
人教版(PEP)2019-2020学年小学英语三年级下册Unit 6 how many Part B同步练习(I)卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友们,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定进步不少吧,今天就让我们来检验一下! 一、读一读,写一写。(一个4遍) (共1题;

共1分) 1.(1分) (2019六下·深圳期中) 看图,写单词 (1) ________ (2) ________ (3) ________ (4) ________ (5) ________ (6) ________ 二、将单词和相应的数字匹配。


共1分) 2.(1分) 我是小小翻译官 ⑴I am ten.________             A.我是鸭小姐。

⑵Nice to meet you.________    B.这是你的信吗? ⑶Are you Mr Panda?________   C.谢谢你。

⑷I'm Miss Duck.________       D.你是熊猫先生吗? ⑸Is this your letter?________    E.遇见你很高兴。

⑹Thank you.________           F.我十岁了。



共1分) 3.(1分) 给下列算式选择正确的结果 ⑴1+1= ________     A.six ⑵3+3= ________    B.two ⑶10-3= ________    C.five ⑷4+5= ________    D.seven ⑸10-5= ________    E.nine 四、英汉匹配。


共1分) 4.(1分) 读一读、连一连 ⑴口渴的________                     A.foot ⑵饥饿的________                     B.tired ⑶开心的________                     C.hungry ⑷累的,疲惫的________               D.happy ⑸脚________                         E.thirsty 五、读问句,选答句。


共1分) 5.(1分) 从右栏中选出与左栏各句相对应的答语 ⑴Is she Mary?________                        A.She is my sister.⑵Was he tall then?________                    B.Yes,he was. ⑶Who's that girl?________                      C.No,I wasn't.⑷Were you two then?________                  D.I'm going to visit my aunt. ⑸What are you going to do tomorrow?________  E.Yes,she is.六、阅读对话,完成判断。


共10分) 6.(10分) (2018·东莞) 如果你的朋友生病了,你会如何安慰他?请读下面的短文,判断正误。

How are you feeling? You missed school last week.Then I heard(听到) from Jason that you fell off your bike on your way to school last Tuesday.And you hurt your leg.I also heard you stayed in hospital for several days.I hope (希望) your leg doesn't hurt too much.Now you are at home.You must be bored(无聊的) staying at home all day.I will go to visit you this weekend.Do you need anything? If you like,I can bring(拿来) you some picture books.Everyone in our class misses you and we all hope you can get well soon.Best wishes, Jack (1) This letter is from Jean. (2) Jean is in hospital now. (3) Jean fell off her bike and hurt her leg. (4) In this letter,“missed school“ means “想念学校“ and “misses you“ 想念你“. (5) Jack cares about(关爱) his classmates. 参考答案 一、读一读,写一写。(一个4遍) (共1题;

共1分) 1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、1-6、二、将单词和相应的数字匹配。


共1分) 2-1、三、算一算,匹配。


共1分) 3-1、四、英汉匹配。


共1分) 4-1、五、读问句,选答句。


共1分) 5-1、六、阅读对话,完成判断。


共10分) 6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、


推荐访问: 人教版(PEP)小学英语三年级下册Unit 6 HOW many Part B同步练习(I)卷