



1. Smoking seriously harms you and others around you.

 2. Smoking kills.

 3. Smoking causes fatallung cancer.

 4. Smoking can cause a slow and painful death.

 5. Smokers die younger.

 6. Smoking causes ageing of the skin.

 7. Smoking when pregnant harms your baby.

 8. Smoking can kill.

 9. Get help to stop smoking: consult your doctor/pharmacist.

 10. Your doctor or your pharmacist can help you stop smoking,

 11. Protect children: don´t make them breathe your smoke.

 12. Smoking may reduce the blood flow and causes impotence.

 13. Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes.

 14. Stopping smoking reduces the risk of fatal heart and lung diseases.

 15. Smoke contains benzene, nitrosamines, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide.
















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