

 第一章 绪论 概念

  1. 思想工作:是一定的阶级或群体帮助人们建立与社会发展要求相一致的思想,改变偏离社会发展要求的思想所进行的活动。

  2 政治工作:是一定的阶级、政党、团体为实现自己的纲领和根本任务而进行的活动,如阶级斗争、政权建设、党的思想和组织建设等。

  3、 思想政治工作:指政治工作中有关意识形态方面的实践活动,也就是政治工作中的思想性部分。

 4 思想政治教育:指社会或社会群体用一定的思想观念、政治观点、道德规范对其成员施加有目的、有计划、有组织的影响,是他们形成符合一定社会、一定阶级所需要的思想品德的社会实践活动。


  1 思想政治教育学:是一门研究人的思想品德形成和发展规律和对人们进行思想政治教育的规律的应用性科学。

  2、 研究对象:人的思想观念、政治观点、道德品质的形成、变化和发展。

  3、 特点:a阶级性、b实践性、c综合性






  、 思想政治教育学的基本范畴有哪些? 答:(1)个人与社会;(2)思想和行为; (3)教育主体与教育客体; (4)内化与外化;(5)教育与管理。

  一、 思想政治教育的根本目的是什么? 答:思想政治教育的根本目的是要不断提高人们的思想道德素质,提高人们认识世界和改造世界的能力,为建设有中国特色的社会主义、实现共产主义而努力奋斗。

  、 思想政治教育的内容有哪些? 答:(1)世界观教育; (2)人生观教育; (3)政治观教育; (4)道德观教育; (5)法制观教育

  三、 思想政治教育者的基本素质要求是什么? 答:思想政治教育者的基本素质要求是:政治素质、思想素质、道德素质、法律素质、知识素质、能力素质、创新素质、心理素质、思想政治教育环境:指的是思想政治教育所面对的外部客观存在。具体是指影响人的思想政治品德形成、发展和思想政治教育活动开展的一切外部因素,那些凡是与思想政治教育有关的并对其发发生影响的外部因素,都是思想政治教育环境的内容。








 育舆论教育:是通过社会舆论、社会活动、社会影响等途径对群众进行的教育活动 如何优化思想政治教育环境? 答:(1)优化经济环境,要努力建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制,促进生产力的持续、快速、健康发展。









  为什么说社会主义意识不可能在工人运动进程中自发产生呢? 因为这是由历史形成的社会分工所决定的。马克思、恩格斯曾指出:“分工也以精神劳动和物质劳动的分工的形式在统治阶级中间表现出来,因此在这个阶级内部,一部分人是作为该阶级的思想家出现的”,他们根据本阶级的意志和利益,概括并表达了统治阶级的思想体系,而这一阶级的其余成员(包括积极成员)都“很少有时间来编造关于自身的幻想和思想”(《马克思恩格斯选集》第1卷,人民出版社1995年第2版,第99页。),工人阶级由于经济地位、生活条件、文化条件等的限制,更不可能从事精神生产、提出思想体系。列宁指出:“社会主义学说则是从有产阶级的有教养的人即知识分子创造的哲学理论、历史理论和经济理论中发展起来的”,“也是完全不依赖于工人运动的自发增长而产生的,它的产生是革命的社会主义知识分子的思想发展的自然和必然的结果”(《列宁选集》第1卷,1995年6月第3版,第317—318页。)。因此,无产阶级先锋队必须坚持从经济斗争范围之外给工人群众灌输政治意识、从工人同厂主斗争范围之外给工人群众灌输阶级意识,使本阶级成员接受科学社会主义思想,自觉地为实现无产阶级的伟大历史使命而奋斗。列宁强调:“对社会主义思想体系的任何轻视和任何脱离,都意味着资产阶级思想体系的加强”(《列宁选集》第1卷,第327页。),“没有革命的理论,就不会有革命的运动”(《列宁选集》第1卷,第311页。)。今天,国际国内条件发生了巨大变化,但是,社会主义思想必须灌输的理论、原则非但没有过时,而且对灌输的要求更高了,灌输的条件也比革命年代好多了,我们只有坚决反对自发论,不断改进灌输的方法,才能真正弘扬主旋律,在社会主义现代化建设中充分发挥党的领导和自觉成分的作用,开创思想政治教育的新局

 consciousness". Awareness of the overall situation of political consciousness, consciousness, core, par. This "four Consciousnesses" embodies the fundamental political orientation, political stand and political demands, is the touchstone of testing political quality of party members, and study the effect of education an important yardstick. Well the Constitution Party rules to comply with, series speaks well, important is to see that "four Consciousnesses" tree good is not in prison. To put enhanced "four a consciousness" as learning education of a fundamental requirements to implement, education guide General members always firm right of political direction, active consciously to to Central par, and to XI General Secretary par, and to party of theory and route approach policy par, strongly maintenance central authority, maintenance party of led core, always in thought political Shang action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent. Every party member has to do, what they advocate, responded positively to the CPC Central Committee, the CPC Central Committee decision, serious practiceWhat Party Central Committee against what, and they strongly oppose what do orders to ensure Central Government decrees and decisions landed the second to hold fast to "four-line". XI Jinping, Secretary of the "two" highlighted in the study and education as an indicator, to underline the bottom line of doing things. The bottom line is the law line, bottom line, bottom line policy discipline and morals. Law reflects the will of the State, is the bottom line for all citizens, is the bottom line of the Communist Party, all party members should bear in mind that legal red lines impassable, in addition to legal and policy requirements within the scope of personal interests and work outside the terms of reference, or seek any other private interests and privilege. Party discipline, party rules stricter than national law, more demanding, this is the inevitable requirement of the party's advanced nature. As a Communist, not only a model to comply with state laws, in accordance with party rules discipline strict demands on themselves. The guidelines of the party's line, principles and policies the party, party organizations at all levels and all party members and cadres must not violate, flexible bottom line, it must be unconditional obeyed and the implementation. By the accumulation of general social ethics of Chinese civilization, is the party members and cadres must adhere to the moral bottom line, the morals of party members should be above the general requirement of social morality, become popular to do three "four spoke four." Qualified members of the standards, principles, is specific and historical. Whenever the new situation and new tasks facing our party, have to produce qualified party member standards. For example, Yan ' an period of "six standard", the reform and opening up of the "five spirits", and so on. Central learning education programme of the qualified party members in the new era "told four four" standard, that is, about politics, faith, show good manners and discipline

 consciousness". Awareness of the overall situation of political consciousness, consciousness, core, par. This "four Consciousnesses" embodies the fundamental political orientation, political stand and political demands, is the touchstone of testing political quality of party members, and study the effect of education an important yardstick. Well the Constitution Party rules to comply with, series speaks well, important is to see that "four Consciousnesses" tree good is not in prison. To put enhanced "four a consciousness" as learning education of a fundamental requirements to implement, education guide General members always firm right of political direction, active consciously to to Central par, and to XI General Secretary par, and to party of theory and route approach policy par, strongly maintenance central authority, maintenance party of led core, always in thought political Shang action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent. Every party member has to do, what they advocate, responded positively to the CPC Central Committee, the CPC Central Committee decision, serious practiceWhat Party Central Committee against what, and they strongly oppose what do orders to ensure Central Government decrees and decisions landed the second to hold fast to "four-line". XI Jinping, Secretary of the "two" highlighted in the study and education as an indicator, to underline the bottom line of doing things. The bottom line is the law line, bottom line, bottom line policy discipline and morals. Law reflects the will of the State, is the bottom line for all citizens, is the bottom line of the Communist Party, all party members should bear in mind that legal red lines impassable, in addition to legal and policy requirements within the scope of personal interests and work outside the terms of reference, or seek any other private interests and privilege. Party discipline, party rules stricter than national law, more demanding, this is the inevitable requirement of the party's advanced nature. As a Communist, not only a model to comply with state laws, in accordance with party rules discipline strict demands on themselves. The guidelines of the party's line, principles and policies the party, party organizations at all levels and all party members and cadres must not violate, flexible bottom line, it must be unconditional obeyed and the implementation. By the accumulation of general social ethics of Chinese civilization, is the party members and cadres must adhere to the moral bottom line, the morals of party members should be above the general requirement of social morality, become popular to do three "four spoke four." Qualified members of the standards, principles, is specific and historical. Whenever the new situation and new tasks facing our party, have to produce qualified party member standards. For example, Yan ' an period of "six standard", the reform and opening up of the "five spirits", and so on. Central learning education programme of the qualified party members in the new era "told four four" standard, that is, about politics, faith, show good manners and discipline

 moral ethics, conduct, devotion, there is as. The "four about four" and I said "four consciousness", "four-line" as well as standards of good cadre of 20 characters, "three-three", "four iron", loyalty, such as clean as required is the same. Learning education, each of the party members and cadres in order to measure and examine themselves, true ruler qualified party member stood up, put the pioneer trees. Four, focus on co-ordinating, pays special attention to education in order to promote economic and social development, or awareness, or stick to the bottom line, with the ultimate aim is to carry out the work of the economic and social development. Empty talks jeopardize national interests, work and prosperous. If there is no spirit of hard work, no effort on one step at a time, and ambitious development goals cannot be achieved, then a better blueprint for development can only be a castle in the air. "Despite you not not; things are small, not as fragmentation", we must have a strong sense of responsibility, to be responsible, aggressive and decided things, be sure to do a good job, step by step, 1.1 implementation, until you catch the results. What is the most important, is to adapt and to lead the economic development of the new norm, implementation of the "five" concept, completing five tasks. (A) to grasp the characteristics and trends of economic development, better adapted and to lead the economic development of the new normal. China's economic development has entered a newState and party Central Committee's comprehensive analysis of the world economy long-period and developing stage characteristics of great judgment and their interactions. In May 2014, General Secretary in Henan during the visit clearly, China's economic development has entered a new normal, and should adapt to the new normal, conservation strategies on the normal state of mind. After General Secretary on a number of occasions, multiple sessions on the new normal was systematic and profound interpretations. July 2014 Conference today, the main work is reviewed in recent years, the County's technology innovation and talent, scheduled deployment next steps task, mobilizing the County and work together to promote scientific and technological progress, promote technology and personnel support capacities, promoting economic and social development to a new level of Dongping. In recognition of scientific and technological innovation and talent advanced units and advanced individuals in the work, here, on behalf of the County, the County Government expressed warm congratulations to the advanced units and individuals, to science and technology and talent of the County workers to extend my sincere regards and highest respect! XX group, power supply companies, Farm Bureau, Dong Ping Street, introduces in technology innovation and talent of good experiences and practices, hope that the units of the departments at all levels in particular, enterprises should seriously learn from. In recent years, the County implemented "innovation" and "talents" strategy, launched the "platform of year" "year of cooperation in science and

 moral ethics, conduct, devotion, there is as. The "four about four" and I said "four consciousness", "four-line" as well as standards of good cadre of 20 characters, "three-three", "four iron", loyalty, such as clean as required is the same. Learning education, each of the party members and cadres in order to measure and examine themselves, true ruler qualified party member stood up, put the pioneer trees. Four, focus on co-ordinating, pays special attention to education in order to promote economic and social development, or awareness, or stick to the bottom line, with the ultimate aim is to carry out the work of the economic and social development. Empty talks jeopardize national interests, work and prosperous. If there is no spirit of hard work, no effort on one step at a time, and ambitious development goals cannot be achieved, then a better blueprint for development can only be a castle in the air. "Despite you not not; things are small, not as fragmentation", we must have a strong sense of responsibility, to be responsible, aggressive and decided things, be sure to do a good job, step by step, 1.1 implementation, until you catch the results. What is the most important, is to adapt and to lead the economic development of the new norm, implementation of the "five" concept, completing five tasks. (A) to grasp the characteristics and trends of economic development, better adapted and to lead the economic development of the new normal. China's economic development has entered a newState and party Central Committee's comprehensive analysis of the world economy long-period and developing stage characteristics of great judgment and their interactions. In May 2014, General Secretary in Henan during the visit clearly, China's economic development has entered a new normal, and should adapt to the new normal, conservation strategies on the normal state of mind. After General Secretary on a number of occasions, multiple sessions on the new normal was systematic and profound interpretations. July 2014 Conference today, the main work is reviewed in recent years, the County's technology innovation and talent, scheduled deployment next steps task, mobilizing the County and work together to promote scientific and technological progress, promote technology and personnel support capacities, promoting economic and social development to a new level of Dongping. In recognition of scientific and technological innovation and talent advanced units and advanced individuals in the work, here, on behalf of the County, the County Government expressed warm congratulations to the advanced units and individuals, to science and technology and talent of the County workers to extend my sincere regards and highest respect! XX group, power supply companies, Farm Bureau, Dong Ping Street, introduces in technology innovation and talent of good experiences and practices, hope that the units of the departments at all levels in particular, enterprises should seriously learn from. In recent years, the County implemented "innovation" and "talents" strategy, launched the "platform of year" "year of cooperation in science and

 consciousness". Awareness of the overall situation of political consciousness, consciousness, core, par. This "four Consciousnesses" embodies the fundamental political orientation, political stand and political demands, is the touchstone of testing political quality of party members, and study the effect of education an important yardstick. Well the Constitution Party rules to comply with, series speaks well, important is to see that "four Consciousnesses" tree good is not in prison. To put enhanced "four a consciousness" as learning education of a fundamental requirements to implement, education guide General members always firm right of political direction, active consciously to to Central par, and to XI General Secretary par, and to party of theory and route approach policy par, strongly maintenance central authority, maintenance party of led core, always in thought political Shang action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent. Every party member has to do, what they advocate, responded positively to the CPC Central Committee, the CPC Central Committee decision, serious practiceWhat Party Central Committee against what, and they strongly oppose what do orders to ensure Central Government decrees and decisions landed the second to hold fast to "four-line". XI Jinping, Secretary of the "two" highlighted in the study and education as an indicator, to underline the bottom line of doing things. The bottom line is the law line, bottom line, bottom line policy discipline and morals. Law reflects the will of the State, is the bottom line for all citizens, is the bottom line of the Communist Party, all party members should bear in mind that legal red lines impassable, in addition to legal and policy requirements within the scope of personal interests and work outside the terms of reference, or seek any other private interests and privilege. Party discipline, party rules stricter than national law, more demanding, this is the inevitable requirement of the party's advanced nature. As a Communist, not only a model to comply with state laws, in accordance with party rules discipline strict demands on themselves. The guidelines of the party's line, principles and policies the party, party organizations at all levels and all party members and cadres must not violate, flexible bottom line, it must be unconditional obeyed and the implementation. By the accumulation of general social ethics of Chinese civilization, is the party members and cadres must adhere to the moral bottom line, the morals of party members should be above the general requirement of social morality, become popular to do three "four spoke four." Qualified members of the standards, principles, is specific and historical. Whenever the new situation and new tasks facing our party, have to produce qualified party member standards. For example, Yan ' an period of "six standard", the reform and opening up of the "five spirits", and so on. Central learning education programme of the qualified party members in the new era "told four four" standard, that is, about politics, faith, show good manners and discipline

 moral ethics, conduct, devotion, there is as. The "four about four" and I said "four consciousness", "four-line" as well as standards of good cadre of 20 characters, "three-three", "four iron", loyalty, such as clean as required is the same. Learning education, each of the party members and cadres in order to measure and examine themselves, true ruler qualified party member stood up, put the pioneer trees. Four, focus on co-ordinating, pays special attention to education in order to promote economic and social development, or awareness, or stick to the bottom line, with the ultimate aim is to carry out the work of the economic and social development. Empty talks jeopardize national interests, work and prosperous. If there is no spirit of hard work, no effort on one step at a time, and ambitious development goals cannot be achieved, then a better blueprint for development can only be a castle in the air. "Despite you not not; things are small, not as fragmentation", we must have a strong sense of responsibility, to be responsible, aggressive and decided things, be sure to do a good job, step by step, 1.1 implementation, until you catch the results. What is the most important, is to adapt and to lead the economic development of the new norm, implementation of the "five" concept, completing five tasks. (A) to grasp the characteristics and trends of economic development, better adapted and to lead the economic development of the new normal. China's economic development has entered a newState and party Central Committee's comprehensive analysis of the world economy long-period and developing stage characteristics of great judgment and their interactions. In May 2014, General Secretary in Henan during the visit clearly, China's economic development has entered a new normal, and should adapt to the new normal, conservation strategies on the normal state of mind. After General Secretary on a number of occasions, multiple sessions on the new normal was systematic and profound interpretations. July 2014 Conference today, the main work is reviewed in recent years, the County's technology innovation and talent, scheduled deployment next steps task, mobilizing the County and work together to promote scientific and technological progress, promote technology and personnel support capacities, promoting economic and social development to a new level of Dongping. In recognition of scientific and technological innovation and talent advanced units and advanced individuals in the work, here, on behalf of the County, the County Government expressed warm congratulations to the advanced units and individuals, to science and technology and talent of the County workers to extend my sincere regards and highest respect! XX group, power supply companies, Farm Bureau, Dong Ping Street, introduces in technology innovation and talent of good experiences and practices, hope that the units of the departments at all levels in particular, enterprises should seriously learn from. In recent years, the County implemented "innovation" and "talents" strategy, launched the "platform of year" "year of cooperation in science and

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