
基本信息 课题 清华 英语 一 年级 下册 册 Lesson 5 第一课时 教师 李颖 学情分析 1.学生经过一个学期的学习,基本已经熟悉英语课上课的流程,及英语课的课堂用语,能够在全英的环境中与老师有简单的交流。2.本课的内容单词比较容易,容易掌握,但句型较难,不易应用在日常生活中。3.本班孩子较为腼腆,要营造较为轻松的学习环境。

教学目标 Teaching Goals 1.Understand the words:

pen, nine, ten. Recognize, and read fluently. 2.The sentence pattern: --Can I use your…,please? --Sure, Here you are. understand meaning of them . 3.Enjoy the song. 教学重点和难点 Teaching Points 1. new words: pen, nine, ten. 2. other words: ruler,pencil. Teaching Difficulties 1. Understand the words 1—10, and can recognize them as fast as possible. 2. Understand the dialogue, and can use them in the daily life. 教学用具 T: 1.cards, recording material, and word cards. 2. PPT Ss: Books 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 预设学生行为 设计意图

Greeting & warm - - up: T: Good morning! Boys and girls! Hello! T: How are you? T:How old are you? Ss: Good morning! Ruler! S1: I am fine, thank you . S2:I am ok. S1: I am six. S2:I am seven. 通过 Free talk, 锻炼孩子的口语能力。

Presentation: Step 1. Review T. We have learn the numbers 1-8.Let’s have a check. T:What’s this ? (present and stick on the board) Ss: one. Ss: two…. 通过问答,复习巩固前课 数字词语 。

Step 2. N ew lesson Words: nine, ten 1.We have got 2 new numbers in the Number family, do you want to guess? 2.Activity:say and beat Ss: nine. Ss: ten. Activity:Say the numbers with gestures. 直接出示数字卡片,学习新单词, ,并配合手势,让孩子熟悉日常生活中数字的表示。

T-S: Teacher says and student beat. S-S:One student say, the other student beat 通过 指认的游戏活动,让孩子打乱顺序读出1 1- - 10. 这是难点,大部分孩子只能按顺序指认。

Words:pen 1. Guessing game: What’s in my pencil box? Ss: pen Ss: a ruler. Ss: a pencil. 通过已学同类单词导出新单词, , 通过领读,轮读等形式熟悉掌握单词发音。

2.Activity: read One by one, group by group

Step 3:Dialogue 1. Lead in: Can I use your pen? Ss: Here you are. 通过自身的表演,使孩子领悟,本课两句对话的具体含义,及应用场景。

2.Practice the new words and phrases: use, sure, here you are Loud and soft, line by line…. 本课句型有难度,短语等不易掌握,反复练习,以便孩子们对句型能熟练应用. . 3.Show time T-S,S-S 运用情景对话,学习应用新句型:

-- Can I I use your … ,please? ? -- Sure, Here you are. 并学会相应的替换练习。

Consolidation: Step 4 Listen and read 1. Read the text content 2. Listen to the tape and follow it. 听读训练,复习巩固新知。

板书设计 Broad writing: nine ten pen -- Can I I use your … ,please? -- Sure, Here you are. 作业设计 Enjoy the song “Ten little Indian boys



英语数字1 5教学课件



推荐访问:英语 教学设计 汇报 李颖