
创业公♥司♥ 前情回顾 里面那个男孩现在正需要他的父亲 That boy in there, he needs his father right now. 我有家人

 他们很在乎我 I had a family. They cared about me. 可你却只在乎自己 While you only think about yourself. 跑过来让我识相点 Coming here to tell me to sit still. 上个月的收入减了一半 Business has been cut in half the last month. 那边的几个团伙 Couple of hoods over, 在用暗网捞钱 they"ve been pulling money down on the Dark Web. 你对那玩意了解多少 You know about that shit? 你在干什么 What are you doing over there? 用个人电脑 Using individual PCs 作为分散数据存储器 as a decentralized data storage. 我做了一个可以拷贝到任何电子设备的软件 I created a software that you can copy onto any device. 能够让你进入暗网 It gives you access to the Dark Net. 这是我的暗网

 我称之为阿♥拉♥克网 It"s my Dark Net. I call it ArakNet. 我会帮你找到他 I"m gonna find him for you. 你带我去见他

 我就帮你 You take me to his front door, we got a deal. 瑞典 再来一次 亲爱 的 一样吗

 十换十 算法很稳定 我们应该叫萨姆过来吧

 商讨一下策略 米拉 我们可以自己完成组建

 随意调整 我知道


 之前说好了 亲爱的

 我们年纪也不小了 要想生两个孩子... 我们用这个改变世界 当然可以


 只是 可以让其他人出力 仅此而已 米拉

 别这样 之前说好的... 钱的问题一定要想清楚 亲爱的 创业公♥司♥ 第二季

 第三集 阿门 Amen. 现在有请安德鲁的独生子尼古拉斯致辞 And now, Andrew"s only son, Nicholas, will say a few words. 谢谢

 您说得非常精彩 Thank you. That was beautiful. 谢谢 Thank you. 大家好 Hi, there. 我... Um... I"m... 我和我爸经常去钓鱼 Uh, Dad and I, we"d fish a lot. 大概算是 That was, uh... 算是我们的共同乐趣吧 That was kind of our thing, I guess. 然后... And, um... 有一次

 我很小的时候 So, one time, when I was very young, 可能八♥九♥岁吧 must have been eight or nine, 我们住在奥基乔比湖附近的小屋 we were staying in this cabin on Lake Okeechobee, 当时我和我爸在船坞上 and we were out on the dock, my dad and I, 我钓到了一条 61 公分的梭子鱼 and I reeled in this two-foot pike. 可能有些人不知道

 梭子鱼长得很丑 And if you don"t know, pike are really ugly fish. 瘦骨嶙峋

 非常丑 They"re bony, they"re skinny, ugly. 但是

 那是我第一次自己钓上来的鱼 Anyways, it was the first fish I"ve ever reeled in by myself, 所以我欣喜若狂 so I was ecstatic. 我当时非常激动 I was very, very, very pleased. 很想吃掉它 And I really wanted to eat it. 我妈就没那么开心了 My mom was less than thrilled 因为她得负责做鱼 because she"s gonna have to cook it. 于是

 她就跟我解释 And so, she"s explaining to me 等清洗过

 去了骨 that after it"s cleaned and deboned, 剩下能吃的肉就没多少了 I mean, there"s gonna be no meat left to eat. 但我不想听 But I didn"t want to hear it. 我决意要吃那条鱼 I was determined to eat that fish. 后来到了晚餐时间

 鱼就在我面前 So dinner was served, and I had it in front of me, 我咬下了第一口 and I took my first bite, 味道简直糟透了 and it tasted awful. 真的是特别难吃 Just really, really, really bad. 我当时简直失望透顶 Man, I was disappointed. 我爸也看出来了 And, uh, my dad could see that. 他就凑过来咬了一口

 然后... He reached over and he took a bite, and he, um... 他真的是非常用心地在品尝 He was, I mean, really, really tasting it. 他闭上眼睛

 感受里面的所有味道 I mean, closing his eyes and absorbing all the flavors. 然后他睁开眼

 对我说 And he opened his eyes, and he says, "这简直是我这辈子吃过的 "Wow! This is the most amazing, delicious fish 最美味的鱼肉" I"ve ever put in my mouth." 他还拍了我的背 Slaps me on the back. 我不信他说的话 And, uh, I didn"t believe him. 但是 But, uh, still... 那句话我听着确实很开心 Still really nice to hear, you know. 那一周

 不管我们去哪里 And everywhere we went for the rest of the weekend 他总要向人炫耀他儿子钓到的这条鱼 he would tell anyone who would listen about this delicious fish 有多美味 that his son caught. 我想 And... 简单说来

 这就是我爸 I think that was my dad in a nutshell. 他总是在努力让身边的人感到快乐 Uh, he was always trying to make those around him feel good. 无论对方是谁 Didn"t matter who they were, 不管对方是陌生人

 还是他唯一的儿子 whether they were, uh, a complete stranger or his only son. -节哀顺变


 谢谢你能来 - So sorry. - Thank you. Thank you for coming. -说得很好

 -谢谢 - Good job. - Thanks. -真的

 -好 - Yeah, really. - Yeah. 尼克 Nick. 我不确定你是否还记得我 I"m not even sure you remember me. 我当然记得

 维斯 No, of course I do. Wes. -请节哀顺变

 -谢谢 - My deepest condolences. - Thank you. 他是我挚友

 一个很善良的人 He was a dear friend, a beautiful human being. -谢谢

 -还有 - I appreciate it. - And... 瞧瞧你 Look at you. -我上次见你

 -那是很久之前了 - The last time I saw you... - Yeah, it was long ago. -你还是个小孩子呢

 -是啊 - were a scrawny little kid. - I know. 过了很长时间 It was quite a while ago. 我不知道这样说合不合适 I"m not even sure if this is appropriate here, 但我想请你吃顿饭 but, look, let me buy you dinner. -好吗


 -当然 - Okay? We"ll shoot the shit. - Sure. 讲讲你父亲的那些事

 比如梭子鱼的故事 Tell great stories about your old man, like that pike story. -你喜欢那个故事吗

 -非常喜欢 - You liked that? - I love that story. -给我多讲讲


 没问题 - More of that, please. - Sure. Absolutely. 我看看 Let me, um... 接下来的几周

 我的安排都比较紧 I think my schedule is pretty hectic the next couple of weeks, -不过之后的话...


 兄弟 - and then I should be, uh... -No. No pressure, bro. 只是 It"s just... 我非常想念你父亲 I thought the world of your old man, 至少可以请他儿子吃顿饭 the least I could do is buy his kid a meal. 谢谢 I appreciate that. 来 Hey, come here. 真希望事情没变成这样 I wish the circumstances were different. 是啊

 鱼与熊掌不可兼得 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, can"t win "em all. 说得好 That"s a good one. 不可兼得


 尼克 Can"t win "em all. Take it easy, Nick. 你去哪里了 Where you been? 我爸的葬礼 My dad"s funeral. 什么 Wait, what? 兄弟

 你还好吗 Dude, are you okay? 嗯

 我没事 Yeah. Yeah, I"m okay. 你去了帕拿马没找到他

 我以为... You just went to Panama and you didn"t find him, I thought-- 我知道

 是我没告诉你 I know, I know. I didn"t tell you that part. 抱歉


 当时不是骨灰 Sorry. I, uh... I did find him, um, not in a jar. 但是有人杀了他

 所以他死了 But, uh, someone killed him, so he"s dead. 我♥操♥

 那是你♥爸♥吗 Fuck! That"s you dad? 警♥察♥说杀手是个团伙 Well, police said there are multiple killers, 我也不清楚 people, I don"t know. 据说是当地的混混 Some local gang. Uh... 他和他们有巨额金钱纠葛 He was just probably into them for a lot of money, 见怪不怪了

 所以... like everyone else in his life, so... 我去洗个澡睡觉了 I"m gonna go and take a shower and go to bed. 兄弟

 节哀 Dude, I"m sorry. 谢谢 Thank you. 维斯·钱德勒 -很好

 -不错 - He"s good. - He"s good. -他干得不错


 行 - He"s doing good. - Right. Right, right. -他在骗他们



 在骗他们 - He"s fucking with him, right? - Yeah, he"s fucking with him. 兄弟 Oh, bro. -伊兹跟我说了


 谢谢 - Izzy told me what happened. - Oh, yeah, yeah, thanks. 谢谢


 我很好 Thanks. That"s okay. I"m fine. -那是你♥爸♥


 -是 - That"s your old man, bruh. - Yeah. 不管你喜不喜欢他 Don"t matter if you don"t like him. 是啊

 你们在忙什么 Yeah. What you guys working on? 我真没事

 你们在忙什么 I"m fine. I am. What are you up to? 她没告诉你我们的计划吗 She ain"t tell you what we got cooking? 没

 我看到她侵占了我的客厅 No. I saw she hijacked my living room while I was gone. -是啊

 -确实 - Yeah. - I sure did. 好

 这是一个高度加密的网站 Okay. So this is a highly encrypted network. 是按照奥尼恩路径选择法做的 It"s based off of the Onion routing method. -我称之为阿♥拉♥克网

 -阿♥拉♥克网 - I call this baby ArakNet. - ArakNet. -他喜欢这个名字

 -好吧 - He liked the name. - Okay. 我正在给罗尼看 So I was just showing Ronnie 现在网上已经有多少用户了 how many users are on the network already. 基本上已经有 12 位活跃用户进行买♥♥卖♥♥了 Basically, 12 users actively buying and selling goods. -厉害


 对吗 - All right. - Is it like the Silk Road? Kind of like that? 不

 丝绸之路只是个市场 No. Silk Road is just a marketplace, 这基本就是新版暗网 this is, basically, the new Dark Net. 但是只有我们能动 And nobody can touch it except us. 那其他人怎么能知道它的存在呢 So then how, how do people know about it? 你要从哪里吸引用户 Where"d you get the users? 我把软件给了附近的巨头 I just handed out software to big dogs around town. 买♥♥家


 那类的 Buyers, sellers, that kind of shit. 说到这个 Speaking of. 买♥♥了这么多拇指驱动器 Buying thumb drives in bulk? 等网上的人足够多 Just till there"s enough people on the network, 就会自行壮大 then it grows by itself. 我们现在只是在城市里撒了种子 It"s just little seeds that we"re planting around the city. 不错 Cool. 好

 我去跟大吉斯谈 All right, so, uh, I"ll talk to Big Keith. 这边的区域归他管 He runs this area up here. -他是谁

 -他即将是我的头号♥客户 - Who"s this? - He"s gonna be my number one. 好 Okay. 司法部怎么说 And what did the DOJ say? 现在他爸被杀了 Well, it"s a little trickier now 事情有些棘手 with his old man murdered. 他们查到凶手了吗 Have they found who did it? 当地警方认为是雇佣兵干的 Local boys think it was a mercenary job. 没人会以为是尼古拉斯干的吗 And no-one thinks it could have been Nicholas? 他们会怀疑作案时机

 但最终不会抓他 Mmm, they"re suspicious of the timing, but they"ll let him go. 很多人都希望那家伙死 Plenty of other people wanting that guy dead. 我们即将与侦币同步推出一款新产品 We"re about to launch a new product in conjunction with GenCoin, 但我的投资者还在犹豫不决 but my investors are still feeling very shaky, 因为塔尔曼还没被关起来 with Talman not behind bars. 这需要时间 Well, it takes time. 你知道的

 这里规矩很多 You know, there"s lots of regulations here. 跟你们国家不一样 It"s not like your country. -好

 -伊莎贝尔呢 - Okay. - And Isabelle? 怎么了


 怎么了 What? She"s... She"s fine. What? 真的 She is. 她知道自己闯祸了 Look, she knows she messed up. 没必要去找她 There"s nothing to be done there. 菲尔

 如果你判断失误... Phil, if you"re wrong about this-- 我知道 Yeah, I know. 我知道 I know. 我来找大吉斯 I"m here to see Big Keith. 记得还给我 I"m gonna want that back. 大吉斯


 最近在干什么 Big Keith, my nigga. So where you hurtin" at? 冰♥毒♥


 生意怎么样 Toolies? White? What"s up? 我手头的交易一切正常

 兄弟 I got no problem moving nothing right now, homeboy. 去年你有多少货被查走了 How many of your jits got sent away last year? 你到底来这里干什么

 罗尼 What you doing down here, huh, Ronnie? 我还欠你人情 You know I still owe you. 如果第安德鲁过来看到你 If DeAndre come up in here and catch your Haitian ass up in here, 绝对会闹出大事

 懂吗 he gonna put a zo down. You feel me? 我不是来找第安德鲁的 I"m not here to talk to DeAndre, 我是来找大吉斯的 I"m here to talk to Big Keith. 如果你希望第安德鲁和其他人 If you want DeAndre and them 看到你在这里玩了新花样 to see you do some new shit around here, 玩了新招数 see you making moves, 就把这个安装到家里的电脑上 install this on your computer at home. 再拷贝几份

 告诉你的朋友 Make copies. Tell all your friends. 顾客


 你的所有人脉 Your customers, your dealers, everybody you know. 我保证你会看清形势 I guarantee you"ll see what"s up. 如果看不清


 没什么大不了 If you don"t, burn this shit. No big. -好笑吗

 -你说什么 - What"s funny? - What"s that? 你觉得好笑吗 This shit right here is funny? 兄弟

 你还跑来这里 Look, you"re still running around here 又来说电脑那套破玩意 with more of that computer shit or whatever. 大家都在传 All the people are talkin", man, 传你是个蠢货 they"re saying you some sort of damn fool 任由北区就这样散了 for letting the northside fall apart the way it has. 条子查了柠檬城 The pigs busted up Lemon City. 我也没办法 Ain"t nothin" I could do about that. 但你当初搞了什么比特币 But you was on some Bitcoin shit, then. 当时大家觉得你疯了

 对吧 People thought you was tripping, right? 现在又来搞这个 Now, you"re on this shit. 接下来呢

 兄弟 What"s next, brother? 你要跟真♥主♥安♥拉♥对话了吗 You"re gonna be talkin" to Allah or some shit? Huh? 你是在等圣光普照的那一刻吗 You waiting on some kind of divine intervention 是不是

 下一步是这样吗 or some shit, huh? Is that what"s next? -是侦币

 -什么 - It was GenCoin. - What? 不是比特币

 是侦币 It"s not Bitcoin, it"s GenCoin. 我跟我的人 And me and mines, 是被几个俄♥罗♥斯♥佬出♥卖♥♥♥了 we got cheated out of that shit by some Russian thugs. 如果我们继续... But had we still been on that... 如果你


 我谈过的所有人都参与 If you, DeAndre, everybody that I talked to had been on that... 这是什么 What"s this? 这是侦币的现状 That"s where GenCoin at right now. 你之前错过了这个 You missed out on this, bruh, 这次你应该不想错过吧 so maybe you don"t want to miss out on this. 太棒了 Yes! 罗尼真棒 Ronnie! 我离开后不久 知道我的一些事 为了救我所做的一切 迪克兰

 好久不见 Declan, it"s been a minute. 是的 Yes, it has. 你要吃什么吗 Can I get you something? 裘德做的焦糖蛋奶非常好吃 Jude make the best flan there is. 你最近在卖♥♥什么

 冰♥毒♥吗 So, where you hurtin"? Crystal? 主要是迷幻药

 海滩边卖♥♥点"砂砾"[合成兴♥奋♥剂♥代称] Pills, mostly. Some flakka up around the beaches. 好 All right. 把这个安装到电脑


 手♥机♥上 Load this onto your PC, laptop, cell phone. 跟你的客户和朋友分享下 Share it with your customers and with your friends. 网站已经有 100 名用户

 还在不断扩大 Network already 100 strong, and it is still growing. 不只是冰♥毒♥和白粉 And it ain"t just toolies and white. 我们可以做到反追踪

 ID 盗用 We got that fraud game, that ID theft, 还设置了其他高级加密程序 and a whole bunch of new hustle type shit. 这个就是阿♥拉♥克网 That right there, that"s ArakNet. 你做的吗 You made that shit? 不知道是谁做的 Don"t nobody know who made that shit. 我今天推荐给你 I"m just pushing it out to you 是因为这玩意对我们都有好处 "cause this shit good for all of us. 要不要随你 All right, take it or leave it. 我们都知道

 联调局很快就会查到 We both know the feds are cracking down 松苑那边吸毒的年轻人 on them pill poppin" kids in Pinecrest. 这个东西 That shit... 这东西能解决你的所有问题 That shit will solve all your problems. 尼克 Hey, Nick! 这条石斑鱼都要游回海里了

 兄弟 This grouper is about to swim back to sea, man. 赶紧 Come on! 维斯·钱德勒 现在网站上的节点 Well, there"s enough nodes 已经足够支撑我再添加一个跃点 on the network where I can add another hop. 这样会更安全 It"ll make it more secure. 好

 我还是不知道你在说什么 Yes, still don"t know what y"all talking about 我年纪大了 because I"m old as shit. 是的

 你听我说 Yes, you are. Look real quick. 假设一个自♥由♥城的人 Liberty City dude makes a transaction 和一个霍姆斯特德的人交易 with a dude in Homestead. 这两台电脑并不会直接对话 These two computers aren"t talking directly to each other. 这样很容易被条子和黑客拦截 Any cop or hacker can easily intercept that. 阿♥拉♥克网所做的 So what ArakNet does, 就是把网站上的所有其他电脑 it turns all the other computers on the network 变成跃点 into hops, right? 自♥由♥城这里是入口节点 Liberty City here is the entrance node. 这人从霍姆斯特德的人手里买♥♥一克冰♥毒♥ Dude buys a gram of pookie from Homestead dude, 霍姆斯特德就是出口节点 Homestead becomes the exit node. 好

 但是自♥由♥城 Right. But the request 也就是入口节点

 所发出的请求 comes from Liberty City, the entrance node, 会跳跃到北迈阿密海滩的某处 hops over to somewhere over here in North Miami Beach, 再到珊瑚阁的一个瘾君子 down to some pill popper in Coral Gables, 再到上城一台电脑上

 最后回到霍姆斯特德 to a computer in Overtown, back to homeboy in Homestead. 每次都走不同的路线 Different configuration every time, 所以无法追踪 that"s what makes it impossible to trace. 牛啊 My girl. 要是你有什么需要 Yo, um, if you ever need 可以随时跟我说 any help with anything, just let me know. -你懂 JavaScript 吗


 但是 - You know JavaScript? - No. But, I mean... 我很感兴趣

 我很想学 I"m interested. You know, I wanna learn. 行

 等你学会 JavaScript 再说 Mmm-hmm. Cool. Learn JavaScript, then we"ll talk. 好吧 Okay. 孩子 Yo, kid. 上这个网站

 有很多自学程序 Go on this website, there"s a bunch of self-teaching programs. 谢谢 Thanks. 听我说 Listen. 你跟我讲了阿♥拉♥克网之后 Uh, I did a little thinking 我想了一下 after you showed me the ArakNet thing. 我自己做了一些调查 I"ve been doing a little of my own research. 现在这种东西 There is an overwhelming demand 在市场上有巨大需求 for this sort of thing right now. 执法部门越来越精明 Law enforcement"s getting smarter, 黑客也越来越狡猾 hackers are getting savvier. 普通的互联网就不用提了 Just forget about the pedestrian Internet. 就连暗网本身也正在 I mean, even the Dark Net itself is becoming polluted 被企业和监管侵蚀 with corporations and surveillance. 下一代年轻人绝对会寻求 And new and upcoming generations are absolutely 全新且纯净的安全港 looking for a new safe haven, somewhere pure. 所以我... So I think... 我真觉得这不仅是全新的暗网 I really think that this could be not only the new Dark Net, 也将是全新的互联网 I think it could be the new Internet. 没错

 我们就是在朝这方向做 So... Yeah, that"s, um, kind of what we"re already doing. 可等到你的网络用户升至上千了 Yeah. But what are you going to do when your network 你打算怎么办 grows to thousands? 上百万

 上十亿 Or millions? Or billions? 你打算把这些用户数据储存到哪里 Where are you gonna store all that data? 从每台网络用户的电脑里借点空间 Each computer on the network lends storage space. 就像一台巨型分散式存储服务器 It"s like one big decentralized server. 我看过有另一款自主研发的互联网络 All right, sure. I"ve read about another home-grown network 也采用这种方法 that"s doing that same method. 运行速度极慢

 对吧 But it"s really slow, isn"t it? 并不慢 It"s not slow. 很慢

 相当慢 It"s slow. It"s really, really slow. 你想把它做大做强吗 You want this thing to grow, you want it to spread? 你是希望你的网络 You want to have hundreds of people 就被几百号♥人用来交易毒品 buying and selling drugs or do you want 还是被上百万人用来交易合法物资 millions of people buying and selling legitimate goods? 你得考虑普通用户 You have to think about the average customer. 现在的年轻人绝对不乐意 Now, there"s no way in hell any millennial is gonna wait 加载缓存时间超过 0.4 秒的 more than .4 seconds for something to load or buffer. 而你只能在那干等着 So, in the meantime, you"re just gonna be waiting 别人投入更多资金

 朝全球化发展 until somebody comes along with more money, more global reach, 然后将你吞噬 and they"re gonna swallow you up. 已经有一家公♥司♥着手在做了 There"s one company out there that"s already off to something. 他们研发了一款产品 They"ve been... they have a product that"s been 近几个月受到了不少关注 generating a little bit of heat in the last couple of months. 一对瑞典夫妇的团队 Husband and wife team out of Sweden, 研发了一种叫盖泽的浏览器加密术 they invented a browser encryption called Guizer. -从没听说过

 -你必须得了解 - Never heard of it. - Well, you should have. 你必须得抢先了解互联网动向 You have to be in front of these things, -所以你需要我

 -做什么 - that"s why you need me. - To do what? 我来当你们的执行总裁 I think I should be your CEO. 你笑什么

 有...有什么好笑的 Why are you laughing? It"s not... it"s not funny. 有点好笑 It"s kind of funny. 你们别太纠结那个词 I think you"re getting hung up on the word. 我们是平等的合伙人 We would all be equal partners. 我不是要凌驾于你们之上 I"m not saying I would be a larger partner. 但由我来做决策 But I would make the decisions. 你们需要一个能拍板的领头人 You need somebody to make the decisions and lead. 你凭啥觉得你自己比我们俩更适合 And what makes you more qualified to do that than either one of us? 那我问你们俩一个问题 Well, let me ask you this. Let me ask you guys both this. 你们俩

 通常都是谁负责拍板 Who here, as it stands, is the decision maker? -我

 -我们俩 - Me. - We both are. 懂我的意思了吧 That"s exactly my point. 我们因为犹豫不决错失侦币 Guys, we lost GenCoin "cause we were sloppy, 当时我们都推给对方 and we were all lookin" at each other, 想着别人会解决问题 hoping someone else would solve the problem, 想当然地认为有伊兹代码的优势 and we just imagined it would work out based on 一切问题都会迎刃而解 the merit of Izzy"s code. 伊兹

 把你所有的杂活全给我 Izzy, let me take all the bullshit off your plate. 我帮你处理你不想干的事 Let me do all the things that you don"t wanna do 你全身心投入进行代码革新 so you can spend 100% of your time creating and innovating. 尼克

 我懂你想走全球化 Nick, all this going global stuff, I get it, 但是我们压根没那么多资金 but it"s an assload of money that we don"t have. 钱我来搞定 I"ll get you money. 要多少

 要多少你才能实现 How much? How much would you need to blow it out? 全球化

 或者就做到你设想的版本 To go global and... Just your dream version? -设高目标

 -我需要一个团队 - Aim high. - I need a real team. -多少钱

 -我需要一名网♥管♥ - Okay. How much? - I need a network manager, 至少两名加密员 I need at least two cryptographers, 好几名编码员 I need a couple of more coders other than myself. -多少钱

 -上百万 - How much? - Millions. 上百万我搞定 I can get you millions. 那你怎么还在当服务员 Then why the hell you still waitin" tables? 不当了

 辞了 I"m not. I quit. -什么时候

 -我... - What? When? - I... -38 分钟前

 -靠 - Thirty-eight minutes ago. - Shit. 你有撼动整个互联网界的能力 You"re sitting on the next big thing. 你需要有人帮你实现

 我能做到 You need somebody to make it real. I can do that. 但你得先托付于我 But you have to empower me. 我确实希望运行速度能提高 I do need this thing to move fast, though. 我那片区现在是有点赚头 At the hood, we"re seein" some returns, 但是还远远不够 but it ain"t close to where we need to be. 这不符合阿♥拉♥克网的初衷 We"re gonna bastardize ArakNet. 我就是不希望 The whole point of this thing 有他人资助和牵头人 was that there was no funding and no strings. 可这小白脸说得也对

 我们确实没进展 Yeah, but South Beach, he got a point. We barely growin". 不抓紧的话 And before we know it, 就会有其他人创建同样的新型网络 somebody else gonna create something just like this, 大家就全都涌过去了 everybody"s gonna jump on it then. 没错

 只要给我三周 Yes, they are. Listen, just give me three weeks. 我把话撂这里

 给我三周 That"s what I"m saying. Give me three weeks, 钱我全部搞定 I"ll get you the money. 要是没搞定

 那我自觉闪人 If I don"t, I"ll leave. Whatever. 就此别过

 无须挽留 We"ll say goodbye, no hard feelings. 我滚回沙滩继续卖♥♥我的金枪鱼色拉 I"ll go back to selling tuna tartar on the beach. 萨凡纳

 匠心手工集市 这可以用来盛饭吗 And I can"t eat out of this, or... 抱歉不能

 如果你是想用来盛饭菜的话 No, sorry. But I do have these hand-made bowls if you"re 我这里也有手工制碗 looking for something more dining oriented. 我也讲不清 Yeah, I don"t really know. 我是打算送给我儿媳妇 It"s a gift for my daughter in law. 您真好 Oh, that"s nice. 今天忙吗 How"s work? 还行 Fine. Work"s fine. 亲爱的


 想和你聊聊 Look, sweetheart, can we get dinner? I wanna catch up. 一个小时就好 Just an hour or so. 我和凯文约好和朋友一起吃了 Kevin and I were supposed to go out with friends. 就一个小时

 随便找家什么小饭馆 Just an hour. We can go to Emily"s or somewhere else this time. -今晚真的不行

 -那好吧 - I really can"t. Not tonight. - No? Okay. All right. 你妈到底说了什么 Okay, what did Mom say? 她肯定讲了我什么

 她跟你说了什么 About me? She said some things, right? So, what did she say? 你为什么一直躲着我

 讲讲清楚吧 Why are you avoiding me? Come on, help me out. 她说你最近一直怪怪的 She said that you"ve been acting weird, 她担心你 and that she"s worried about you, 说你最近变了 that you"re not quite yourself. 还说在你正常之前尽量少和你接触 And she told me to steer clear for a bit, till you get help. 芬利

 芬利 Finley. Finley... 坐下聊好吗 Can we sit? 就陪我坐一会儿 Will you just sit with me, please? 就是想和你聊聊 I just wanna talk to you. 首先

 你妈说得没错 First of all, she"s right. Your mom is right. 是该少和我接触 You should steer clear. 我最近是不太好 I"m not well. I"m not well. 其次

 我觉得不久可能要出事 Also, I think something is about to happen soon. 要出大乱子 Something big, something messy. 你可能会听到些事 And you"re gonna hear some things. 你可能会听到些我很不齿的事 You"re gonna hear some things that I"m not proud of. 可我想让你知道那些事 But I want you to know it has no bearing on 都不会影响我对你和对你母亲的感情 how I feel about you or your mom for that matter. 爸

 你这是什么意思 Dad, what do you mean by... 我只是想亲口告诉你 I just needed to tell you that in person. 好 Okay. 敬你父亲

 一位壮心无涯 To your father, a man who knew no boundaries, 一辈子过得充实 who lived every moment to its fullest, 我见过的最博爱的男人 and who loved bigger than any man I"ve ever met. 你那段悼词

 非常感人 That eulogy, it was very touching. 只有真男人才能敢于如此吐露真情 It takes a real man to lay his sword down like that. 谢谢 Well, thank you. 是真的吗 Is it true? -你是说我讲的故事吗

 -你的情感 - Was the story true? - Sentiment. 当然 Sure. 谁也不会在葬礼上讲死者坏话吧 I mean, look, nobody says the bad things at a funeral, right? 我妈落葬的时候我就讲了 I said some awful shit when I buried my mother. 真的吗 Really? 我记得 Yeah, I think, uh... 我好像还用了"婊♥子♥"这个词 think I even used the word "whore" at one point. 做悼词的时候 In the eulogy? 当时... Now, look, there"s... 我其实还有很多话没讲 I mean, there"s plenty more I could have said. 调查的事我听说了 So... I know about the investigation. 行吧

 那就来聊聊吧 Yeah. Uh, good. Let"s talk about that. 其实那调查都是瞎搞 That"s, uh... that"s actually bullshit. 过不久就没事了 That"s gonna be cleared up. 没事的 We"re fine. 有钱的白人是不会蹲大牢的 I mean, rich white guys, we don"t go to jail. 我在想 Well, I imagined, uh, 你在这方面还是有经验的吧 you have a little experience with that, right? 无意冒犯 Please don"t take offense. 唯一让我感到冒犯的就是不诚实 The only thing that offends me, son, is dishonesty. 好 Okay. Well... 我找你并不只是想跟你聊聊天 Then let me just say that I didn"t call you to share stories, 虽然是客套话 as delightful as that sounds. 但不是真话 That... that part was dishonest of me. 行 Okay. 说吧 So, hit me. 首先

 我知道 First of all, you and my dad, 你和我爸当时干的勾当 I know what you guys were doing back then. 你要是不知道

 那才是够傻了 Well, if you didn"t, you"d have to be pretty thick. 也是 Fair enough. 所以我设想了下要让你重回 So I would imagine that it"s been pretty difficult, 十七年前科技泡沫破裂前的地位 the last 17 years or so, to get back to where you were 应该挺难的 before the tech bubble burst. 但如果我告诉你即将有全新的科技革新呢 What if I told you there"s a new tech frontier on the horizon? 全新的暗网

 完全脱离托尔网 A new Dark Net, completely separate from Tor. 有自主的软件

 自主的网络 It has its own software, it"s on its own network. 可以买♥♥卖♥♥物品和服务

 交换信息 Goods and services can be bought or sold, information exchanged, 策划政♥治♥起义 political uprisings orchestrated. 完全安全

 完全匿名 All securely, all anonymously. 不受政♥府♥干预 It"s free from government interference, 不会被资产化 it"s free from corporatization. 这款网络目前由我和 This network is controlled by myself 另外两位极其聪明的人掌控 and two other very smart people. 如果我告诉你

 我们暂时还无资金注入 And what if I was to tell you that we"re not even financed yet. 我们的增长速度绝对超过托尔网 But we have a faster growth rate right now than Tor. 我觉得不可能 I"d say that was impossible. -是吗

 -是的 - Oh, yeah? - Yeah. 除非... I mean, unless... 除非你们幕后有某个政♥府♥机构 unless you"ve got some government agency, 或者说至少是一家大型企业支撑 or at least a massive corporation behind you. 你根本不需要这些 See, you don"t need those things, 只要你用上我的秘密武器 not when you have my secret weapon. 阿尔巴尼亚人可能会干 The Albanians might do it. 我可以联♥系♥下我的中国友人 I could call my guy in China. 算了


 他太谨慎了 Nah. Fuck that. He"s too safe. 对他们来说零风险 It"s zero risk for them. 只要能和我们连上

 再按节点外租 As long as you connect us, rent them as nodes. 说不定会免费给我们干 Maybe they"ll do it for free. 天啊

 你想要搞五个跃点 Jesus Christ. And you want five hops? 六个也说不定 Maybe six. 六个跃点

 分布在不同国家 Six hops, different countries? 就不会被追踪到了 Impossible to trace. I mean, 绝对是史上最安全的网络 that"s the safest network ever built. -真的

 -加密术是关键 - Literally. - Encryption is gonna be a beast. 慢慢侵蚀 Slow as Southern balls. 只要正确解码就行 You just need to have the right cipher. 怎么

 你一边写代码 What, you"re gonna build that, too, 还能一边搭建加密平台 while you"re working on the code? -斯泰拉应该可以

 -我自己找 - I bet Stella could do it. - I"ll find someone. 你跟她说过了 You talk to her? 斯泰拉

 我说她的加密技术还是过关的 Stella. I said she"d do a great job with the cipher. 不找 Nah. Uh-uh. 她到底怎么了 What"s up with her anyway? 听说她拒了雷神给的高薪工作 Heard she turned down some big job at Raytheon. 还听说她要嫁人了 Heard she"s getting married. 她不会干的 She"s not gonna do it. 别这样

 老大 Come on, Queen. 她不会干的

 我自己再找人 She"s not gonna do it, okay? So I"ll find someone. 行行行

 听你的 That"s fine. Your call. 那先预付我一半的分成 Just gonna need half of my money upfront. -付不了

 -行 - I can"t do that. - Cool. 那你找别人帮你干 Then you sholdn"t have any problem finding 也没多大难度吧 somebody else to work for you. 兰斯


 倒是可以讨论下分股份 Rance, come on. Maybe we can work out some sort of stake. 一旦上市

 钱就来了 Company"s gonna be printing cash once we launch. 就跟侦币一样吗 So just like GenCoin, right? 我没有要赶你走 It"s not like I cut you out. 我给你干了三个月 I worked for you for three months. 偷偷摸摸

 分文不取 Moonlighting for free. -你就这么对我


 兰斯 - You screwed me, bitch. - I got screwed, Rance. 要不是谁偷了我的代码 Had it not been stolen from me, 现在我们早就舒舒服服地坐办公室了 we"d be sharing a nice little office right now. 你倒是很擅长给人画饼 You are so good with promises. 是不是让你很爽 Think it"s your favorite part. 但到了兑现就不行了 Follow up, not so much. 你的债务我来还 I"ll absorb your debts. 替我联♥系♥上你的债主

 我全部接手 Just put me in contact with whoever you owe, and I will take over. 全部 Everything. 你真想这么做吗 Don"t know if you"d wanna do that. 所以同意了吗 Is that a yes? 行 Okay. 阿勒玛

 你好啊 Alma. Hey, girl. 我做了一大堆 I made way too much of this. 我猜也是 Oh, I bet you did. 谢谢邀请

 阿勒玛 Thanks for having us over, Alma. 这肉卖♥♥相不错 That"s some good-looking meat there, son. 你好啊

 老兄 What they do, big man. 抱歉


 我满手的肉汁 Sorry, dog, my hand is all pork juiced and shit. 不去喝瓶啤酒吗 You want a beer or something? -你知道我不喝的


 -对 - You know I don"t drink, E. - Oh, that"s right. 不过还是要谢谢你来 Thanks for comin", though, fam. 谢谢邀请 Thanks for having us. 你马子还好吗 Is your girl good? 挺好的

 挺靠谱 Word. She good. She straight. 我们帮你解决了房♥租

 还记得吧 We cleaned that rent situation up for you, ain"t that right? -钱大把大把地来

 -没错没错 - Money flowin" in. - For sure. For sure. 生意很好 Business is good. 不就是和迪克兰这种人做的 Business with Declan or some shit. -你说什么

 -我说... - What"s that? - I"m saying, dog. 迪克兰

 迪克兰 Declan? Declan? E

 你懂生意要怎么做吧 E, you understand how business works? 这就是生意 This here is business. 跟大吉斯谈生意 Big Keith... talk about business. 自♥由♥之城

 过时了 Liberty City... overtime. 这就是未来的趋势 This is where the future is going. 我们需要所有人的参与 We need everybody. We need everybody to be in this. 懂我的意思吗 You understand what I"m saying? 要我说

 那是白人的未来 It"s the white man"s future, if you ask me. 兄弟

 是你们找上我 My nigga, y"all come up to me, 要我想个办法 ask me to come up with a solution. 我找到了

 已经摊在台面上了 I found a solution. There"s food on the table. 阿♥拉♥克网就摆在这了

 懂吗 ArakNet put this here. You understand? 你要是不喜欢


 兄弟 If you don"t like it, you ain"t got to eat it, nigga. 你要是不喜欢

 就别吃啊 If you ain"t like it, nigga, you ain"t got to eat! 有种就别吃啊 You ain"t got to eat, nigga. 你们要是都不喜欢

 可以不吃 None of y"all got to eat if you don"t like it. 你们都可以不吃 None of y"all got to eat! 吃的都送到你们眼前了 There"s food on the table! -坦

 -干什么 - Tam. - What? 有话直说

 宝贝 Just come with it, babe. 他们也...

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