than you know. 给了你进行你那些业余活动所需的空间 Gave you the space you need for your extracurriculars. 只是她已不在了

 不能再帮你收拾烂摊子 Except she"s not around anymore to pick up after you. 你身边常有人死

 对吗 Death is common around you, isn"t it? 你根本不懂 You"re out of your depth. 我们仍受法律约束

 孟菲斯 We still live under the rule of law, Memphis. 法律是把双刃剑 Cuts both ways. 你有证据证明这些事吗 You have any proof of any of this crap? 你知道这没关系

 对我来说是真♥相♥ You know that doesn"t matter. It"s my truth. 那就是唯一的真♥相♥ So it"s the truth. 要是我对你的提议不感兴趣呢 And if I"m not interested in your offer? 那就从重型监狱给我寄张明信片吧 Well then, send me a postcard from Supermax. 因为我手上的证据足以让你们三人 "Cause there"s enough here to bury the three of you 把牢底坐穿 for a lifetime. 生 死 狙 击 生 死 狙 击 第三季

 第七集 早上好

 你在做什么 Morning. What are you doing? 我说了我会帮你收拾的 I told you I"d help finish packing. 在文件柜底部找到了这些 Found these at the bottom of a file cabinet. 你看看 Look at--Look at that. 可能 25 岁吧

 刚从法学院毕业 Maybe 25. Just out of law school. 充满斗志 Full of fight. 你那时候真帅 Oh, you were handsome as hell. -现在还是很帅


 -老天 - Still am, God damn it. - Oh, God. 帮我一把 Give me a hand. 慢点

 好吗 Take it easy, all right? 你还好吧 You okay? 我没事

 就是累了 Yeah, just tired, is all. 那么 So, uh... 你不能在电♥话♥里跟我说的是什么事 What was it you couldn"t tell me over the phone? 你昨天离开后

 巴马来了 After you left yesterday, Bama came by. 小巴马吗 Junior? 老巴马也来了 And senior. 叫我们撤回意外致死的起诉

 否则让我们好看 Said we need to drop the wrongful death suit or else. -他威胁我们

 -大老远跑来 - He made a threat? - Came all the way down here 谈论老斯威格 30 年前的死 to talk about old Swagger"s death 30 years later. 要我说

 我们触及痛处了 I"d say we struck a nerve. 但仍没有证据表明巴马那天 But there"s still nothing that says Bama helped 帮助吉米·普尔逃跑 Jimmy Poole escape that day. 那我们还有工作要做 Then we still got work to do. 这么说有疏散路线 So it has evacuation routes? 华盛顿每个大人物都有 For every VIP in D.C. 国会


 所有人 Congress, the cabinet, everybody. 不可能 That"s not possible. 疏散路线每天都会改并重新加密 Evac routes are changed and re-encrypted every day. 这玩意能解密 Yeah, well, this thing decrypts it. 知道所有人的实时位置

 上至总统 Real-time locations on everyone from POTUS 下至他这种小人物 all the way down to him. 超过两千人

 他们所处的位置 Over 2,000 people, where they are-- 以防华盛顿遭到袭击 In case D.C. comes under attack. 袭击受保护的人最好的方法 Best way to hit a protected person 就是在他们转移途中下手 is when they"re in transit. 没错

 在他们逃跑时投弹并狙击 Yep, drop a bomb and snipe them as they run. 问题是

 这会在何时发生 The question is, when does it happen? -还有目标人物是谁

 -我们一无所知 - And who"s the target? - And we got nothing. 古铁雷斯说过有一个女人 Gutierrez did tell us about this lady who used to 以前长♥期♥为阿特拉斯在幕后拉线操纵 pull the strings for Atlas for a long time. 凯瑟琳·梅菲尔德 Katherine Mayfield. 没错

 她帮忙造了这一切 Yeah, she helped build the whole thing. -在越南时期就是了

 -那她在哪 - Back to Vietnam. - Okay, so where is she? 阿姆斯特朗精神病院 Armstrong Psychiatric Hospital. 这么说我们唯一的线索现在边流口水 So our one lead is in a full side drool, 边看《朱蒂法官》 watching "Judge Judy"? 也许

 可能是个幌子 Maybe. Could be a cover. 你们去吧

 我要办点事 You guys go. I gotta run an errand. 去哪 Where? 司法部的玛尔戈说

  格蕾格森藏了一个驱动器 Our DOJ friend Margo said Gregson hid a burn drive. 里面有阿特拉斯大人物的名字和黑料 Names and dirt on all the biggest players in Atlas. 我要去帕特里夏的房♥子里找到它 I gotta get into Patricia"s house and find it. 格蕾格森是犯罪现场 Gregson"s house is a crime scene. 阿特拉斯会盯着 Atlas will be watching. 这是放了我的代价 Price of my freedom. 这个司法部的玛尔戈特工

 This DOJ agent-- Margo. 她把卡还给你

 然后就放你回来了吗 She just gives you back the card and lets you walk out of there? 她想和我们合作 She wants to work with us. -表达信任吧


 -我来开 - Show of faith, I guess.

 - I"ll drive. 我坐副驾 Shotgun. 以为你这次真回不来了 Thought you might really be gone this time. 我也想过 Crossed my mind too. 现在去自杀行动或许不太明智 Maybe a suicide mission isn"t the next move. 玛尔戈有足够证据起诉我们 Margo"s built a case against us. 她说能让你

 我和艾萨克去坐牢 Says she can have you, me, and Isaac thrown in prison. -为什么事

 -基本上从你和 8113 小队 - For what?

 - Pretty much everything 遇上海♥洛♥因♥后的所有事情 that"s happened since you and the 8113 stumbled onto that heroin. 玛尔戈很厉害 Margo"s good at her job. 我们一直在采取强硬行动 We"ve been off the reservation so long, 都忘了从法律角度来看是什么情况 we forget what this might look like through a legal lens. 没错 Yeah. 很高兴你没事 I"m glad you"re okay. 你不是孤军奋战 You"re not in this alone. 我知道 I know. 推迟 Delay? 雷德

 你知道这不可能 Red, you know that"s not possible. 那么我们就要冒着功亏一篑的风险 Then we run the risk of the whole thing falling apart. 卡片一事进展如何 Where are you with the card? 变得复杂起来了 It"s gotten complicated. 你知道在谁手上吗 You know who has it? 在斯威格和他那伙混♥蛋♥们那里 Swagger and his band of merry assholes. 该死 Shit. 他们知道卡有什么用吗 They know what it does? 他们闯入泰坦

 进入了系统 They broke into Titan. Logged on. 所以答案是肯定的 So that"s a yes. 但他们不知道时间和人物 But they don"t know the when. Or who. 该死的

 我就应该让海斯起死回生 God damn it. I should bring Hayes back to life 然后亲手杀了他

 不让他毁了整件事 just so I can kill him myself for screwing this whole thing up. 就像我说的

 我们要调整时间 As I was saying, we need to reset the clock. 不行 We can"t! 听着

 这和你挑选好日子 Look, this isn"t about you picking the best day 送牛去市场不一样 to take your cattle to market. 批准的事已上日程了 The confirmation"s already on the calendar. 推迟不了 This is happening. 我们需要确保它万无一失 We have to make sure it happens in the right direction. 可能还有其他问题 There may be another problem. 厄尔·斯威格的证据也可能卷进来 Earl Swagger"s evidence might be in play too. 真是越来越精彩了 The day keeps getting better and better. 专注于卡上 Focus on the card. 一旦下周我们成功 Once we"re through the next week, 证据也就无用了 the evidence won"t mean shit. 这事需要彻底解决 This needs to be put to rest. 没问题 I got it. 直接给他钱 Just pay him off. 不要问问题


 听到了吗 No questions, no gum flapping. You hear me? 非常清楚 Loud and clear. 我们来见凯瑟琳·梅菲尔德 We"re here to see Katherine Mayfield. 证件 IDs? 走廊尽头

 看护人会带你进去 Down the hall. Orderlies will take you in. 她见到你们会很开心 She"ll be happy to see you. 你们是她三年里第一个拜访者 You"re her first visitor in three years. 你知道

 以前这个女人 You know, this woman, she used to run ops 为你父亲的小队组织行动 for your Pop"s unit back in the day. 她说的话

 你可能不爱听 You might not wanna hear what she has to say. 我已经看开了 I"m at peace with it. 你看开的事太少了 You"re not at peace with much. 输入接入码 Enter access code. 请说 Go ahead. 我是詹森

 来自阿姆斯特朗精神病院 This is Jensen. Armstrong Psychiatric. 斯威格来了

 我觉得你得知道 Swagger"s here. Thought you should know. 收到

 情报会发送 Message received. Intel will be dispatched. 谢谢 Thanks. 凯瑟琳·梅菲尔德吗 Katherine Mayfield? 你们真慢 You took your time. 我写了很多封信 I"ve written dozens of letters. 我还没死算你们走运 You"re lucky I"m not dead already. 你们还等什么 What are you waiting for? 煤气泄露在房♥间里

 不在外头 The gas leak"s in my room, not out here. 您可能认错人了 I think you have us confused with someone else. 你们不是煤气公♥司♥来的 You"re not from the gas company? 不是 No. 我真傻 Silly me. 那你们是谁 So, who are you? 我叫鲍勃·李·斯威格 Uh, my name is Bob Lee Swagger. 你曾和我父亲厄尔一同服役过 You served with my father, Earl. 真可惜

 这幅画本来能画得很好 Too bad. This one could have been perfect. 不

 我们只是想和你谈谈 Oh, no, we just wanna talk to you. 不会占用你很多时间 We"re not gonna take a lot of your time. 斯威格先生


 就不剩什么时间了 If you"re here, Mr. Swagger, there is no more time. 希望帕特里夏有给我们留下点线索 Let"s hope Patricia left us some bread crumbs. -别盯着我了

 -抱歉 - Stop looking at me. - Sorry. 只是... Just, uh... 你是哪里人


 已婚还是单身 Where you from, Carlita? You married? Single? 阿特拉斯反对恋爱 Atlas advised against relationships. 是啊

 全心投入事业 Yes. Fully devoted to the cause. 有些事业可比人们平常 Some causes are more important than the bullshit 重视的那些破事重要多了 everyday people tend to value. 有些破事很正常

 也无伤大雅 Some bullshit is normal. And healthy. 同时也很自私 It"s also self-serving. 阿特拉斯需要你奉献终生 Atlas is a lifelong commitment, 但它远比个人重要 but it"s for something greater than oneself. 一旦你献出自己 And once you give yourself to it, 你就加入了其中... you"re in it... 直至你失去价值的那天 For as long as you can be of use. 因为每执行一个新任务 Because going into each new mission, 就只容许两种结果 there are only two acceptable outcomes. 打印中 任务成功

 或是死 A successful mission... or death. 不达到其中一种决不罢休 You don"t stop until you reach one. 阿特拉斯就是如此 That"s just how it is. 至少真正的信徒都会这么做 If you"re a true believer, at least. 看来你不是真正的信徒 Guess you"re not a true believer, then. 否则你为什么会在这 Otherwise why would you be here? 有什么能帮你的吗 Can I help you? 进去吧 Go on in. 真是贵妇 Damn, Imelda. 这是 2012 年的款式吧 How very 2012. 要么就是今年的圣诞节提早来了 Either Christmas came early this year, 要么你就是有要事相求 want something big. 孩子

 是你找的我 Son, you called me. 我不卖♥♥东西

 你最好告诉我 I"m not selling, so you"d better tell me 你要买♥♥什么 what you"re buying. 我们希望你别打扰安睡的狗[惹是生非] We"d prefer to let sleeping dogs lie. 你说的狗... And this, uh--this dog... 是厄尔·斯威格吗 is Earl Swagger? 还有别的 Among others. 你知道是谁杀了他吗 You know who killed him? 我们都清楚是吉米·普尔干的 We both know Jimmy Poole did. 你知道当时不止一个枪手 You know there was more than one shooter. 我只知道厄尔已经死了很久 All I know is Earl"s been dead a long time, 这种状态需要继续保持下去 and it needs to stay that way. 鲍勃·李可不这么想 Don"t know that Bob Lee sees it like that. 发现这些年来自己知道的一直都不是真♥相♥ Finding out you never knew the truth after all these years, 这可让他不太好接受 that--that doesn"t sit well with the man. 你不能再刨根问底[掘墓]了

 懂吗 You need to stop digging up graves. All right? 真墓和虚拟的墓 Real ones and otherwise. 就这些吗 Is that it? 收下两万块钱 20 grand... 我们就撤销意外致死的诉讼 we drop the wrongful death suit? 这就是你们出的价吗 Is that the offer? 这不是出价 It"s not an offer. 我还想要厄尔的东西 I want Earl"s stuff too. -什么东西

 -他的东西 - What stuff? - His stuff. 你知道的 You know. 他的档案 His files? 老厄尔似乎有些事想曝光 Seems old Earl had some stuff he wanted to get off his chest. 你到底在说什么

 孩子 The hell you talking about, son? 听着

 把钱拿给斯威格家就行 Look, just take Swagger the money. 为什么 Why? 我知道他会让你把钱放在哪里... I know where he"d tell you to put it... 他是肯定不会花的 and there ain"t no spending it there. 祝你今天愉快 Have a good day now. 你在躲的人 So the people you"re hiding from, 他们是以前在越南 are they the same people 你和我爸爸曾经效力过的那些人吗 you worked for with my dad back in Vietnam? 没错


 但我并没有躲藏 Yes, dear boy, but I"m not hiding. 你选择住在这里吗 You chose to live here? 我经"确诊"患有妄想型精神分♥裂♥症 I"m "Diagnosed" as paranoid schizophrenic. 阿特拉斯把你安置在这里 Atlas put you here. 他们不忍♥心杀了我 They didn"t have the heart to kill me. 我也没有勇气自杀 I didn"t have the heart to do it myself. 所以这是我们舒适的小协议 So this is our cozy little arrangement. 只要我一直吃药装疯

 我就不用死 I get to live as long as I keep taking my meds and play nuts. 装疯还是真疯 Play nuts or is nuts? 在你们出现之前

 这个方法一直很好 And the system was working so nicely until you showed up. 看来我再也看不到这个喷泉了 I suppose I will never see this fountain again. 其实那也算是一种解脱 Actually, that"s kind of a relief. 在一切结束前


 斯威格先生 So before it"s all over, tell me, Mr. Swagger, 你为什么来这里 why are you here? 为了你父亲

 国家 For your father? Country? 还是说你只是很喜欢疯老太婆 Or do you just love crazy old broads? 前面两样 First two. 换做是厄尔也会这么说 Earl would have said the same thing. 他是个什么样的人 What was he like? 爱国者 A patriot. 和我们所有在越南的人一样 Like all of us in Vietnam. 那是 It was... 一项崇高的事业 a noble undertaking, 一项情报革命

 对国家的安全至关重要 a revolution in intelligence and vital to national security. 但是似乎迷失了方向 Seems like it lost its way. 当事情发展得太过壮大时

 就无法再掌控了 When things grow too big, can"t control them anymore-- 政♥府♥

 儿童 Government, children, 谎言 lies. 我们能不能别兜圈子 Do you mind if we cut to the chase? 阿特拉斯的计划是什么 What is Altas planning? 你的朋友太急躁了 Your friend, he"s so impatient. 他不是我朋友 Yeah, he"s not my friend. 我们想要阻止华盛顿的一场袭击 We"re trying to stop an attack on Washington. 我们认为无辜的人会死 We believe innocent people are gonna die. 在华盛顿的无辜人士 Innocent people in Washington. 你们还觉得我疯了 And you think I"m crazy. 说吧 Talk to me. -我尽力了


 -你尽力了吗 - I tried, Daddy. - You tried? 你想要个参与奖奖杯吗 You want a participation trophy? 我给了他钱 Look, I gave him the money. 我叫他不要再查 You know, I-I told him to stop investigating, 说我们要拿回厄尔的东西 and that we needed Earl"s stuff back. 你和他说什么 You told him what? 你真的是一无是处

 知道吗 You are about as useless as tits on a bull, you know that? 我照了你说的去做

 但是他没买♥♥账 I did what you asked. He didn"t go for it. 我不想听到你这些无谓的抱怨和藉口 I don"t wanna hear any of your bullshit whining and excuses. 如果我想听这些 If I wanted that, 我就打电♥话♥给你母亲了 I"d have called your mother. 我要你去搞定这件事

 听到了吗 What I need you to do is handle this. Do you hear me? -明白

 -不惜一切代价 - Yes, sir. - Whatever it takes. 明白 Yes, sir. 阿姆斯特朗精神病院 你和阿特拉斯合作了这么多年 You worked with Atlas for years. 他们的最终目的是什么 What"s their end game? -掌控

 -掌控什么 - Control. - Of what? 未来和过去 The future. The past. 人心 Hearts and minds. 你能说得具体一点吗 Can you narrow that down a bit? 你们俩不是朋友

 我很难过 I"m sad you two aren"t friends. 我的朋友全都死了 All my friends are dead. -这就是浪费时间

 -先等一下 - This is a waste of time. - Just wait. 我们以前是朋友 We were friends. 就像我确信你和我爸以前也是朋友一样 Just like I"m sure you and my dad were friends once. 但是后来事情失控了 But then shit flew out of control. 现在我们只是想要拨乱反正 Now we"re just trying to put things right. 所以请告诉我们一些事

 任何事都行 So please just give us something, anything-- 无论多小的事都行 doesn"t matter how small. 政♥府♥绝对权利的最终检验是什么 What"s the final check on absolute power in government? 民众和投票站 The people. The voting booth. 四年是一个漫长的等待 Mmm, four years is a long time to wait. 最高法♥院♥ The Supreme Court. 掌控了它

 就能掌控一切 Control that, control everything. -海斯议员

 -海斯曾经是造王者 - Senator Hayes... - Hayes was the kingmaker. 他控制了参议院司法委员会 He controlled the senate judiciary. 他会挑选下一任首席大♥法♥官 He would have picked the next chief justice. 换句话说

 就是阿特拉斯的人选 In other words, an Atlas pick. 四对四打平

 此人选就是关键的一票 With a four-four split, that pick is the swing vote. 你就控制了法♥院♥ You control the court. 但海斯死了 But Hayes is dead. 这不影响他已经选出的人 That doesn"t change who he already picked. 或许还是影响的 Or maybe it does. 我疯了

 我知道什么 I"m crazy. What do I know? 听着

 他们已经花了几十年谋划这事 Look, they"ve been building up to this for decades. 通过改划选区

 他们控制了选举 Gerrymandering-- they control the votes. 通过教育

 他们控制了大众 Education-- they control the masses. 政♥治♥资金

 行政♥权♥ Money in politics. Executive power. 但是还有宪法在 But there"s still a constitution. 人♥民♥还是有权利 People still have rights. 此外炸掉特区 Blow up D.C. on top of it, 那就是军事管制了 now you"re talking martial law. 那就跟我们走

 结束这事 Well, then come with us. Help us end this. 我们能保护你 We can protect you. 东楼

 东楼 East wing! East wing! -找条出路

 -好的 - Find us a way out of here. - All right. 我盯住他 I"ll stay on him. 该死 Shit! 该死 Shit. 站住别动 Hold it right there. 连眨眼都别想 Don"t you even blink. -我没有射杀那个女人

 -双膝跪地 - I didn"t shoot that woman. - On your knees. 手放在我能看见的地方 Hands where I can see them. 好吧


 我做不到 All right, all due respect, I can"t do that, man. 我只是 I just-- - -谢了

 -我找到了出路 - Thanks. - Found a way out. 灭火器 Fire extinguisher. 找到了 Gotcha. -你拿到了吗


 但我知道在哪儿 - You have it? - No, but I know where it is. 你怎么这么肯定 How are you so sure? 对格蕾格森家的监控有收获了 Surveillance at Gregson"s house paid off. 卡莉塔·克鲁斯 Carlita Cruise. 她跟斯威格的小队混到一起了 She"s buddied up with Swagger"s team. 所以呢 So? 所以他们肯定在地堡 So the bunker"s the only place they"ve got to go. 如果想加快取回

 你需要什么 What do you need to expedite its retrieval? 一小只军队 A small army. 我会派些人过去 I"ll send some bodies over there. 让他们来找我

 我亲自带他们过去 Send them to me. Take them there myself. 市政厅 我要跟法官讲话 I need to speak to the judge! -先生


 -法官 - Sir, just calm down. - The judge! 你好 Hey, hi. 谢谢你过来

 朱莉 Oh, thanks for coming down, Julie. 我不知道该怎么办了 I didn"t know what to do. 快让我进去见那该死的法官 Just let me in to see the damn judge, -然后我马上走

 -先冷静下来 - and I"ll be on my way. - Hey, hey, let"s calm down. 为什么他不能见法官 Why can"t he see the judge? 因为他要找的法官已经死了 15 年了 Because the judge he"s asking for has been dead for 15 years. 该死 Oh, shit! 谢谢


 来 Okay, thanks. Hey, Sam, come on. 我们出去走一走 Let"s walk outside for a second. 呼吸一点新鲜空气 Let"s get some fresh air. 他想...他想要贿赂我们

 朱莉 He tried--he tried to bribe us, Julie. 整件事我都录下来了 I got the whole thing on tape. 只要法官看一下就好 Just need the judge to-- See, now-- 好

 先冷静下来好吗 Okay, hey, let"s calm down, okay? 先停一下好吗

 跟我说说 Just stop for a second, okay? Talk to me. 我能怎么帮你 How can I help you? 我以为我还有时间 I thought I had more time. 听着


 会有更多时间的 Okay, look, when you retire, you"re gonna have more time. 好吗 All right? 我病了

 朱莉 I"m sick, Julie. 你什么意思 What do you mean? 我要死了 I"m dying. 山姆

 你在说什么啊 Sam, what are you-- What are you talking about? 我总是会丢钥匙 I kept losing my keys, I... 我发现自己在厨房♥里 find myself in the kitchen, 却不知道我是怎么过去的 not knowing how the hell I got there. 医生说肿瘤有豆子大小 Doctor says it"s the size of a pea. 还会继续长大 Ain"t done growing yet. 所以我接受了你的帮助 That"s why I accepted your offer to help me out. 我想

 至少要整理好我的事务 I least get my affairs in order. 听我说

 还有很多 Listen to me. There"s a lot of -水平一流的医生


 事情 - really great doctors out there. - No, this--this-- 我们再找人重新诊断一下好吗 No, no, let"s get a second opinion on this, okay? 事情就是如此 This is what it is. 我不想这样死去 I don"t wanna die like this. 我会忘记自己是谁 I"m gonna forget who I am. 我想按照自己的意愿离世 I wanna die on my terms. 不

 你不能这么做 No, you--you can"t do that. 一个男人就是他回忆的总结 A man is the sum of his memories. 如果没了回忆

 我又是什么 If those are gone, who am I? 梅菲尔德说海斯在他死前做出了选择 Mayfield said Hayes made the pick before he died. 他们什么时候宣布 When are they gonna announce it? 快了 Soon. -我们怎么才能阻止提名

 -做不到 - How do we stop a nomination before it happens? - You can"t. 我意识到要是阿特拉斯 And I--I realize it"ll be a dark day 选人进如最高法♥院♥

 那就惨了 if Atlas ever gets somebody on the Supreme Court, 但你们忽略了一件事 but you"re forgetting something, 就是仍然需要参议院的确认 which is that the senate still has to confirm them. 如果阿特拉斯的人已经蓄势以待 If Atlas already has their guy locked and loaded, 为什么要袭击华盛顿 why attack Washington? 肯定是担心参议院 Must be worried about the Senate. 所以他们袭击特区 So they attack D.C. 然后干掉反对他的参议员 Then pick off the senators who are opposed to him, 使用卡片破译出来的疏散计划 using the evacuation plans decrypted by the card. 毁掉卡

 就能毁掉他们的计划 Destroy the card, destroy their plans. 毁掉卡

 他们就散了 Destroy the card, they"re gone. 各位


 他们来了 Guys, they"re not gone yet. They"re here. 雷德·巴马到这来干什么 What the hell is Red Bama doing here? 你以为我是意外上那份名单的吗 You think I got on that list by accident? 等等

 我们文明点 Wait. Let"s be civil. 咚咚咚 Knock, knock. 我就开门见山了 Now, I"ll get right to it. 你们要么出来把卡给我 You can either come out here and bring me the card, 要么我们进来夺走 or we can go in there and take it. 不过我要提醒你们 But I gotta warn you, 后者会很暴♥力♥的 the latter will end in violence. 这地方是进不来的

 对吗 This place is impenetrable, right? 没有什么是穿透不了的 Nothing"s impenetrable. 聊天愉快 Good talk. 我支持暴♥力♥ I vote for violence. 冲进去 Get in there! 大家还好吗 Everybody okay? 天啊

 卡片 Oh, my God. The card! 别管了

 我们得撤了 No, leave it. We gotta go. 不

 我们不能冒他们找到卡片的风险 No, we can"t risk them finding it. 引开他们

 我继续找 Draw them away. I"ll keep looking. 还有别的出路吗 All right, is there another way out? 另一边还有条隧♥道♥

 但是被挡住了 There"s a tunnel on the other side, but it"s walled in. 我们自己造一个出口 We"ll make our own exit. 哈里斯

 拿上这个 Harris, grab this. 好的 Yeah, yeah. All right. 快过去 Moving. -出口在墙后面

 -给我们争取点时间 - Exit"s behind that wall. - Buy us some time. 我看到斯威格了 I got eyes on Swagger. 把斯威格带来见我

 还有卡片 Bring Swagger to me. And that goddamn card. 收到 Copy. 卡片要完好 I want that card intact. 斯威格

 不管死活我都要 Swagger, I will take either way. 听到我没

 斯威格不论死活我都要 Do you hear me? I want Swagger dead or alive. 那就来抓我啊

 不然我就来抓你了 Well, then come and get me, or I come get you. 不管怎样

 暴♥力♥是不可避免的 Either way, it ends in violence. 是时候拿出男人的样子了 Time to man up, son. 好了 All right. -亲爱的

 -你们安全吗 - Hey, babe. - Hey, you guys safe? 嗯

 我们没事 Yeah, we"re fine. 有很多要聊的

 今天事情好多 Lots to talk about. It"s been quite a day. 玛丽今晚想要安妮给她读书 Mary wanted Anne to read to her tonight, 结果她们都睡着了 and they both ended up falling asleep. 一切可好 Is everything okay? 答应我 Yeah, just, uh, promise me 不管你和山姆在调查老巴马的什么 that whatever you and Sam are into with Red, Sr., 别做过头 you don"t take it too far. 这话从何说起 Where is this coming from? 相信我

 老巴马不可小视 Trust me, Red, Sr. is not to be underestimate. 小心点为好 Just use precaution. 我会的


 我们已经 I am, but I have to tell you that we already filed 对他提起了意外致死诉讼 the wrongful death suit against him. -什么

 -山姆说 - What? - Sam says that there"s 有足够的证据起诉 enough evidence for us to move forward, 所以我们就这么做了 so we"re going to. 朱莉

 巴马一家都是危险人物 Julie, these Bamas are dangerous people. 他们肯定会奋起反击的 They"re not gonna let you do this without a fight. 我们会做好准备的 Well, we"ll be ready for one. 不是那种争斗 Yeah, it"s not that kind of fight. 时间到了 It"s time. 听着

 山姆有点问题 Listen, there"s something about Sam-- 我得挂了

 不过 All right, I gotta go, but, uh, -确保山姆了解风险


 -好 - just make sure Sam knows the risks, okay? - Okay. 好

 爱你 All right. Love you. 我是山姆·文森特 You"ve reached Sam Vincent. 请留言 Please leave a message. -艾萨克就位了吗

 -嗯 - Isaac"s in position? - Yeah. 我希望你知道你在做什么 I hope you know what you"re doing. 玛尔戈想要帕特里夏的驱动器 Margo wants Patricia"s burn drive. 这是她撤走我们档案的唯一原因 It"s the only reason she hung our files out. -要是你错了呢

 -那就错了 - And if you"re wrong? - Then I"m wrong. 明天又是新的一天 Tomorrow"s another day. 你还好吗 You okay? 嗯

 就想知道这无底洞有多深 Yeah, I"m just wondering how deep this rabbit hole goes. 我们去一探究竟 Let"s find out. 你自己就能拿到的 You could have gotten this yourself. 为什么要偷偷摸摸 Why the cloak and dagger routine? 司法部里有人

 我为之工作的人 There are people on the DOJ-- people I work for-- 我不能信任 I can"t trust. 匿名是生存关键 Anonymity is survival. 躲藏可帮不了我们曝光阿特拉斯 Hiding is not gonna help us expose Atlas. 那你们的方式又有何进展 And how"s your way working out? 我们拿到了这个 Well, we have this, don"t we? 让阿特拉斯心烦意乱 Which has annoyed the shit out of Atlas, 但让他们停手了吗 but has it stopped them? 我不喜欢她 I don"t like her. 你不善于和人打交道 You"re not a people person. 没错

 但她是联邦政♥府♥的 No, but that lady"s a Fed. 这是一种特别的不喜欢 That"s a special kind of dislike. 你喜欢人吗 Do you like people? 不喜欢 No, not really. 我喜欢我的祖国 I like my country. 值得为之牺牲吗 Is it worth dying over? 除了命我什么都献给它了 I"ve given it everything else. 好

 你有全部的答案 Okay, so you have all the answers. 那告诉我们

 怎么终结阿特拉斯 Then tell us, how do we end Atlas? 我没有答案

 孟菲斯 I don"t have answers, Memphis. 我有的是事实 What I have are facts. 我试过了

 加了密 I tried that. It"s encrypted. 是的

 我加的 Yeah, by me. 看来比起我来

 你和格蕾格森关系更好 Huh, guess you were closer to Gregson than I was. 我们都有自己的秘密 We all have our secrets. 我在司法部的上司在调查阿特拉斯 My boss in the DOJ was investigating Atlas. 格蕾格森在帮他

 完全秘密进行 Gregson was helping him. It was completely off book. 然后她死了

 我上司消失 And then she died, my boss disappeared, 这些名字也消失了 and so did these names. 你知道一些名字

 这对我们有什么帮助 So you have a few names. How"s that gonna help us? 这些不是普通的名字 These aren"t just any names. 阿特拉斯的头目

 还有他们所有人的黑料 Heads of Atlas, with dirt on all of them. 那是安德鲁·戈德 That"s Andrew Gold. 总统参谋长 Chief of Staff to the President. 还有很多其他人 And many, many others. 相信我

 他们会采取任何必要措施 Believe me, they will take any necessary measures 保护他们的计划 to preserve their agenda. 在尤里斯诉 In, um--In the matter of Ulis vs.-- 在尤里斯诉贝克特县一案中

 原告礼貌要求 Ulis vs. Beckett County, the plaintiff respectfully asks-- 我关门了 I"m closed. 门没关 Door was open. 我正准备关 Was just about to lock up. 我很快就走 This"ll only take a minute. 我们对你♥爸♥的钱不感兴趣

 小巴马 We"re not interested in Daddy"s money, Junior. 趁我改变主意前走吧 Move along before this gets away from me. 首先

 那个提议过期了 First of all, that deal"s expired. 其次 Secondly... 别叫我小巴马 don"t call me junior! 你该好好配合的

 老头子 You should have played ball, old man. 斯威格一家可不值献出生命 Swaggers ain"t worth dying over. 我要厄尔的证据

 现在就要 Now, I want Earl"s evidence, and I want it now. 动手杀了我吧 Go ahead and kill me. 就能证明雷德儿子有多蠢了 It"ll prove how much of an idiot Red"s got for a son. 混♥蛋♥ Piece of shit! 山姆

 山姆 Sam. Hey, Sam. 我就在这

 能听到我吗 Hey, I"m right here. Can you hear me? 坚持住

 我就在这 Kay, stay with me, okay? I"m right here.

 您有什么紧急事件 911, what"s your emergency? 你好

 请立刻派救护车过来 Hi, I need an ambulance right now.

推荐访问:狙击 剧本 第七集