


 司 前情回顾 创



 司 第三季

 第七集 这个季度结束前

 你们的用户突破一个亿 You get to 100 mil by the end of this quarter, 我们就给你搞 B 轮融♥资♥ and we"ll give you your little Series B. 我那时候才 15 岁 I was 15. 你说的是卖♥♥给小海地 You talkin" "bout sellin" to Little Haiti. 我们说的是拓宽市场 We talkin" "bout catchin" our legs. 兄弟

 你不能这么做 Bruh, you can"t do that. 天呐 Oh my God. -你想让我做什么

 -什么都别做 - What you want me to do? - Do nothing. 他们会付出代价的 They"re gonna pay. 靠 Oh shit! 找到炸♥弹♥了吗 Find the canisters? 还没有 Not exactly. 你的订单已发货 如果我们可以找到自己监管网站的方法 If we could figure out a way to police the network ourselves. -这是在铤而走险

 -我想到个法子 - It is a very slippery slope. - I"ve got a way in. 斯泰拉开♥发♥了一款可以反馈数据的软件 Stella"s developed a software that can send data back to us. 发布升级 我可以利用它做一个筛选器 I can take that and create a filter 把所需信息汇集到一个文件夹里给你 that dumps intel into a folder for you. 又是国♥家♥安♥全♥局 The NSA? Again? 看来他们实在太爱我们了 Apparently they just love us over there. 国安局没有叫瑞贝卡·斯卓德的探员 We don"t have an Agent Rebecca Stroud at the NSA. 你需要登记

 凯丽 You need to sign in, Kelly. 我的天啊 For Christ sakes. 你还得戴上♥访♥客证 You also need a visitor"s badge. 你在耍我吗

 厄尔 Are you shitting me, Earl? 不是我定的规则 I don"t make the rules! 请把厄尔开除吧 Please fire Earl. Okay... 我和国防部的人取得了联♥系♥ I got a hold of my guy over at the DOD, 核实了身份

 没问题 credentials check out, 100%. -所以那两个混♥蛋♥就是国安局的

 -没错 - So those two asshats, they"re NSA? - Yep. Correct. 那特别探员瑞贝卡·斯卓德是谁 Well, then who the fuck is Agent Rebecca Stroud? 到底是谁骗走了我的钱

 凯 I mean, who the hell leveraged the seizure of my money, Kel?! 我不知道


 她就是个骗子 I don"t know! A fraud. She"s a freakin" impostor. 他们在向我们招手 Hey, look, they"re wavin" at us. 你想让我做什么 What do you want me to do here? 你不必和盘托出 Listen, you don"t have to tell them anything. -好吗

 -我的老天 - All right? - Jesus Christ. 各位 Folks, um, 我们有点担心你们会吃亏 we"re a little concerned that you may be compromised. 但考虑到我们今天访问的目的 Which is extra concerning, 你们的担心是多余的 when you consider the nature of our visit today. 这些监控能用吗 Do these security cameras work? 抓拍到她了吗 Do you have footage of her, by chance? 监控能用 Yeah, the security cameras, they work, 但是我不确定抓没抓拍到她 but I don"t know if we still got the footage, though. 不过我们会去查一下的 We can definitely check for you, though. -这会很有帮助

 -不好意思 - That would be helpful. - What? I"m sorry, 你刚说你们此行来的目的是什么 you said the nature of your visit? What is that? 或许你们知道

 你们的网站 Uh, your network as you may be aware, 有时候被恐♥怖♥分♥子♥利用为交流工具 is sometimes used as a communication channel for terrorists. -我们不会监视用户

 -不管怎样 - We don"t keep tabs on our users. - Regardless... 我们获取了一些情报 we picked up some intel. 一批失踪的化学武器 A... missing cache of chemical weapons 已经落入不法分子手中 has fallen into the wrong hands. 最近的聊天记录显示 Recent chatter suggests 这些武器将被用于恐怖袭击 these weapons are going to be used to carry out an attack. 有可能在美国本土上 Potentially on U.S. Soil. 最早就在下周 Potentially as early as next week. 所以

 如果我们能检查整个网站 For obvious reasons, it would be very helpful... 那将会很有帮助 if we could scrape the network. 只是为了检查任何可疑的交易 Just to check for... for any possible transmissions. -这样太棘手了

 -很抱歉 - That"s gonna be tricky. - I"m sorry, I"m sorry... -这是不可能的

 -这可能威胁到 - that"s just not going to be possible. - Potentially thousands 数千条无辜的性命 of innocent lives we"re talking about. 那我只能为此感到悲哀 And that is incredibly sad and, um... 也许我们可以 Hey, but maybe we should just... 我们是不可知论者

 我们不会这么做 The problem is, we"re agnostic. We just don"t work like that. 这件事值得商榷

 对吗 Well, it"s... it"s worth the discussion, though, right? 这是特殊情况

 值得商榷 Yeah, maybe it"s worth this one, specific thing... 棘手的是 Well, well, the tricky thing is, 就算我们想配合 you know, even if we want to cooperate -我们的网站是

 -分散管理的 - the way our network is built... - Completely decentralized, 大规模加密


 但是 massive encryption, I know, but... 没有中心账户 There"s no central ledger, 所以没有办法检查数据 so there"s no way to scrub that data, anyway. 那我们最好找个办法 Then we better find a way. 就我个人而言 Well, look, um... I mean, I, for one, am 我非常支持你们的工作

 但是 incredibly sympathetic to the work that you are charged with, but... 我们只是.we"re just... 没法和警♥察♥合作 not able to work with feds. 这不是我们公♥司♥建立的初衷 We"re just not set up that way. 那我们只能带着搜查令来了 Then, we"re just gonna have to come back with a warrant. 你们不能 No, you won"t. 因为你们的要求是违法的 "Cause what you"re asking is unconstitutional. 而且理论上是行不通的 and, well, it"s logistically impossible. 就算有搜查令

 也做不到 Even with a warrant, so... 不管怎么说 Anyway, uh, 我认为我们的会议该告一段落了 I think, uh, it"s best that we put a pin in this meeting. 我们还得工作 We"ve got a business to run here, 所以 so... 好的 Okay. 行吧 All right. 员工不能知道这件事 Nobody out there can know about this. Okay? 这会使他们心烦

 无法♥正♥常工作 It"ll mess them up, they won"t be able to work. 你现在就担心这个吗 That"s what you"re worried about right now? 我只想说

 我觉得他们没必要 I"m just saying, I don"t think they need to be... 考虑化学武器的问题 thinkin" about chemical weapons. 我觉得你不该思考他们在想什么 Okay, well, I don"t think you need to be

 我觉得你不该思考他们在想什么 thinking about what they"re thinking about. 如果你能阻止下一次 911 发生 If you could stop the next 9/11 from happening,


 对吗 you"d do that, right? 911 的时候他们掌握了所有信息 They had all the information on 9/11, 可灾难还是发生了 it happened anyway. -那不是真的

 -你怎么知道 - That"s not true. - How do you know? 对了


 维斯 Oh, yeah, that"s right. I forgot, Wes, 你是个冷血的混♥蛋♥ you a heartless asshole. 我这么跟你说吧 Alright, let me try this argument on you. 如果人们发现你的公♥司♥ What would happen to your business if people found out 该对下一次 911 负责

 公♥司♥会成什么样 your business was responsible for the next 9/11? 不会发生这种事的

 兄弟 Don"t happen like that, brother. 我看快了 Well, I"m thinkin" it"s about to. 之前在圣贝纳迪诺发生了大规模枪击案 They had a mass shooting in San Bernardino, okay? 联调局找到苹果公♥司♥

 跟他们说 The FBI goes to Apple, they say, "我们需要你们解锁这个手♥机♥" "We need for you to unlock this phone." 苹果说"去你的"

 你猜怎么着 Apple says, "Go fuck yourself." Guess what? 大家还是在买♥♥苹果产品 People are still buying Apple! 那之后苹果的股票确实涨了 Apple"s stock actually went up after that. 该死 Goddamn... 你们都疯了 y"all done lost your minds. 我们讨论的是数千条无辜的生命 We"re talking about thousands of innocent people, 你们是认真的吗 are you guys being serious right now? 我们怎么知道

 或许那些家伙是在唬人 We don"t even know, these guys might be bluffin". 我们甚至不知道他们的身份是否属实 We don"t even know if these guys are who they say they are. 也许我们可以自己想办法 Okay, well, maybe we can find out for ourselves. 我们可以用斯泰拉的监管软件 We can figure it all out, right? 把事情解决 Using Stella"s police software? 什么 What? 用斯泰拉的什么 Using Stella"s what? 我负责


 不是她的错 It"s my thing. It"s my pet project, it ain"t her fault. 我让她开♥发♥一个算法能交叉搜索聊天记录 I asked her to develop an algorithm to triangulate chatter, 交易和关键词 transactions, keywords. 这种事发生时能够第一时间通知我们 Basically ping us when something like this go down. 你知道这件事吗 You know about this shit? -我想告诉他们

 -没人询问我的意见 - I tried to tell "em... - No one consulted me about this shit. 还没设计完


 所以这不重要 Well, it never finished, Wes. So it don"t matter. -但可以设计完

 -没错 - We could finish it. - Exactly. -不行

 -就这一次 - Oh, fuck no, man. - One time. -只此一次

 -什么时候设计完 - Just this once, just this one time. - When does it end? 我觉得快了

 尼克 I think right about there, Nick. 这次潜在的袭击


 罗纳德 It"s... it"s really sad, Ronald, really sad, okay? 但这不关我们的事 But it"s not our thing. 那个计数器 That ticker there... 才是我们的问题 that"s our problem! 我们离 B 轮融♥资♥还差九百万的用户 We are nine million away from Series B. Alright? 那才是我们应该集中精力做的事 That"s all we should be focused on right now! 你这样铤而走险 You go down this slippery slope, 没人会给我们投资了 and nobody"s gonna wanna fund us. 瞎闹


 举手表决 Bullshit. You know what? Fuck this shit! Show of hands! 有谁同意 Who"s in agreement here? 二比二 Alright, it"s my two against your two. 尼克


 你站哪边 Nick, you"re the tiebreaker. What"s it gonna be? 当义务警员还是 B 轮融♥资♥ Some vigilante bullshit, or Series B? 你们都是魔鬼 Y"all evil. 我有过漫无天日

 支离破碎的日子 I had some day-ones go dark, broke inside. 我见过有些人祭奠他们的家人 I seen some of them cap their own families. 而你们呢 But y"all? 我从没见过你们这种魔鬼 I ain"t never seen evil like that. 有人知道你来了吗 Does anyone know you"re up here? 没有


 真是怪异的一天 No? Okay, um, sorry. It"s been a weird... day. 今天警♥察♥来做什么 Yeah, what"s up with the suits that came in today? 你可以关机吗 Will you turn off your phone? -什么


 麻烦关机 - What? - Power down your phone. Just power it down. -你怎么了

 -是这样 - What"s wrong with you? - All right, so... 自从阿♥拉♥克网得到更多关注后 ever since ArakNet has been getting more attention, 发生了许多疯狂的事 some crazy shit has been happening. 一个月前

 一个国安局的人来过 About a month ago, we got a visit from an agent of the NSA. 她坐在我们的会议室 She sat in our conference room 出示了她的公文 and she gave us her credentials. 她想要进入我们网络的后台 And she wanted access to the network. 我们拒绝了

 这有悖于阿♥拉♥克网的价值观 Of course we told her no. Goes against everything ArakNet is. 于是她就开始搞我们 So, she starts messing with us. 她冻结了维斯的钱 She... she froze Wes"s money. 她试图策反罗纳德 She tried to turn Ronald, 说不定背后还使了不少绊子 probably a whole bunch of other shit we don"t even know. 但我们没管这些

 继续运行着 We keep going, because... screw surveillance, and also... 大金主看我们的眼神都不一样了 big finance is finally looking at us in a different way. 今天来的那两个人

 也是国安局的 So, today, these two suits show up, also NSA. 发现

 他们根本不知道她是谁 Turns out... they didn"t have any idea who she is. 她就像是个花言巧语的骗子 She"s like a... a con-artist, or something. -所以她不是

 -不是国安局的 - So, she"s not even... - Not NSA! 我不知道她是谁 I do not know who the fuck she is! 所以呢 So, wh... 虽然你才回来不久 So, look, I know you"ve only been back a couple days, but... 但是

 你能追查一下这个女人吗 I mean, can we go after this woman? 用合法的方式吗 Like, legally? 不

 追查她的网络踪迹 No, go after her digital trail. 你有她的资料吗 Do you have her information? 虽然我有

 但肯定不是真实信息 Well, I did, but, you know, apparently it"s not real. 那你有照片吗 What about a picture? 我们正在查录像 We"re going through the security footage now. 那就行

 我可以做人脸识别 Okay. That"ll help. I can run a facial scan program. 画一张她的社会关系网 And cast a net on any of her socials, -谷歌♥图片搜索


 -好吧 - Google Images, you name it. - Okay. 你不能跟任何人说

 行吗 Okay, obviously, no one can know about this... okay. -行

 -我们一拿到录像 - Okay. - Get you that footage. -没问题

 -我就发给你 - All right. - As soon as we have it. 没问题 Yeah, just... 还有多的吗 Do you have another one of those? -烟吗

 -是的 - A cigarette? - Yeah. -你抽烟吗

 -不抽 - You smoke? - No. 谢谢 Thank you. 未知号♥码 今晚在我的房♥间开工 你迟到了 You"re late. 我很抱歉 Yeah, I"m sorry. 截止日期要到了 Team"s on deadline. 如果我开溜的话

 会被怀疑的 Would"ve been sketch if I"d just split early. 喝点吗 Want a drink? 不喝

 我现在一喝就倒 No, that"ll knock me on my ass right now. 好吧

 已经给你登录了 All right, well, you"re all logged in already, 从上次剩下的开始吧 just pick up where you left off. -今天过得怎么样

 -我吗 - How you doin" today? - Me? -对

 -我很好 - Yeah. - I"m great. 去游泳了

 又做了一些脑力劳动 Went for a swim, got in some good brain work. -挺好


 人在水下活动 - Cool. - Crazy thing. You know when you get in the water, 会分泌内啡肽 get those endorphins going. 你看事物就会... Allows you to see things... 有所不同

 真是神奇 different...perspective, it"s a hell of a thing. 在排队吗 Waitin" in this line? 不是


 为什么来这里 No, no, I"m just waiting for you. Why are we here? 不是公事

 是关于... Alright, this ain"t about business, girl, it"s about... 是关于是非曲直 it"s about right and wrong, aight? -发生了什么

 -先坐下 - What"s happening? - Just sit down. 好吧 Okay. -你还好吗


 听我说 - Are you okay? - Yeah, I"m all right. Check this out. 说什么 What? 记得昨天穿制♥服♥的人吗 Look, the suits that came by the office yesterday? 他们是国安局探员 They NSA agents. -什么

 -他们获取了聊天记录 - What? - They picked up some chatter 显示美国本土会再次发生一起 911 式袭击 that there gonna be another 9/11 type attack on U.S. Soil. 能阻止袭击的信息吗 And the intel to stop that shit? 在阿♥拉♥克网里吗 ArakNet?! 你会怎么做

 斯泰拉 What would you do, Stella? 有人来告诉你这种消息 Somebody come and drop that shit on you. 你会... Are you gon"... 保持中立吗 "Protect neutrality," 还是介入其中 or you gon" step in there 去帮助他们 and help "em? -监管算法吗

 -恢复这套算法 - The police algorithm? - Reinstate that. 这一次

 我们得帮他们 We help them. This one time. 不能告诉尼克 We don"t tell Nick. 不能告诉玛拉和伊兹

 你不能告诉伊兹 We don"t tell Mara. Can"t tell Izzy, you cannot tell Izzy... -我不会跟任何人说的

 -你跟我一起吗 - I"m not going to tell anyone. - So, you down for this? 行吧 Yeah. 好的 Okay. -好的

 -就这样 - Aight. Okay. - Yeah. -就这样

 -下一步怎么做 - Okay, um... - So, what we gotta do? 从技术层面讲 Okay, technically speaking, um, 我们的这套算法并不是很精确 the algorithm that we had, it wasn"t really that specific. 它只会从我截取的随机文本中搜索数据 It would just index data that I intercepted from random notes. 它会搜索关键字 It was pinging on keywords. 如果你有与他们所寻找的信息相关的关键词列表 So, if you got a list, keywords, on the intel

 如果你有与他们所寻找的信息相关的关键词列表 that they think that they"re looking for... 就这么简单吗 And it"ll just like... that"s it? 也不简单

 要花很长时间 Well, I mean, it"s not super simple. It takes time. 他们说袭击有可能就在下周 Okay, they say this shit could go down by next week, you understand? 我不知道

 我不能做出保证 I don"t know. I can"t make any promises, 尤其现在还是秘密行事 especially if we"re keeping this on the down low. -我去要关键字列表

 -我支持你 - Okay, I"ma get you the keywords. - I got your back, alright? -这件事要保密

 -我知道了 - This stay between us, aight? - Yeah... yeah, I got you, okay? -我会打给你

 -没问题 - Okay. I"ma call you. - Of course. 随时跟我联♥系♥ Okay c... yeah, let me know, please. 罗迪烤肋排 罗尼

 很高兴见到你 Hi, Ronnie, nice to see you! 达西先生 Mr. Dacey. 幸会 "Sup. 闻着真香 Man, it smells good in here. 绝对是最好吃的肋排 Yeah. Best damn ribs you ever gon" eat. 我妈做的最好吃了 Not better than my mama"s. -你妈是哪里人

 -田纳西州 - Where your mama from? - Tennessee. 我也很喜欢孟菲斯肋排 I do like me some Memphis ribs, that"s f"sho. 这里做的会稍有不同 These a little different, though. -是吗

 -会有一些印第安风味 - Oh yeah? - Yeah, got a nice little Cajun kick to "em. 听起来不错 Sounds good. -你吃不了辣

 -我能吃辣 - You don"t do spicy. - Yes, I do! I eat spicy food. -吃不了


 -她瞎说 - No, no. Trust. - She"s makin" stuff up. -你吃不了

 -我们得快点 - No, you don"t. - We need to make this quick, 不能让我的合伙人知道 "cause my partners can"t know. 很感谢你能帮忙 We really appreciate your help here. 这是我们试图交叉搜索的 So, these are all the keywords 所有的关键字 we"ve been attempting to triangulate. 天哪 Damn. -这么多吗

 -我们得保证 - All of this? - We need to be certain... 锁定的目标是正确的 that we get the right hits. -球会向左偏


 这块地很邪门的 - It"s gotta break left. - Mm-mm. Nah, it"s a tricky green. -会先向右偏


 小子 - It"s gonna return right first. - It"s a hard left, son. 你还在吃奶的时候 I"ve been puttin" this green 我就在这儿打球了 before you were suckin" on your mama"s titties. 好吧


 你要能打进洞 Alright, well, I"ll tell you what. You make this putt, 你想干什么就干什么 I"ll let you suck on those big old titties. -别这么说


 如果我打偏 - Dude. - I"ll tell you what. If I miss it, 你可以跪舔我 you can suck my dick. 没问题 Yeah, that makes sense. 转 Turn... 转 turn! 吃惊吧 Shocker. 并没有转 Didn"t turn. 收到我给你发的信息了吗 Did you get my note? 什么信息 What"s that? 最新预测

 周二之前用户数破一亿 New projection? 100 mil by Tuesday? 收到了

 但是不重要了 Yeah... but it doesn"t really matter now, right? 你什么意思 What"d you mean? 听说你在和情报机构合作啊 I mean, you playing ball with the intelligence agencies, right? 哪儿听来的 Where"d you hear that? 都传遍了 That"s the word around the office. 瞎扯 Yeah, well, it"s bullshit. 希望是吧 Yeah, well, I hope it is, 因为中立性是个很好的卖♥♥点

 朋友 because neutrality is your big selling point, friend. 如果你们参与 B 轮融♥资♥ Well, it"s gonna be our big selling point 那将会是个大卖♥♥点 when you guys come in with the Series B. 在我们入伙之前

 得先看看 Well, then we"re gonna have to see how this whole thing shakes out 所谓联调局的事态如何 with the feds, y"know, before we commit. 不管传言是不是真的

 你明白吗 Even if it"s just a rumor, you understand? 接下来怎么玩

 兄弟 What"d you get, bro? 给我四号♥球杆 put me down for a four. 四号♥吗 You got a four? 简直胡来 Lyin" piece of shit. 你想知道事实吗

 兄弟 Wanna know something, man? 国安局来我们公♥司♥了吗

 他们来了 Did the NSA come to our office? Yeah, they did. 你想知道我们怎么说的吗 You wanna know what we told them? 滚蛋

 好吗 "Go fuck yourself!" Okay? 我把这当做一种荣誉 I consider that to be a badge of honor. 好吧

 兄弟 Okay, man, okay. 你们没发现我们的潜力吗 Don"t you guys get the potential here? 维斯·钱德勒

 萨吉诺家族 Wes Chandler, the Saginaws, 像两个巨人一样联手 coming together like two big Goliaths. 现在还是 1999 年吗 Oh shit, is it still 1999? 我不知道 I didn"t know that. 你说什么

 朋友 What"s that, friend? 没什么

 你名字的分量没那么重了 Nothin", your name just doesn"t mean that much anymore. -兄弟


 -我就随口一说 - Alright, bro, come on. - I"m just sayin"! -我就随口一说

 -是吗 - I"m just sayin"! - Oh, really? 这话居然出自你的嘴里 This coming from a guy whose name wouldn"t be rat piss 一个没有老爸就狗屁不是的人 if it weren"t for his daddy? -随便吧


 -我妈累死累活 - Whatever, man. - My mother busted her ass, 做两份工作

 就是为了家里能有饭吃 with two jobs, just to put food on the table. 我从能拿得动拖把开始

 就在干活 Okay? I"ve been humpin" since I could push a mop. 所以别和我说名字怎么样

 因为在我那边 So, don"t come to me about names. "Cause where I come from, 唯一重要的

 就是一个男人手上的老茧 the only thing that matters is the callouses on a man"s hands. 我手上也有老茧

 兄弟 Well, I got callouses, bro. -我知道你有

 -不是这个... - I"m sure you do. - That"s not... 兄弟们

 我们能回去了吗 Guys, can we make the turn? Please? 马丁

 没事的 You know something, Martin? It"s gonna be all right. 没事的

 我们会给你找个女孩 It"s gonna be all right. We"ll get you a girl. 也许要去克雷格网找 May have to go to Craigslist, 不过我们会给你找一个的 but we"ll get you a girl. 你就不用再打飞机了 You won"t have to jerk off anymore. -用不着


 -别说了 - I don"t need to go to... I got girls. Plural. - You know what? -我们能回去了吗

 -我在等你 - Can we make the turn? - I"m waitin" on you. -别生气


 兄弟 - Take it easy. - Whatever, man. 该死 Piece of shit. 再见 See ya! 好

 明天见 Yeah, see you... tomorrow. -今天干得不错

 -晚安 - Good work today. - "Night. Yeah. 关键词





 权限 阿勒波


 真♥主♥伟大 铵


 放大器 洛杉矶



 匿名 弧度


 51 区


 急性呼吸道感染 进气阀



 当局 贮藏物

 滤毒罐 化学品

 中国 嘿

 伙计 Hey, buddy! 好吧

 没关系 Okay, that"s fine. 对

 产品发布时 Yeah, have him take another crack at the re... 再突破一次

 因为 lease, because, uh... mm-hm. 对

 我们希望达到一亿前准备好 Right, we want to have it ready by the time we hit. 好吧

 这也行 Okay, that"s fine. 对


 再见 Yeah... okay, bye. 你可以恨我



 我理解 You can hate me if you want, Mara. That"s fine, I get it. 但是

 我们得把劲往一处使 But, they gotta feel like we"re all pulling 明白吗 for the same thing here, you know? 完成用户增长 Make the jump? B 轮融♥资♥

 萨吉诺的投资 Series B. Saginaw. -我听说萨吉诺放弃了

 -只是暂时的 - I heard Saginaw moved on. - Well, for now, yeah. 但是 But, um... 如果... what if, uh, I don"t know...

 如果他们现在的情况是他们的投资组合 they get caught up in a situation where they need a company like ours, 需要一家像我们这样的公♥司♥

 因为 for their portfolio. You know? "Cause, uh... 也许他们的一些大客户开始撤资 maybe some of their bigger accounts start pulling out. 这只是个假设 Y"know? I mean, it"s... it"s just a hypothetical. 但是

 如果他们... But, you know, what if they... 发现自己陷入了一些丑闻 somehow found themselves in some sort of scandal. 我午餐约了人 I have a lunch. 是和国安局的人一起吗 Is this that NSA bullshit? 还是查理 Or is this still Charlie? 我说过我搞砸了

 对不起 I mean, I told you I fucked up, okay? I"m sorry. 怎么

 你希望我不再关心这家公♥司♥吗 What, do you expect me just to stop caring about this company? 我的天

 你这么做很蠢 I mean, Jesus Christ, man, this is silly, you know? 我们是一个团队 We"re a... we"re a... we"re a team. 你和我对抗整个世界

 一直是这样的 You and me versus the world. That"s the way it"s always been. 我们不是一个团队 We are not a team! 从来不是 We never have been. 因为你一直是你自己 Because you"ve always been you, 而我一直是你可爱的小玩具 and I"ve always been your adorable little party favor. 对你的潜在客户来说我一直是这个角色 That"s all I"ve ever been to any of your prospects. 对你来说也是 And it"s all I"ve ever been to you. 我不在意你有什么借口 And I don"t care what your excuses are. 或者你把我养大有多难 Or how hard it was to raise me. 因为你我都清楚

 是我自己养活自己的 "Cause I think we both know that I did that on my own. 你是我公♥司♥的公♥关♥主管 You"re the head of PR in a company that I own. 所以我不再求你了

 我要求你 So I"m not gonna ask anymore, I"m gonna tell ya. 我们需要公♥关♥部在达到一亿用户之前 We need a PR take-down of 搞定萨吉诺的那些混♥蛋♥ these douches at Saginaw before we hit 100 mil. 把门松开 Let go of the door. 你要忽视你的职责吗 You"re just gonna ignore your duties? 开除我 Fire me. 时间太长了

 你早就该完成了 This is takin" too long. It should"ve been done by now. 在我走之后他们把密♥码♥换了 They changed the lock while I was gone. -我几乎没法...

 -你在拖延时间 - I can barely fig... - You"re stallin". -你为什么要拖时间

 -我没有 - Why are you stallin"? - I"m not. 伊莎贝尔

 我现在要下楼 Isabelle... I"m gonna go downstairs right now, 去买♥♥杯喝的 and get myself a drink. 在我回来之前

 你最好弄完 By the time I get back up here, you better be finished. 酒吧关门了吗 Bar closed? 怎么样

 兄弟 "Sup, zo. 还行



 你还好吗 What it do? Man, you sweatin", bruh, you alright? 我总是在出汗

 你知道的 I"m always sweatin", dog, you know that. 你在电♥话♥里听起来有点颤抖

 你还好吗 You seemed shook on the phone, that"s all. You good? 我挺好的 I"m good. -G 怎么样

 -他挺好的 - How"s G? - Yeah, man, he good. 他戴上了支架

 黑色的 He got this brace on. It"s some black... 有点像机械战警 kinda look like RoboCop. 好吧 Okay. 你能怎么办 What you gonna do? 来吧


 有什么事 Alright, so, spill. What"s... what"s good? 弗朗兹要是知道我在和你说话肯定会揍我 Frantz would whoop my big ass if he knew I was talking to you. E


 出什么事了 E, you... you called me. What"s up? 迪克兰那帮家伙把事情搞得更糟了 Shit gettin" real heavy with Declan"s crew. 糟透了

 越来越过分 Real heavy, it"s gettin" deep. 你听说小麦酒吧的事了吗 Heard about Mick"s place? 没有 Nah... 被火烧了 Torched it. 该死 Damn. -小麦没事吧

 -他没事 - Is Mick okay? - He aight. 那地方呢 That spot? 没了 It"s gone. 是迪克兰

 你知道是他吗 And it"s Declan? You know it was him? 你怎么知道是他的 How you know it was him? 他们在车的一侧喷了一个 They sprayed a black swastika 黑色纳粹标志

 所以我知道 on the side of it, that"s how I know, dog. 兄弟

 弗朗兹他们不明白 Man, Frantz, them don"t get it. 这些傻蛋准备拼尽全力了 Dog, these fools ready to go all in. 拼尽全力

 要搁以前 All in. Back in the past, you know, we strap up, 我们全副武装

 去解决问题 go handle business. You would strap up, 你应该像我们之前应该那样去解决问题 handle business like we supposed to do. 保护好我们社区 Takin" care of our hood. 弗朗兹

 他要做的事像疯了一样 Frantz? He talkin" crazy shit "bout what he gonna do. 是吗 Is that right? 他会把事情搞得更糟的

 对所有人都如此 He gon" make it worse for everybody, everybody, dawg. 我怎么看待这出戏的 And the way I see all this playin" out? 很多人 A whole lotta people, 在这边和那边 on this side and that side, 把他们的头打烂 "bought to get their tops blown off. 明白吗

 你会怎么做 Feel me? What you gonna do about it? E E... 这里的每个人

 他们说得很明白 Everybody out here, they made it crystal clear... 我不再是他们中的一份子了 that I ain"t a part of this no mo". 但是

 罗尼 I"m sayin" though, Ronnie, 你开始的这一切

 所有的一切 you started all this, man. Every bit of it. 现在该你出面解决了 Now time for you to fix it. 我不想告诉你这些

 但是 Now, I don"t want to tell you this, but... 我还是会说的

 因为 I"m going to, because... 这是我们做事的方式

 你和我 that"s how we do, you and me. 这是我们能够维持下去的方式 That"s how we keep things afloat around here. 对吧 Right? 我知道你不会喜欢这个的 Now, I know you ain"t gonna like this. 所以

 准备好生我的气吧 So, get ready to be upset with me. 准备尖叫然后踢我 Get ready to kick and scream, just... just get ready. -好吧

 -好的 - Okay. - Okay. E 他们

 他们的状况很糟糕 E and them, they in a really bad spot right now. -他们需要钱吗

 -不 - They need money? - Nah... 但是他们需要帮助 But they need help. 迪克兰那帮人越来越过分了 Things with Declan"s crew done escalated. 他们把小麦的酒吧烧了 They torched Mickey"s pub. 就在几天前的晚上 Few nights ago. 弗朗兹准备好在哈伦代尔宣泄怒火了 And Frantz is getting ready to go ham out there in Hallendale. 宝贝

 如果我不介入的话 And, baby, if I don"t step in, 一整帮兄弟要么没命

 要么去坐牢 then a whole lotta folk gon" end up dead, or behind bars. 所以我得做点什么

 你明白吗 So, I got to do somethin". You feel me? 义务缠身

 宝贝 Duty bound, baby. 你在干什么 What you doin"? 我在假装你没坐在这张床上 I am pretendin" that you ain"t sittin" on that bed... 讲着一堆屁话 talkin" a bunch of crazy ass shit. 我知道你不明白

 所以... Okay, I knew that you wouldn"t understand, so... 这正是我为什么要向前走

 做我该做的 that"s why I"m gonna go ahead, and do what I got to do. 你是在拿职业生涯冒险 You gon" risk your career. 拿美满家庭和孩子冒险 The well-being of this family, of this baby. 来做你要做的 And you gotta do what you gotta do. 不是那样的

 坦 It ain"t like that, Tam. 那是什么样的

 罗尼 What"s it like, Ronnie? 告诉我

 是什么样的 Tell me, what is it like. 就像迪克兰突然袭击我那样吗 Is it... is it like, is it like when Declan rolled up on me, -车上全是孩子

 -现在你知道那不是 - in a car full of children... - Now, you know that ain"t... 或者像你报复他的时候 Or, is it like when you went back at him? Hm? -我只是想问你

 -你知道吗 - I"m just... I"m just askin". - You know? 重点在于交谈 It"s about talkin". 重点在于缩小隔阂

 和平相处 Okay? It"s about bridging the gap, making peace. 这做不到

 你也知道 That ain"t how it work, and you know it. 那怎么才能做到

 坦 Oh, Tam. How it work? 你为什么不教我在街区里该怎么做 Why don"t you educate me on how shit"s done in the street? 我不知道在街区里应该怎么做 I don"t know how it"s goddamn done in the street. 你想知道为什么吗 You wanna know why? 因为我们已经不在那个街区了 "Cause we ain"t in the goddamn street no more. 我们在这里很好

 埃尔丝喜欢她的学校 We are good here. Elsie likes her school. 她交到了朋友

 我喜欢这里 She"s got friends. I like it here. 你说你也喜欢这里 You said you"ll like it here. 现在你为什么想离开

 毁掉这一切 And now, why you wanna go, and blow all that up? 你喜欢这里


 这张床 You like it here? You like this house? You like this... bed? 罗尼

 喜欢并没有错 Ronnie, ain"t nothin" wrong with liking... 等会儿

 等会儿坦米 Wait, wait, wait, wait, Tammy, 坦米


 宝贝儿 Tammy, Tam, baby, baby, baby. -这个织物密度是多少

 -我不知道 - What"s the thread count on this here? - I don"t know! 我记得几个月前你说过这些屁话 I remember you talkin" a few months back about some bullshit, 什么织物密度之类的 motherfuckin" thread counts. -罗尼


 -自从你突然间 - Ronnie, I don"t... - Since when you care about... 开始关心那什么织物密度之后 all of a sudden, you care about a motherfuckin" thread count. 这里感觉很好

 我喜欢在这里 It feels good, I like it here. 等会儿

 坦 Hold on, Tam. 等会儿


 等等 Hold on, Tam. Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho... 你知道我们用什么买♥♥的织物密度吗 you know how we pay for this thread count? 用的血腥钱



 这一切 With blood money. This house, this bed, all this shit, 你觉得这能让我们变成圣人吗 you think this makes us saints? 罗尼

 我没有... Ronnie, I don"t... 有了这些就能抛弃我们的朋友吗 Make it so we can turn our back on our friends? -罗尼


 -我告诉你 - Ronnie, I"m not... - But let me tell you somethin". 我每天真正从事的工作 This "Real" Job that I go to every single day? 我在那之后真正从事的工作 This "Real" Job that I put on clothes and go to? 跟黑帮没什么两样 It ain"t no different than thuggin". -罗尼

 -阿♥拉♥克网是个黑帮 - Ronnie... - ArakNet is a gang! 不是黑帮

 罗尼 Ronnie, it ain"t a gang! 坦

 阿♥拉♥克网是个黑帮 Tam, ArakNet is a gang! 它跟海地帮没区别 It ain"t no different than LH7. 只不过是坐在办公室里

 坦 We just do this shit from behind a desk, Tam. 这是实话 And that"s real talk. 我会尽我所能

 拉拢萨吉诺 I"ll do what I can. With Saginaw. 这并不是橄榄枝

 只是单纯的生意 And this isn"t an olive branch, it"s simply business. 我不想失去阿♥拉♥克网

 所以我会尽我所能 I don"t want to lose ArakNet, so I"ll do whatever I can. 但你要告诉我这家公♥司♥的一切 But you need to tell me everything you know about the shop. 谁位居高位


 谁有不满 Who"s at the top, who"s at the bottom, and who"s unhappy. 没问题 I like this plan. 很好 Good. 看看这是谁 Look who it is. 你现在是想什么时候出现就出现吗 Just show up whenever you want now? 你们依旧是我兄弟

 真心话 Y"all still my boys, real talk. 和 D 有关吗 This about D? 听他说完

 反正也没什么坏处 Just hear him out, there ain"t no harm in that. 你们都坐下吧 Y"all just sit down. 伊曼纽尔

 坐下 Emmanuel, sit down. E 是对的 E was right. 真有点像机械战警 Lookin" like RoboCop up in here. 我告诉过你 I told you. 决不会与 D 休战的 There ain"t ever gonna be no truce with D. 你是在浪费时间

 兄弟 You"re wasting your time, zo. 我听过这话 Look, I hear that shit. 去年

 我们和俄♥罗♥斯♥人对峙的时候 Last year, when we was up against it with them Russians, 我知道我们不能跟他们硬来 I knew we wasn"t gonna take them by force. 我们人数占优 We was outmanned. 我们的武器也胜过他们

 我们怎么做的 We was outgunned. So, what we do? 我们向他们展示了我们的重要性 We made our ass important to them. 所以他们需要我们活着

 而不是死去 We made it so they need us alive more than they need us dead. 现在呢 And that right there... 我们也需要 D 和他们活着 that"s exactly what we need to do with D and them right now. 听我说完行吗

 我有个办法 Hey, just hear me out, aight? I got a way. 是个愚蠢的办法 A way to look like a chump, maybe. 他们开枪射中了我的腿


推荐访问:剧本 第七集 中英文对照