
  “两学一做”学习教育知识测试题填空题:(每题1分,共30分) 1、2016年2月,中共中央办公厅印发了《关于在全体党员中开展“学党章党规、学 系列讲话 ,做合格党员”学习教育方案》,并发出通知,要求各地区各部门认真贯彻执行。开展“两学一做”学习教育,是面向全体党员深化党内教育的重要实践,是推动党内教育从“关键少数”向广大党员拓展、从集中性教育向 经常性 教育延伸的重要举措。习近平总书记指出,“两学一做”学习教育,基础在学,关键在 做 。“两学一做”学习教育,中央明确提出了合格党员标准,要求做到“四讲四有”,即讲政治、有信念;讲规矩、有纪律;讲道德、有品行; 讲奉献,有作为 。5、十八大修改后的《中国共产党章程》,由“总纲”和 十一 个 章节五十三条构成 。6、《党章》规定,党的最高理想和最终目标是 实现共产主义。

 7、《党章》规定,在现阶段,我国社会的主要矛盾是 人民日益增长的物质文化需要同落后的社会生产之间的矛盾 。8、《党章》规定, 发展 是我们党执政兴国的第一要务。9、《党章》规定,坚持 改革开放 ,是我们的强国之路。只有 改革开放 ,才能发展中国、发展社会主义、发展马克思主义。

 10、《党章》规定,党的领导主要是政治、思想和 组织 的领导。

 11、《中国共产党廉洁自律准则》规定,党员领导干部要做到四廉洁,即廉洁从政、 廉洁用权 、廉洁修身、廉洁 齐家 。

 12、 《中国共产党廉洁自律准则》规定,党员要做到四坚持,即坚持公私分明、坚持崇廉拒腐、坚持 尚俭戒奢 、坚持吃苦在前。13、《中国共产党纪律处分条例》指出, 《中国共产党章程》 是最根本的党内法规,是管党治党的总规矩。

 14、 党的十八大报告提出:全党要坚定这样的道路自信、理论自信、 制度 自信! 15、 党的十八届三中全会决定第36条开宗明义,落实党风廉政建设责任制,党委负 主体责任 、纪委负监督责任。16、2014年12月,习近平总书记在江苏调研时的讲话提出,“四个全面”是全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面推进依法治国、 全面从严治党 。

 17、习近平总书记在十八届中央纪委六次全会上强调,全面从严治党,核心 是加强党的领导 ,基础在全面,关键在严,要害在治。18、党的十八大报告提出,两个一百年是指,中国产党成立100年时 全面建成小康社会 ,新中国成立100年时建成富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家。19、党的十八大报告提出,建设“三型”党组织是指 学习型、 服务型、 创新型 党组织。

 20、党的十八大报告提出,新形势下党面临的“四大考验”是执政考验、改革开放考验、市场经济考验、 外部环境考验 。21、社会主义核心价值观的基本内涵是富强、民主、 文明 、和谐;自由、平等、公正、法治;爱国、敬业、诚信、友善。22、根据《中国共产党廉洁自律准则》,中国共产党全体党员和各级党员领导干部必须坚定共产主义理想和中国特色社会主义信念、必须坚持全心全意为人民服务根本宗旨、必须继承发扬党的优良传统和作风、必须 自觉培养高尚道德情操 。23、《中国共产党纪律处分条例》适用于违犯党纪应当受到党纪追究的 党组织和党员 。24、受到改组处理的党组织领导机构成员,除应当受到撤销党内职务以上(含撤销党内职务)处分的外,均 自然免职 。25、党员犯罪情节轻微,人民检察院依法作出不起诉决定的,或者人民法院依法作出有罪判决并免予刑事处罚的,应当给予 撤销党内职务、留党察看或者开除党籍处分 。26、干涉群众 生产经营自主权 ,致使群众财产遭受较大损失的,对直接责任者和领导责任者,给予警告或者严重警告处分;情节严重的,给予撤销党内职务或者留党察看处分。27、违背社会公序良俗, 在公共场所有不当行为 ,造成不良影响的,给予警告或者严重警告处分;情节较重的,给予撤销党内职务或者留党察看处分;情节严重的,给予开除党籍处分。

 28、对严重违犯党纪的党组织的纪律处理措施包括:改组、 解散 。

 29、某市旅游局副局长王某公务到台湾台南、桃园学习考察结束后,私自改变路线到台湾高雄旅游、购物,旅游费用由自己支付。王某行为违犯了党的 工作 纪律。? 30、某村党支部成员陈某等人,为使于某能在下届选举中当选村支部书记,分头向各村民小组发放礼品进行拉票助选。陈某等人在党内搞非组织活动,违反了 组织 纪律。二、单项选择题(每题1分,共40分) 1、中国共产党是中国工人阶级的先锋队,同时是(B),是中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心,代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益。A、中国各族人民的先锋队B、中国人民和中华民族的先锋队 C、中国社会各阶层的先锋队 D、中国全社会的先锋队2、(A)是马克思主义政党的基本政治观点和根本工作路线。A、实事求是 B、改革创新 C、群众路线 D、解放思想3、中国共产党以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和(A)作为自己的行动指南。A、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观 B、中国特色社会主义C、党的基本路线 D、依法治国4、党的根本宗旨是(C)。A、人民的利益高于一切B、毫不利己,专门利人 C、全心全意为人民服务D、解放思想、实事求是5、马克思列宁主义揭示了(C),它的基本原理是正确的,具有强大的生命力。A、人类改造客观世界的规律 B、社会主义和共产主义运动的规律C、人类社会历史发展的规律D、资本主义社会发展规律6、中国共产党章程指出,党在领导社会主义事业中,必须坚持以(A)为中心,其他各项工作都要服从和服务于这个中心。A、经济建设 B、市场经济C、文明建设 D、法制建设7、党员如果没有正当理由,连续(B)不参加党的组织生活,或不交纳党费,或不做党所分配的工作,就被认为是自行脱党。A、三个月 B、六个月 C、九个月 D、一年8、党是根据自己的(C),按照民主集中制组织起来的统一整体。A、理想和信念 B、目标和任务 C、纲领和章程 D、行动纲领9、党的最高领导机关,是(A)和它所产生的中央委员会。A、党的全国代表大会B、党的全国代表会议C、党的全国代表大会和全国代表会议 D、全国人民代表大会10、党章总纲强调,要全面提高党的建设(B)水平。

 A、规范化 B、科学化 C、制度化 D、民主化11、党章规定,党员必须履行的义务有(C) 条。

 A、6 B、7 C、8 D、912、党章规定,党员享有的权利有(C) 条。

 A、6 B、7 C、8 D、913、党的最重要的纪律是(A)。A、政治纪律 B、组织纪律 C、宣传纪律 D、外事纪律14、党的基层组织是党在社会基层组织中的(B),是党的全部工作和战斗力的基础。A、领导核心 B、战斗堡垒 C、坚强核心 D、中坚力量15、现阶段中国最大的国情是(C)。A、生产力水平低 B、社会主义市场经济体制不完善C、正处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段 D、贫富差距悬殊16、中国共产党的三大法宝是(B)。A、理论联系实际、密切联系群众、批评与自我批评B、统一战线、武装斗争、党的建设C、解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进D、经济建设、政治建设、精神文明建设17、科学发展观的根本方法是(A) 。A、统筹兼顾

 B、全面协调可持续C、以人为本D、求真务实18、科学发展观是发展中国特色社会主义必须坚持和贯彻的 (B)。A、基本国策


 D、基本标准 19、(D)是中国特色社会主义的本质属性。A、改革开放


 D、社会和谐20、(A) 是中国特色社会主义的根本原则。A、共同富裕

 B、和平发展C、自由平等D、民主法治21、以(A) 为中心是我们的兴国之要。A、经济建设


 D、社会建设 22、/index/detail/5/xijinping" \t "/a_blank习近平总书记在十八届中央政治局常委同中外记者见面时强调,我们的责任,就是要团结带领全党全国各族人民,继续解放思想,坚持改革开放,不断解放和发展社会生产力,努力解决群众的生产生活困难,坚定不移走(A)的道路。A、共同富裕 B、中国特色社会主义C、和平发展 D、繁荣富强23、建设中国特色社会主义的总依据是(A)。A、社会主义初级阶段 B、不断变化的国内外形势C、我们党面临的四大危险 D、党的基本路线24、2015年修订的《中国共产党廉洁自律准则》和《中国共产党纪律处分条例》是对( B )的具体化。A、习总书记讲话精神 B、党章规定C、十八大精神 D、十八届三中全会精神25、党内( C)是党的生命。A、监督 B、纪律 C、民主 D、原则26、( B)是党的根本组织制度和领导制度,是最重要的组织纪律。A、多党合作制 B、民主集中制 C、常委会议事制 D、民主生活会27、中国共产党在社会主义初级阶段的( A )是:领导和团结全国各族人民,以经济建设为中心,坚持四项基本原则,坚持改革开放,自力更生,艰苦创业,为把我国建设成为富强、民主、文明的社会主义现代化国家而奋斗。A、基本路线 B、基本纲领 C、基本经验 D、基本原则28、我们党的最大政治优势是( A ),党执政后的最大危险是脱离群众。A、密切联系群众  B、理论联系实际 C、解放思想、实事求是 D、与时俱进29、全面深化改革的总目标是坚持完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度、推进( A )现代化。A、国家治理体系和治理能力  B、管理体系  C、民主法治体系  D、制度体系30、党的十八届五中全会鲜明提出了五大发展理念,其中引领发展的第一动力是(A )。A、创新  B、绿色  C、共享  D、协调31、( A ),中共中央政治局召开会议,审议通过《中国共产党廉洁自律准则》和《中国共产党纪律处分条例》。A、2015年10月12日 B、2015年11月12日 C、2015年10月22日 D、2015年11月22日32、《中国共产党廉洁自律准则》是对( B )的具体化,体现了全面从严治党实践成果。A、八项规定  B、党章规定  C、党纪规定  D、法律规定 33、《准则》和《条例》的出台,紧扣( B )时代主题,为全面从严治党提供了更加坚固、更加坚实、也更加坚决有力的制度支撑和实践载体。A、从严治党  B、全面从严治党  C、以德治党  D、依规治党34、以下哪一项不属于党的纪律处分工作应当坚持的原则?( D ) A、党要管党、从严治党  B、公平公开公正  C、实事求是  D、民主集中制35、以下哪一种不属于党员的纪律处分?( B ) A、警告 B、开除公职 C、留党察看 D、开除党籍36、党员受到警告处分( A )内,不得在党内提升职务和向党外组织推荐担任高于其原任职务的党外职务。A、一年 B、一年半 C、二年 D、二年半37、对于受到留党察看处分一年的党员,期满后仍不符合恢复党员权利条件的,应当延长(A)留党察看期限。

 A、一年 B、一年半 C、二年 D、二年半38、参加迷信活动,情节严重的,给予( B )处分。

 A、严重警告 B、撤销党内职务 C、留党察看 D、开除党籍39、在办理涉及群众事务时刁难群众、吃拿卡要,情节严重的,给予( B )处分。A、严重警告 B、撤销党内职务 C、留党察看 D、开除党籍 40、下面哪一项不属于“两学一做”学习教育中我市提出的“五对标八审视”:BA、审视自己是否带头坚决贯彻执行中央八项规定B、审视自己是否按时足额缴纳党费C、审视自己是否牢固树立宗旨意识,经常帮带群众、办实事好事D、审视自己是否边学边查边改,以知促行三、判断题(对打√,错打×,每题1分,共30分)1、党章是党的根本大法,全面从严治党首先要尊崇党章。(对 )2、《党章》规定,党的最高理想和最终目标是实现中华民族的伟大复兴。( 错)3、《党章》规定,党的最大政治优势是批评与自我批评。(错 )4、《党章》规定,党员除了享有表决权、选举权和被选举权以外,还有权要求罢免或撤换不称职的干部。(对 )5、《党章》规定,凡属重大问题,党的各级委员会都要按照集体领导、民主集中、个别酝酿、会议决定的原则,由党的委员会集体讨论,作出决定。( 对)6、《党章》规定,对于严重触犯刑律的党员,必须开除党籍。( 对)7、《党章》规定,中国共产党的根本宗旨是为民务实清廉。( 错)8、《党章》规定,党员如果没有正当理由,连续12个月不参加党的组织生活,或不交纳党费,或不做党所分配的工作,就被认为是自行脱党。(错 )9、《党章》规定,党选拔干部坚持五湖四海、任人唯贤,反对任人唯亲。(对 )10、《党章》规定,党的领导主要是政治、思想和人事的领导。( 错)11、《中国共产党廉洁自律准则》是专门针对领导干部廉洁从政而制定的法规。(错 )12、《中国共产党廉洁自律准则》自2016年1月1日起施行。(对 )13、根据《中国共产党纪律处分条例》,相互利用职权或者职务上的影响为对方及其配偶、子女及其配偶等亲属、身边工作人员和其他特定关系人谋取利益搞权权交易的,违反了党的廉洁纪律。(对 )14、《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,收受可能影响公正执行公务的礼品、礼金、消费卡等,情节较轻的,给予警告或者严重警告处分。(对 )15、党员受到开除党籍处分,4年内不得重新入党,另有规定不准重新入党的,依照规定。(错 )16、《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,留党察看期限最长不得超过二年。( 对)17、《中国共产党纪律处分条例》规定,对于严重违犯党纪、本身又不能纠正的党组织领导机构,应当予以改组。( 对)18、违反有关规定在经济实体、社会团体等单位中兼职,或者经批准兼职但获取薪酬、奖金、津贴等额外利益的,情节较重的,给予撤销党内职务或者留党察看处分。( 对)19、遇到国家财产和群众生命财产受到严重威胁时,能救而不救,情节严重的,给予留党察看或者开除党籍处分。( 对)20、党员受到撤销党内职务处分,2年内不得在党内担任和向党外组织推荐担任与其原任职务相当或者高于其原任职务的职务( 对)21、习近平总书记在党的群众路线教育实践活动工作会议上指出,党内脱离群众的现象大量存在,一些问题还相当严重,集中表现在形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风。(对 )22、党面临的最大风险和挑战是来自身能力不足。( 错)23、改进工作作风,就是要净化政治生态,营造廉洁从政的良好环境。( 对)24、共享发展注重的是解决社会公平正义问题。(对 )25、各级领导干部应该时刻绷紧政治纪律这根弦,坚持党的领导不动摇,贯彻党的路线方针政策不含糊,始终做政治上的明白人。(对 )26、全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党的战略布局,是中国在新的历史条件下治国理政方略,也是实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的重要保障。( 对)27、全国各族人民一定要增强对中国特色社会主义的政策自信、道路自信、制度自信,坚定不移沿着正确的中国道路奋勇前进。( 对)28、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,就是要实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福。( 对)29、坚持独立自主,就要坚定不移走中国特色社会主义道路,既不走封闭僵化的老路,也不走改旗易帜的邪路。( 对)30、“两学一做”学习教育,以基层党委为基本单位,以“三会一课”等党的组织生活为基本形式。( 错)and work. Many classes established the duty monitor system, let every students have class member services and for the class the opportunity to work, this is not a fixed position of the monitor system of rotation, which not only can let the monitor on duty in a day's work for class service work, also can let students know more of the solution in the class, every student can learn. And the class cadre conference held regularly. Pay attention to class and major incidents in the recent, Concerned about the class need to help students and make the class committee work plan and the new division.A good class of 4..Each class in the formulation of the goal, the class of the Convention at the same time, pay more attention to the class a good class construction work class. The class construction is the pillar industry of class education work, to perform the correct public opinion guide guide, schools, teachers' education intent can be more smoothly issued, strict execution. Discipline, clean environment, learning atmosphere, most students with emotional attachment and collective identity, and consciously safeguard the collective honor and so on. We must first establish a collective concept, the formation of "we are the best", and "I win glory for the class" collective concept, then do the selection of class cadres Appointment work. Finally, we must adhere to the positive guidance, set up the correct example in the class.5 class warm atmosphere to create a warm atmosphereRegularly engage in various small activities in the class, such as class members birthday, so these usually small activities can become the lubrication class work, the formation of heavy important part of team cohesion.B, material carrier1, classroom environmentOne of the material carrier class culture in the classroom environment, custody arrangement and class a variety of hardware facilities and perfect, the following is the class certificate, notice.Concise typeThe classroom inside decoration small, quiet harmony learning environment. The usual props: students of their own creation painting and excellent articles and class certificates, inform the knowledge.Warm typeIn the classroom can make the class more decorative ornaments, a warm warm feeling of home. Every member of all will participate in the layout and landscaping of the process to use props: collective action. Photos, photos of various kinds of students, small decorations, potted plants and so on.Festival typeA simple method and warm, usually a simple layout of the classroom clean, but in every festival or major activities will be arranged and re decoration cloth on the classroom. The usual props: Jie Qingqing theme decorations, blackboard, ribbon, Christmas tree, window and so on.2, class slogan, logo, class, class songEach class for their struggle direction and goal force and put forward the corresponding slogan, emblem, subject to production class and class song creation is one students of various class loading to highlight the personality mode.3, class logIn the class log records every class of what happened, the true sense of the expression of feelings and thoughts, the exchange of thoughts and feelings. The class log has authenticity, communication flow and rich and colorful, so this to create a healthy, positive class culture and public opinion atmosphere is very important.4, class team, class small band and so on.The students practice according to their own strengths, not only in class, to show a variety of school activities in the skill, but also enhanced the mutual affection and friendship, but also cultivate interest interest and ability, and excellent to enrich students' campus life, this is the students' independent development, very good way to self management.5, class teachingThe formation of teachers, students, teachers in teacher-student interaction scenarios. Understanding the teacher teaching or spare time, and teachers can become friends. When students listen carefully, assiduously, extracurricular foreign teachers and students as a friends sincere exchange flow. Whether it is learning, work is life, have the interaction between teachers and students, enhance the students, friendship, understanding and cooperation.6, class pageThe enthusiasm of the class web fully class students, their photos, photo, articles, etc. according to the information of interest, hobbies, aesthetic beauty and other factors constitute the class of "out with style, encourage each class in the school web game, in the game communicate with each other by the exchange of learning, to explore for expertise in web design students, and excellent web page links to the school homepage, showing the flow characteristics and style of each class, for all to enjoy.7, publicity column, black blackboard newspaperEach class in the classroom layout, beautification process will be in the publicity column, some innovation and breakthrough in the process of the blackboard. Some classes will be used in the social practice, military training, basketball, sports in the photos posted on the bulletin board or blackboard, some students will learn calligraphy class the works, for exchange and appreciation to the students in the publicity column and blackboard. In addition, the class blackboard design also create new styles. There are some things some classes, the class in recent writing on the blackboard, there will be some class class slogan, the objectives of painting in the struggle on the blackboard.C, specific activity1 regular class activitiesMany classes will often organize class class in the holiday party, to be in nervous at ordinary times more than learning can easily more, better communication and communication between each other, in order to increase the understanding and feelings, enhance the class cohesion setting.2 class volunteersMany organizations volunteer to class activities, every holiday, the class of alternate students will go to some communities, the elderly, some school or kindergarten, primary school to carry out volunteer service. Or to help the community, street cleaning cleaning, filing, board newspaper publicity and other things. Some of the class is arrange the students to go to kindergarten or small school compulsory counselling, usually with classes, extracurricular knowledge to help more students in lower grades have difficulties or learning difficulties of the students, and the students actively participate in the city, District, the volunteer activities organized by our school.3 loving actionPart of the class and the poor old man, or that some poor students in poor areas became trapped on the poor peers, as well as students are free on the streets to raise money or sponsored charity in the campus and other activities to help the people who need help.4 warm classEvery holiday or with the classmate's birthday, the class held a simple ceremony to celebrate the birthday of the students, give blessing and birthday gifts, not only enhance the students understanding between the solution and feelings, is a good method of class cohesion cohesion and class culture.5 autonomous learningSome classes than pay more attention to the common progress of students academic performance in the class, to help each other in school or holiday period, autonomous learning. Take "one to one" structure for learning methods, to achieve common progress with the purpose and effect. And the establishment of students' autonomous learning class adviser asked group, a real school self learning and learning mode.6 art activitiesClass art, sports and other activities are also very rich and colorful, the students will arrange spare time to rehearse chorus, recitation, aerobics, gymnastics, the activities in the school to get good grades but also to show their talents and efforts, such as the positive class team in the basketball game. Not only can eliminate the fatigue and tension of learning, can enhance students, between teachers and students together.The 7 main theme class meetingEach class regularly held open meaningful theme class meeting, through the distinctive theme, rich and colorful activities, the interaction between teachers and students in the ideological education to students ideological purpose, and the theme class meeting of written materials, pictures, data file.8 group activitiesRegularly organize students to watch the same movie, visit the museum and so on, so that the students in the rich extracurricular life, an increase of knowledge. There are often organized class activities, including condolences to solitary elderly, participate in various activities such as neighborhood living, have played a very good self education effect.Parent committee1, organizationThe parent committee is composed of representatives from each class of students' parents, and is the supreme authority of the Council. It is set up by the Standing Committee and the grade group.The Standing Committee shall be elected by the members of the parent committee of the year grades, and the director shall be elected one, 22 deputy directors and 10 members.Parent Committee Liaison Office: XX City No. 1 middle school moral education office, Tel:: 369266872, ,The members of the parents Committee have the right to participate in the activities of the school's parent committee.The members of the Committee of the parents have their views and suggestions on the work of the school, and the right to supervise and improve.Under the arrangement of the Senate, the members of the parents Committee have the right to observe the school education and to carry out the work of teaching and learning.A member of the Standing Committee members attended the meeting at the parents long school staff congress right3,The members of the board of parents have the obligation to cooperate with the school to carry out education and teaching activities.The members of the board of parents have the obligation to help other parents raise their children's level of education.The parents' committee members have the obligation to collect other parents' opinions and suggestions, and to feed back to the school.The members of the Committee of the parents have the responsibility to coordinate the relationship between parents and school.Arrangement of major activities in schools1, make the activity with specific programs. Implement the activity of specific content, time, responsible person, clear all the offices of the division of labor, make the responsibilities clear, play their respective roles.2, do the activities of the mobilization work. For the school teachers and students of the week Monday activities of the "speech" under the flag, and a specific solution to each class under various activities, to attract attention to teachers and students, encourage students to actively participate in excitation. At the same time held a class meeting, specifically to do requirements and arrangements for the class activities. Use classes will be described for the students, and in the moving process, to guide the students.3, arrange the details of the activities of the activities of the day. The day of the event such as the rules say leadership class admission order, class teacher evaluation, administrative leadership column in attendance, specific activities and activities in a project person in charge of the arrangements.4, with the school general office to do logistics service work, and to defend, the Communist Youth League Committee for safety management.5, do a good job in the activities of the propaganda work.. organization campus reporter, youth volunteers, such as the use of campus radio, publicity, publicity banners, campus network, to conduct a comprehensive campaign to create a good atmosphere.6, do a good summary of the activities report. All teachers and students to complete a summary of this event by Monday "under the flag of the speech", pointed out the advantages and disadvantages, in order to show the model. And at the same time for School Leadership Award, let the students experience to show the pride and joy of success. A happy ending.Campus cultural construction1, keep the school clean and beautiful appearance of the whole campus environment, beautiful landscaping, greening, cleaning, to form a thick green atmosphere for education;2, starting from the establishment of the motto, the actual school school school school spirit, teaching style, study style, making its flag, emblem, flag and class ";;3, the establishment of a fixed position of education, such as the school honor room, the team activities, the office of mental health counseling room;;4, the establishment of a fixed position, such as the national flag under the flag speech, publicity column, the radio room, by the special management, planning to use these fixed positions to carry out the development of educational activities;5, according to the school education arrangements, combined events, major festivals, anniversaries, combined with the routine education of students, to determine the main content of the theme class meeting;6, the positive pole of XX local culture and school Liuliushiduo years of school history, finishing, mining, the formation of the school in the history of rescue in the spirit of culture;7, in a series of compilation <xx >, established the Alumni Association, editor <xx reported. safety education A, student's birthday is often safe1, out of the school gate to consciously get off, to enter the school gate to the required parking.2, out of the classroom, not urgent, not crowded.No, teach in laboratory teaching, chasing and running off the corridor, to avoid slipping and falling., it is forbidden to climb the walls of any one of the schools, doors and windows, fences, trees, and the ball.Are not allowed to carry flammable, explosive, toxic substances and flammable, weapon into school.If the electric fan, lighting and electrical failure, shall not exclude private private hands, teachers should report or the general office, the electrical troubleshooting by the school, do not open the distribution box, touch switch. Fire fighting equipment without permission, not free to move., pay attention to the safety of cleaning, the glass window on the high, do not scrape wipe., are not allowed to go out for a swim., students are not allowed to be outside the public places for entertainment, sports and any form of fun activities. Any private party, you must obtain the consent of the parents.10, doing a civilized student, do not have any intention to harm others, steal the behavior of other people's property, not allowed to participate in any place in the fight.11, to detect any unsafe factors and should always report for teachers. In order to ensure the preservation of their calm, safe, not quite reckless impulse.12, on the experimental class to strictly comply with the safety requirements of the laboratory to complete the experiment.113, extracurricular activities and physical exercise, according to the relevant safety rules.14, in the school on the way back home, we should pay attention to traffic safety, road to strictly abide by the traffic rules.15, participate in the school organization's outdoor collective activities, activities must strictly abide by the discipline, are not allowed to leave the individual actions.16, the accommodation must be strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the safety management of accommodation.17, give full play to the student's self management ability, students are responsible for the preservation of students' characters, should be careful to do a good job security..B, classroom safety1, the doors and windows of the classroom must be kept in good condition all the year round, no one can not be deliberately damaged.2 doors and windows, the window was found damaged, the teacher has the responsibility to take measures to prevent and repair timely, and its prevention measures.Key to the door of the classroom, the key class should appoint a special person to keep the door every day, on duty at any time to close the doors and windows to implement Suosuo., in addition to the students' desks, books and textbooks, school supplies, not allowed to store any other valuablesStudents are not allowed to play, slapstick chase in the classroom, just move the desk, chair.On the desk, students are not allowed to write to write graffiti, but not scratches traces with the tool.In the classroom, mustn't Lara to connect the power supply device, socket, arbitrary charge.Students are not allowed to, without security protection measures in the case without climbing outdoor window glass wash scrub, to prevent accidents and accidents.C, teachers and students out of the activities of security1, the organization division of teachers and students go out to develop a detailed activity plan and safety measures, the programme of activities must be approved by the leaders of the school case review sign meaning before implementation. The organization to the field or far activities required by the Education Bureau deputy director in charge of the pipe safety approval.22, each event should have a specific responsibility, pay attention to the age of the staff, the body state of the match., the activities of the line, location, prior to the field survey should be carried out.Hand tools and traffic activities, shall submit to the Department of specialized transportation rent rent, required to comply with the safety requirements for operation, before the Department of inspection and repair of the car., each event has to have security, security, accident emergency plan.Have a picnic, hiking, picnic, and pay attention to fire prevention, prevent food poisoning, prevent fall accident, there is a river near the event, the reservoir, there is no organizational measures or do not have the safety conditions, can not let school students into the water., who go out to participate in various activities, school leaders and safety team members must be on the activities of the whole process of monitoring., in the activities of the implementation of accountability system, such as the case of security incidents, the responsibility of everyone to be held accountable.D, fire safety1, strengthen fire safety education for teachers and students. According to the "Fire Law > requirements, so everyone has to maintain the fire protection An Anquan, fire facilities, fire prevention, fire alarm reporting obligations. To do so that everyone knows that the fire alarm call 119, everyone is familiar with the fire from anti self knowledge and safe escape skills.2, the protection of the various kinds of fire fighting facilities in the school is good. To ensure regular inspection, maintenance, and ensure the equipment to complete the rate of 100%, and do a good inspection records.The classroom, office, dormitory, safety exit, evacuation channels unblocked, safety evacuation signs, emergency lighting condition., students gathered in the field may not be used for low grade refractory material decoration.Flammable, dangerous goods, the explosive, do special deposit deposit, by the chemical laboratory technician two people at the same time when the lock open and shut in the room must be responsible for the custody of a basin, fire extinguishers etc... in the use of flammable, explosive chemical drugs when doing the experiment, the teacher must do the experiment before talking to students clear note, and guide the students to correctly use and prevention to prevent fire accidents., library, chemical laboratory, physical science laboratory, room and other places are prohibited smoking and the use of open flame, after work, the staff should be in time to close the doors and windows, to ensure security.Fire hydrant, fire protection equipment, fire protection facilities, to people all love. No one shall be arbitrarily moved and damaged, the offenders shall be dealt with severely., strengthen the use of electrical safety inspection, the electrician must often on campus with the use of electrical wiring, equipment, etc. to check, such as the discovery of security risks, to promptly carry out rectification, maintenance, to ensure safety.The student dormitory, prohibited the use of open flame, prohibition of burning furnace, hot fast, light candles, incense, no smoke, no private pull random access wires. Are not allowed to use any unauthorized access of home appliances.10, the canteen must be used for pressure vessel, qualified boiler, every year to detect, check, boiler workers certificates, in strict accordance with the operating procedures, safety distance and liquefied gas range head should prevent meters, prevent accidents.11, due to ignoring the fire safety requirements and adverse consequences, should be punished severely punished, until legal liability.E, traffic safety11, security: walking pedestrians to walk in line within the Tao, there is no sidewalk right across the street to walk on the right side; walk the crosswalk; control system through effective communication on the sidewalk, shall comply with the regulations of the signal; watch through no traffic signal control system, attention to sidewalks, vehicles are not allowed chase, Ben runs; pedestrian crossing not, must be straight straight through, not in the vehicle near always suddenly across; do not climb the road edge and the road guardrail, fence, not allowed to pull cars on the road, car chase, strong line or hailed parabolic blow car.2, bike safety: under 116 years of age can not ride electric cars, motorcycles on the road; not to open an umbrella ride; ride; do not get rid of; do not wear a cycle;; don't ride the sick car; not riding fast;; not with the vehicle cut; not parallel to ride bikes.Safety: to get off the bus, parked on the bus on the bus, in the car to grasp the handrail, head, hand and body parts can not be out of the window, tube good things around, to prevent theft; fasten the safety belt ride on a high-speed car; do not ride on the overloading of vehicles.F, food safetyDo not buy do not eat fresh and rotten change bad food not to eat by health department; prohibit market seafood; do not buy food without undocumented vendors; do not buy no trademark or no date, no production unit, no warranty tags do not complete food; do not eat poisonous food; don't drink without disinfection, drink boiled water, not kept for a long time, out of pure water.Rules and regulations model essay:: middle school moral education practicemeasurement management system 29 engineering claims management system 9 engineering progress target award assessment management program 30 pre settlement management system 10 production will, and scheduling7and work. Many classes established the duty monitor system, let every students have class member services and for the class the opportunity to work, this is not a fixed position of the monitor system of rotation, which not only can let the monitor on duty in a day's work for class service work, also can let students know more of the solution in the class, every student can learn. And the class cadre conference held regularly. Pay attention to class and major incidents in the recent, Concerned about the class need to help students and make the class committee work plan and the new division.A good class of 4..Each class in the formulation of the goal, the class of the Convention at the same time, pay more attention to the class a good class construction work class. The clas

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