

 怎么了? Hey, babe, what"s up? 2006 年 9 月 18 日 圣迭哥

 加州 -那是什么东西啊? -你好啊

 宝贝 -What is that? -Hello, baby. -那玩意不会是... -没错 -Is that what I think it is? -Yes. 我不清楚你怎么想的


 肯定都很好 I don"t know what you think it is, but whatever it is, it"s sweet. 我想那是个硕大的摄像机

 你以前那个手持的呢? I think it"s a giant-ass camera. What happened to the little handheld? 那个多功能

 便携的那个? Easy to move around, versatile? 你想去停好车呢? 还是站着这儿

 看着我? Are you gonna park the car or you gonna stand there looking at me? 这个... 好大

 好专业 This is... big and impressive. 而且上面还有一个很亮的灯 And it has a really bright light on it. -来


 -我才不亲 -Kiss the camera, please. -I"m not kissing the camera. 你花了多少钱买♥♥来的? How much did this cost you? 多少钱? 我要亲你

 不亲摄像机 How much did? I"ll kiss you, not the camera. 把它转... Turn that thing... -你干嘛? -好的

 看 -What are you doing? -Yeah, see. 你觉得这能奏效吗? You think this"ll work? 我觉得我们会有一段很有趣的时光 I think we"re gonna have a very interesting time, 拍摄下那些不管存在与否的诡异现象 capturing whatever paranormal phenomena is occurring or not occurring. 说真的

 你到底花了多少钱买♥♥的? Seriously, what"d you throw down for that? 大概是我今天赚的一半 Well, about half as much as I made today. 你真的好可爱

 吃晚饭吧? Good thing you"re cute. Dinner? -继续走楼梯啊

 -我的天啊 -Just keep going up the stairs. -Oh, my God. -好吧


 -很好 -All right, I"ll make dinner. -Good. 不

 我把发生的一切都拍下来 No. We"re just gonna film whatever happens to us, 然后如果发生了诡异的事情 and then when any weird shit goes on, 我们就能及时把它记录下来

 然后留给子孙 we will be in a perfect position to capture it for posterity. 然后我们就可以


 津津乐道一番? Oh, so we can always, like, look back and remember fondly? 你要知道

 一旦我们把它拍摄下来 Well, you know, hopefully, once we get it on camera, -我们就能搞清楚状况

 -好的 -we can figure out what"s going on. -OK. 一旦我们搞清了状况

 我们就可以合理应对 Once we know what"s going on, we can react appropriately. -然后... -把它揪出来 -And... -Take it from there. 不管是什么东西


 如果是我们邻层 Take care of it, whatever it is. If it"s one of those neighbors, 那些迷恋你的小孩子 one of those kids who"s obsessed with you 在晚上透过窗

 偷♥窥♥你之类的话 and is trying to peep through a window or something at night, 那东西会把他们拍下来 that will take care of them. 除非那些小孩子从我 8 岁时

 就开始一直就缠着我 Unless that kid has been following me since I was eight years old. -这事还真令人毛骨悚然

 -我不认为是那些小孩子 -Something pretty creepy. -I don"t think that"s the thing. 这还用你说! You"re telling me. -你知道吗

 我意识到... -你好吗? 你还好吗? -You know, I realize that you"re... -Are you all right? Are you OK? 你一切可好? Are you doing OK? -你不是在跟摄像机讲... -你快乐吗? -Are you talking to the? -Are you happy? 你电量够用吗? Do you have enough batteries? 你应该和我恋爱

 而不是和那台机器 You"re supposed to be in love with me, not the machine. 这台摄像机是要和我们一起睡觉的 We are gonna be sleeping with this camera. -什么? -把它放在卧室 -We"re gonna what? -Put it in the bedroom. 整夜? All night? 你真可爱 You"re cute. 没错 Yeah. 你害羞了

 你没有正眼看 That was shy. You looked away. 晚饭时间 Dinny time. -测试



 对吧? -Test, audio test. -This is the last test, right? 对


 拜托? Yeah. Can you just please talk, please? 你好


 你是全世界最好的男朊友 Hello, Micah. You"re the best boyfriend in the whole world, -除了你对数码产品

 -视频效果很好 -except for your strange fascination -Video"s good. -太过于嫉妒着迷


 说话 -With electronics. -Katie, say something. -你想让我说什么? -轻轻地说话 -What do you want me to say? -Something really quiet. 你想让我说什么? What do you want me to say? -低声说话

 -我在低声说啊 -Whisper. -I am whispering. -你能听到我吗? -低声说话 -Can you hear me? -Whisper. -我现在就是啊

 -你没有轻声说 -I am whispering. -You"re not whispering. 我现在低声说话了 I am whispering now. 这才是嘛

 我想摄像机录下来了 That"s a whisper, and I think we caught it on camera. 好嘞


 这个麦克风的确物有所值 All right, sweet, this microphone is worth the cash. 好的


 宝贝 All right, we"re operational, babe. 甜心! Sweet! 你知道有什么伎俩

 可以引出这东西吗? Do you know of any tricks to make this stuff happen? 我不想... 它们


 不管是什么... I don"t wanna make... them, it, whatever... 我根本就不希望它出现 I don"t want it to happen at all. 所以我不想把它逼出来 So I don"t wanna force it to happen. 如果摄像机能拍到什么的话


 但是我不想... You know, if it catches something, great, but I"m not gonna like... 好的


 把它记录下来 OK. I mean, I"m just saying "cause you know, have it on camera 会非常棒的

 甜心 would be pretty cool for a lot of reasons, sweetie. -它可以... -我懂 -It would... -I know. -证明你所说的


 对吧 -substantiate your claims. -You believe me, right? 相信

 当然了 Yeah, of course. 那是什么声音? What is that? 我们去调查调查 Let"s investigate it. 我们现在听到了一个古怪的声音 We"re hearing a weird sound. 你听到了吗? You hear it? 是冰箱吗? Is it the fridge? 是冷冻柜的声音 It"s the icemaker. 该死! Damn it! 它只会在我们睡觉时出现 It will only come out when we sleep here. 我想借此机会 I"d like to take this moment 展示一下这样精致品的美丽之处 to illustrate the beauty of this fine instrument. 我指她

 这个只是我的吉他 I meant her. This is just my guitar. 你嘴巴真甜 You"re sweet. -干嘛? -我很喜欢你的脚

 太性感了 -What is this? -I just like your feet. They"re sexy. 我的脚趾甲得重新上一下指甲油 I need to repaint my toenails. 你不应该拍我的脚 You shouldn"t film my feet. 性感尤物啊

 我能看你跳段脱衣舞吗? Sex type thing. Can I get a little striptease? 求你了

 就一小段 Please? Just a half of one. 就只穿内衣

 内♥裤♥ Just bra and panties. -不要


 你说什么我都答应你 -No. -All right. I"ll do anything you want. 不要 No. 瞎说 Bullshit. 好的


 摆回维纳斯的造型啊 Yeah, the Venus. Hey, go back in your Venus pose. 不要

 那么我们把摄像机放哪儿? No. So where are we gonna put it? 你想对着洗手间还是过道 You"ve got the bathroom or the hallway. 我想应该对着过道

 我们听到它的脚步声是从那儿传来的 I think it should point down the hall, that"s where we heard its footsteps. 那边有点暗 It"s kinda dark. 你这样看不到我吧 You can"t see me here? -一点都看不到

 -那我把这灯打开呢? -Not at all. -What if I turn this one on? 好的

 这样好多了 Yeah, that"s good. -可以了吗? 光线够吗? -可以了 -That"s cool? Need more light? -No, I think you"re fine. -好的

 -你过来看看 -All right. -Come check it out. 不是告诉过你


 带进这里吗? What happened with putting the camera out here? -我们可以... -那玩意会变老的

 对吗? -We could get... -It"s gotta get old, right? 小心

 你要掉到浴缸里去了 Careful. You"re about to run into the shower. 我们可以用这个拍些"课余活动"的啊 We could get extracurricular with this. 我之前提过的 I mentioned it before. -我们可以... 但是不行

 -好吧 -We could... but no. -OK. 不过

 很不错的尝试 Nice try, though. 我只想让你知道

 我的内心在哭泣 I just want you to know I"m crying inside. 我现在把摄像机装回去 I"m putting this thing back. 好的


 开动 OK, now hook up the FireWire. Going off. -行了吗? -行不行? -Is it working? -It is, or isn"t? 行了

 我想可以了 Yeah, I think it"s good. 天啊 Oh, God. 那东西开着

 我怎么睡啊? How am I supposed to sleep with that? 没关系的 Lt"ll be fine. 2006 年 9 月 18 日 第 1 晚 它看着我呢 It"s looking at me. 这就是凯蒂早上起床时的样子 This is what Katie looks like in the morning. 她太漂亮了 She is so pretty. -你早饭想吃什么? -随便

 怎么会... -What do you want for breakfast? -Whatever. What the hell... 不要跟我讲"随便"

 炒鸡蛋怎么样? "Whatever" isn"t an answer. How about scrambled eggs? -听起来不错

 -是吗? 好的 -Sounds pretty good. -Yeah? Good. -宝贝? -怎么了? -Hey, babe? -What? 你昨晚把我的钥匙扔在地板上了吗? Did you drop my keys on the floor? 等等 Hold on. 我的钥匙在地板上 My keys are in the middle of the floor. 我... 看看我在哪里找到了我的钥匙 I just... Look where I found my keys. -你之前放哪里的? -长桌上 -Where did you leave them? -I left them on the counter. 你确定? Are you sure? 对啊


 就你钱包旁边 Yes. I always leave them in the same spot, next to your wallet. 很显然

 这是个不容置疑的证据 Obviously, this is incontrovertible evidence 那个邪恶的阴魂从遥远的墓地

 赶到这儿来移♥动♥你的钥匙 that evil forces came from beyond the grave to move your keys. 早饭做好了 Make your breakfast. 根据入水水花

 此动作得分 3.0 分 That would be a 3.0 on the splash scale. -你在上面干什么? -我在拍你啊 -What are you doing up there? -I"m filming you. -是吗

 -是的 -Yeah? -Yeah. 非常


 我想这是... Very, very mature. I think that"s my... 有大鱼上钩了了! I got a big one! 我想我最欣赏你的一点

 就是你的成熟 I think that"s my favorite quality in you, it"s your maturity. 大日子


 他就快到了 Big day. It"s the day of the psychic, he"s coming. 他应该一小时之内就会到 He should be here within the hour. 我们去找一下迈卡

 看看他怎么想的 We"re gonna go find Micah and see how he"s feeling about it. 我猜的话? 他一定很激动 My guess? Very excited. 好吧


 我们的灵异诊断师一个小时内就要来了 All right, tell me how excited you are to meet our psychic. -你现在有多么激动? -那个医生要到这儿来? 太好了 -Who will be here within the hour. -The doctor will be here? Great. 太激动了

 我都不能自控了 So excited, I can"t contain myself. 无法自控了? 释放出来吧

 不要害羞 Can"t contain yourself? Let it all out. Don"t be shy. 不过

 我倒是为你的灵异师准备了个好东西 I got something quite appropriate for your psychic, though, I think. -什么? -我就


 碰巧撞到的 -What? -I just, you know, stumbled upon it. 让我看看 Show me. 等他到了


 这可以让他有一种宾至如归的感觉 Maybe I"ll play this when he gets here. I think it"ll make him feel at home. 你完全没把这当回事

 对吧? You are totally not taking this seriously, are you? 你难道就不想让他感到宾至如归

 制♥造♥点他熟悉的气氛? Don"t you wanna make him feel at home and welcome in his own environment? 我的意思是

 这样子... I mean, this way... 这样才不能使他感到宾至如归

 这只会赶他走 This is not gonna make him feel at home. This is gonna make him leave. 我们这样会侮辱... 你


 你 We"re not gonna insult... You, not me. You. 你别给我笑

 不要这样洋洋自得 Don"t you smile like you"re so happy with yourself. 能不能不放音乐? How "bout less music? 好多了 That was good. 那个灵异师来的时候

 会不会给我一些股票方面的建议? Is the psychic gonna give me some stock tips while he"s here? 我也好久没赌马了 Haven"t bet on the horses in awhile. -如果你表现好


 -一百比一赔率方面的建议? -Maybe if you"re good. -An opinion on the hundred-to-one shot? -股票? -不拍你了 -Stock? -I"m done with you. 这么说

 你认为灵异师会准时到达 So you"d think a psychic would be on time. 你也知道


 他能够预测到今天会有交通堵塞 You know, like he could foretell if the traffic was gonna be bad? 你真聪明 You"re clever. 等等

 让我把音乐开一下 Wait, let me get my music. 想都别想 Don"t you even think about turning that on. -你好

 是弗里德里施吗? -是的

 你好 -Hi. Dr. Fredrichs? -Yes. Hi. -很高兴见到你


 快进来 -Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you. Come on in. -这是迈卡

 -迈卡 -This is Micah. -Oh, hi. Micah. 关于那摄像机

 我很抱歉 I"m sorry for the camera. 那么你能预测


 那种东西吗? So can you see ahead of, like, that kind of thing? -就像

 预测什么时候会交通堵塞? -闭嘴 -Like know when traffic"s gonna be bad? -Cut. 这通常取决于是否是周末

 是否是上下班高峰期 Oh, usually it depends on the day of the week, or the time of the day. -你知道的

 -跟我们一样 -You know. -Like all of us. 每当有人问

 "你会去圣迭戈吗? "

 我都毫不犹豫答应 I never hesitate when somebody says, "Will you come to San Diego?" 我时刻准备着来这儿 I"m always ready to do that. 今天你能过来


 我们非常感谢你 I"m certainly glad you could make the trip today. We really do appreciate it. 我想花些时间来了解你 I"d like to spend time getting to know you, 深入了解一下电♥话♥上谈过的 getting a bit more information than what we shared over the phone. 以及熟悉一下你们俩

 熟悉一下你们的生活 Getting to know both of you, what"s your life like, 你们之间的关系... what"s your relationship like... 关系很好 It"s good. -关系很好? 这点不错

 -说的很开门见山 -It"s good? That"s one good step. -Straight to the point there. 你们俩在一起多久了? How long have the two of you been together? -三年? -三年? -Three years. -Three years? 我们已经商量好了


 我们就订婚 We"re engaged to be engaged after she graduates. -你们的工作? 你们俩都做什么? -我是学生 -And your jobs? Both your jobs? -I"m a student. 我是英语专业的学生

 很快就要当老师了 I"m an English major, hoping to be a teacher soon. 虽然我还不清楚去哪里教

 迈卡是日内交易员 I don"t know where yet. Micah is a day trader. /an8 日内交易员

 炒股的一种形式 -对

 -你们的身体状况怎么样? -Yeah. -How about your health? -我们身体都很健康

 -没有在接受治疗之类的? -We"re in good health. -And no medications involved? -没有

 -好的 -No. -OK. 通常


 例如吱吱作响的房♥子啊 More often than not, things that you"ve shared with me 咔哒咔哒的水管啊

 可以用很简单的原理来解释 can be explained away by simple things, like squeaky houses or rattling pipes 或者说

 一些正常的事情让人 or you know, some normal thing that"s going on 产生焦虑情绪

 因为他们生活在枀度压力下 that has people more freaked because they"re under a high degree of stress. 那... 那么这... 让我们把它称作阴魂不善 So... So this... let"s call it a haunting, 在你搬到这里之前

 已经发生过了 has happened to you before moving into this house. 是的

 从我 8 岁时就开始了 Yes. It started when I was eight. 你也知道


 我那会和家人一起住 I, you know, I lived with my family, of course, 我和妹妹克里丝蒂住一间屋

 她那时 5 岁 and shared a room with my younger sister, Christi. She was five. 在那时

 我们一起经历了那东西 And at that time we both, you know, experienced whatever it was. 我们... 我感到别人在呼吸

 然后我就被惊醒 We had... I would feel the breathing and it would wake me up, 我再把她弄醒

 我就看到... and I would wake her up. And I would see the... 我猜你把它称之为



 模糊的身影 I guess you"d call it like the, like just a mass, like the shadowy figure 它就驻足在我床脚边 that would be at the foot of my bed. 它总是在我的床脚边

 从没去过她那边 It was always at the foot of my bed, never at the foot of her bed. -但是她也看到了

 -她也看得到? -But she did see it. -She saw it also? 是的

 然后我们都被吓坏了 Absolutely. And we were both absolutely terrified. -好的


 我们被吓得寸步不能移 -OK. -I mean, you know, couldn"t even move. 你要知道

 你就... 那太... 太恐怖了 You know, you just... It was just... It was horrifying. 然后我们就祈祷


 祈求它早点离开 And we would just pray. Please, please let it just go away. 接着


 它就离开了 And then, eventually, it would. 在我们的老房♥子

 这样子发生了好几次 So this happened for a while in our first house. 后来我们... 发生了一次火灾

 我们... And then we... There was a fire. We managed... 每个人都逃了出来


 谢天谢地... 谢天谢地 Everyone got out, no one was hurt, thank God... Thank goodness. 但是我们家当都被烧毁了

 所以我们搬了家 But we lost everything. So we moved. 起火的原因查明了吗? Was it ever determined what caused the fire? -没

 -好的 -No. -OK. 我... 我没有说

 起火跟那个阴魂不散的东西有关 And I... You know, I"m not saying it had to do with the haunting stuff. 我没有这样说

 我不清楚起火的原因 I"m not saying that at all. I don"t know what it was. 消防队有调查原因吗? Did the fire department do any investigation of the causes of the fire? 我不清楚那会有没有刑事调查 I don"t know if there was a criminal investigation, 不过我知道他们全力以赴调查原因

 但是没查出来 but I know that they tried to figure out what was the cause, and they couldn"t. -好的

 -不是漏电之类的 -OK. -It wasn"t electrical or anything, 没有那么简单 you know, simple like that. 那么

 从你 8 岁起到现在 So then, from the time you were eight years old until now, 你之后周期性地有这种经历? have you experienced this periodically over the ensuing years? 是的

 从 13 岁起

 它就周期性地发生 Yes. From 13 on it"s happened, it"s happened periodically. 在过去几周内

 它又开始出现了 Over the past few weeks things have started happening again. 这么说

 它跟着你从 8 岁时那个房♥子 So when you tell me that it"s moved from where you were living 转移到你 13 岁时住的房♥子 when you were eight, again when you were living 现在又转移到这儿 someplace else when you were 13, and now here, 在我看来

 我们所面临的东西 it seems to me that"s what we"re dealing with. 本质上

 是与你相关联 Something that"s basically connected to you. 这些灯老是闪烁

 天花板上的那些灯 These lights have been flickering, these ones that are in the ceiling. 水龙头老是莫名其妙地打开又关上 We"ve had water from the faucets turn on and off unexplainably. -好

 -当我们下来时 -OK. -Or we"ll come down. 不会打开又关上


 自来水就会开着 Not turn on and off, but we"ll come down and it"ll be on. 我们听到击打墙壁的声音

 刮擦声 We"ve heard banging on the walls, scratching sounds, 就好像

 沿着墙刮擦一样的声音 like, you know, like dragging down the wall kind of scratches. 大部分的诡异现象都发生在这儿

 对吗? Most of the activity is in here, isn"t it? 是的

 绝大部分 Yes. The vast majority of it. 我听到窃窃私语 I"ve heard whispering. 有时候听不到

 有时候它会喊我的名字 Sometimes I can"t understand it, sometimes it"s saying my name. 这么说


 就喊你 Oh, so it specifically calls to your name? -它喊过


 迈卡? -It has before. -You"ve heard this too, Micah? 呃

 我听到过奇怪的声音 Well, I"ve heard weird noises. 不过没听到有人喊凯蒂的名字

 就只有我喊过 I haven"t really heard anyone say Katie"s name, except for me. 可能是我晚上说梦话

 喊她名字 That might"ve been me in my sleep. 我区分得出

 你在那边喊我的名字 I can tell the difference between you saying "Katie" from over there in bed 和有人在这边

 对着我的耳朵私语 and something right here whispering distinctly in my ear. 好的



 我把摄像机连上了笔记本 Yeah, so, look. And I got like a FireWire going into my laptop, you know, 这样一来

 我们就能把整晚都录下... 你想看看录像吗? we can record all night what... You want to take this? 设好三角架


 整个房♥间都覆盖 Got the tripod, wide angle lens, get the whole room 超自然电子异象录音机

 把一切声响都录下来 EVP recorder, just to catch any sounds. 这么说


 把灯打开 So you"ll go to bed and have the light on 开启摄像机

 然后你们上♥床♥休息 and have the camera going as you"re going to bed. -这个

 你们一直都这么做吗? -摄像机是最近才开始的 -Is this, do you do this all the time? -We"ve just started with the camera. 我们还有一个卫生间在那边 Our extra bathroom right there. 两间客房♥

 里面电灯老是闪烁 Guest bedrooms. Lights flickering in here. 我们可不可以做些什么

 把它引出来? Is there something we can do to make the stuff happen? -再拍它下来? -我没让他那么做 -To get it on tape? -I"ve told him I don"t want to 我可不想乱来

 我也不想用摄像机来拍 mess with that. I didn"t want him to get the camera. 这些阴魂

 它们靠负能量为生 These hauntings, they feed off of negative energy. 所以如果这里有些负面的东西 So if there is something negative going on here, 那阴魂就会加剧 it will help spur on the haunting. 而实体就靠它为生 You know the entity may feed off of that. 你不该让你妈再来我们这儿了

 她太刻薄了 You shouldn"t let your mother come over anymore. She"s really mean. 别开玩笑了

 迈卡 Stop joking, Micah. 我的专长与鬼魂打交道是 My area of expertise is dealing with ghosts. 这是我事业的基础 That"s what I"ve built my career on, 帮人和已逝者做交流 helping people get in touch with people who have died. 与鬼魂交谈 Communicating with ghosts. 死人的灵魂 The spirits of dead human beings. 阴魂就不一样了 A demon is something different. 阴魂跟人类无关 That"s an entity that relates to something that is non-human. 好的 OK. 关于阴魂的由来起源众说风云 A lot of debate and discussion about what that could be, 但可以肯定它们不是人类 but it"s not a person. -恩

 -好吧? -OK. -OK? 和阴魂打交道不是我的专长 Dealing with demons is not my area. 这阴魂让我很不自在

 老实告诉你 I"m very uncomfortable with it, and I"ll tell you, quite frankly, 我能感觉倒

 这屋子里有些不祥之物 I sense there"s something going on in this house. 你逃脱不了

 它会跟随着你 You cannot run from this. It"ll follow you. 它的潜伏期可能会长达数年 It may lay dormant for years. 但是

 某些东西会激发它... 让它复发 Something may trigger it to get... become more active, 久而久之

 它会试着与你交流 and it will, over time, reach out to communicate with you. 这样吧


 推荐给你们 OK, I want to give you the name of Dr. Johann Averies. 我的一同事


 擅长处理这方面的事宜 He"s a colleague. He"s a demonologist, he specializes in this sort of thing. -他住在洛杉矶

 -好的 -He"s in Los Angeles. -OK. 等等

 这怎么样? 我们何不用碟仙把它招出来? All right, check this out. What if we just get this Ouija board, right? 问清楚它的目的


 然后... 摆平了 We find out what it wants, then we give it what it wants and then... gone. 因为它想要的很有可能就是凯蒂 Because what it probably wants is Katie. 而且如果你用碟仙

 想和它玩游戏 And if you do pick up a board and try to play games with it, 那个实体会意识到

 你在和它交流 the entity will sense that you"re trying to communicate with it, 这样就等于


 请它进屋 and that"s opening the door, inviting it in. -你听懂了吗? -我

 我懂了 -Do you understand me? -Yeah, I"m with you. 希望如此


 好吗? I hope so. You"re gonna be fine. OK? 很高兴你能这么说 Glad to hear you say that. 非常感谢你今天的来访 Thank you so much for coming. 我一定会联♥系♥艾弗里医生的 I will definitely give Dr. Averies a call. -一路顺风



 再见了 -Have a very safe trip back. -I will. Bye-bye, both of you. -今天很高兴见到你



 搞什么鬼! -Nice to meet you, bye. -Later. What a fruit! 你难道就不可以对人家有点礼貌? Do you think you could try not to be completely rude to him? 我觉得得知这些信息是好事

 不会再觉得自己是神经质 I feel like it was good information, like I"m not nuts. 至少我们现在有所举措 I feel like at least we"re doing something. 我明天就给那个人打电♥话♥ I"m gonna call that guy tomorrow. 谁? What guy? -乔安·艾弗里医生? -那个捉鬼的家伙? -Dr. Johann Averies? -That demon guy? -不要笑


 不要打 -Don"t laugh at him. -No, don"t. 我说真的


 好吗? 太荒谬了 Seriously, don"t call the guy, OK? That"s insane. -他叫我明天打电♥话♥给他


 不要到电♥话♥给他 -He said to call him tomorrow. -Babe. Don"t call the guy. 不行



 行吗? No, promise me you"re not gonna call that guy. Please? -想让我答应你? -我刚刚才和那个家伙谈完 -Want me to promise? -I talked with the one dude, 我可应付不了一大帮的... I"m not putting up with like a team, a legion of... -好吧

 -怪胎 -OK. -Jesus freaks. -如果情况恶化的话


 -好吧 -If it gets worse I"m gonna call him. -All right. 你刷牙时

 声音好听多了 Yeah. You sound way better when you"re brushing your teeth. 来拍点"课余活动"怎么样? Have a little extracurricular activity with this camera? 拍下来

 门都没有 Not with this camera on us, no. 那好

 摄像机关闭十分钟 OK, taking the camera off for ten minutes. 十分钟? Ten minutes, huh? 这点时间对于我来说之够了

 你我就不清楚了 That"s all I need. I don"t know about you. 我们去床上吧

 把它关了 Let"s go to bed. Turn it off. 好的

 我去房♥里放好它 All right. I"ll set up in the bedroom. -关掉! -凯蒂在浴室 -Turn it off! -Katie is in the bathroom. -关掉

 关掉! -凯蒂 -Turn it off. Turn it off! -Hi, Katie. 我想尿尿! 关掉 I want to pee! Turn it off. 乔安医生

 我是乔安医生 Dr. Johann. I am Dr. Johann. -好的


 -我是个鬼神学家 -OK, I"m about to pee. -I"m a demonologist. 走开


 听不见 Go away. I can"t hear you, can"t hear you. 我会把你从阴魂手中拯救出来 I"m here to save you from the demons. 到床上来 Come to bed. 我就来! 让我把它关掉... 自♥由♥活动时间? I will! Just let me turn this off... Play time? 等等! Wait! -抱歉

 -怎么了? -Excuse me. -What? -摄像机还没关掉


 那是待机指示灯 -The camera"s not off. -It"s off. That"s the standby light. 不是待机指示灯

 是录制指示灯 That"s not the standby light. That"s the record light. -不要骗我

 -好吧 -Don"t lie to me. -All right. 刚发生的一切

 在肯塔基等 13 个州

 都该被判为违法行为 I think that probably was illegal in Kentucky and another 12 states. 这个女孩是头野兽 This girl is a wild animal. 你几点起床? What time you getting up? 不知道

 6 点左右吧 Don"t know, six o"clock or so. 2006 年 9 月 20 日 第 3 晚 你闹钟设好了吗? Did you set your alarm? 睡得好吗? Sleep good? 那是录像吗? Is that the video? 我在看昨晚的录像 I was looking at the footage from last night. 看看

 大概凌晨 2 点 10 分时 Check it out. This is about 2:10 in the morning. -所有的门... -等等 -The doors... -A minute. 看到了吗? You got it? 所有的门窗都是关好的

 我刚刚检查过 The doors and windows all over the house are closed. I just checked them. 那盆花没有移♥动♥

 但是有东西移♥动♥ The flowers are not moving. But something else is. -房♥门阴差阳错地动了一下

 -老天爷啊 -The door"s fricking moving by itself. -Oh, my God. 还没完呢


 又动了下 And it"s not over. Check it out. It moves again. -迈卡

 这... -太不可思议了 -Oh, Micah, that is... -That"s impossible. 早就跟你说过

 这是个好主意 I told you this was a good idea. 你认为我们还能让那个阴魂重现吗? You think you can get that ghost back? -还能什么? -让阴魂重现 -Think I can do what? -Get the ghost back. 再给我们提供点有趣的... 你也知道 Get us some more interesting... you know. 我没兴趣

 我只想摆脱它 I"m not interested in that. I just want him to go away. 迈卡! 我的天啊 Oh, Micah! Oh, my God. 你干嘛呢? 快过来! 快给我过来! What are you doing? Come here! Come here right now! 怎么了? What? 它就在那儿

 就在那儿! 抓住它! It"s right there. It"s right there! Get it! 拜托

 弄掉它 Get rid of it. Please. 一只蜘蛛

 你就这样哭爹喊娘? You scream like that for a spider? -天啊

 -老天爷啊 -Oh, God. -Jesus. -你先跑去拿摄像机了吗? -是的 -Did you go get the camera first? -Yeah. 我以为是鬼魂之类的恐怖... I thought it was a ghost or something like real scary... 我差点就崩溃了

 而你竟然先跑去拿摄像机 I"m nearly losing my mind and you grab the camera. 小朊友! 你叫什么名字? Hey, little friend! What"s your name? 我能把摄像机关掉吗? 好嘞

 我得离你远远的 Can I turn the camera off? OK. I need to not be around you. -好的



 好的 -All right. We"re going. -Straight outside. OK. 你在外面吗? Hey, you out here? 告诉我

 这算什么意思啊? Hey, tell me what the point of this was. 你的宏伟计划难道就是晃动一下门? Was part of your master plan just to move the door? 还是你闲来无事在瞎搞? Or are you just doing random shit? 那么


 有两种可能: Well. Basically, it could be two things: 它要不是鬼魂

 要不就是阴魂 It could be a ghost, or it could be a demon. 弗里德里施医生说它不是鬼魂 Dr. Fredrichs said that it wasn"t a ghost. -不管它到底是什么... -我要用证据来说明 -And whatever it is... -I"m going by the evidence. 我要做些调查

 然后找出它的真正面目 I"m doing my research and I"m gonna find out what it is. 不管纠缠着我到底是什么

 它不像... Well, whatever it is that"s following me, it doesn"t feel... 不像是人类 It doesn"t feel human. 它更像一头怪兽


 它想伤害我 It feels like a monster. I mean, like it wants to hurt me. 那么


 它倒挺像是一个阴魂 Well, that sounds actually like a demon. -对啊


 -鬼魂是人类的精神体 -Yeah, that"s what he said. -Ghosts are spirits of human beings. 对

 而这个肯定不是人类 Yeah. It"s definitely not human. 那么



 因为阴魂太逊了! Then maybe you"re right, which is bad, "cause demons suck! 他们基本上就是些邪恶

 狠毒的灵魂 Basically, they"re these malevolent, evil spirits 它们存在的唯一目的就是


 以害人为乐 that only exist to cause pain and commit evil for their own amusement. 挺吓人的



 跟踪上好几十年 It"s pretty creepy. I mean, they stalk people for years, like decades. 他们有时候吓唬人的手段

 十分高超 They"re sometimes really intelligent in the way they do things to freak you out. 那么

 这可能是很罕见的现象 So this could be a really rare phenomenon, 如果能拍到

 那就酷毙了 and it"s cool we got it on tape. 我可没你那么兴奋 I"m surprisingly not as excited as you, 考虑到我是那个被惊吓的受害者 considering I"m the one that"s being terrified. 没事的

 我们能摆平它 It"s all good. We"ll take care of it. 我明白


 很新奇 I understand that this stuff is new to you, 也很刺♥激♥

 所以我理解你想把它拍摄 and exciting in some ways, so I get your whole filming thing. 但是对我来说

 这并不是新鲜事 But it isn"t new to me, 此外

 我认为这东西很危险 and I think this thing could be very dangerous. 因此

 我... 我想让你知道

 如果事情... So I just... I just want you to know that as things get... 事情产生变化

 或者情况变糟之类的 things progress or get worse in any way, 我不想再继续拍摄

 我不想惹火它 I don"t want to mess with the camera. Don"t want to make it mad. 我明白你的意思

 但是别忘了 I understand where you"re coming from, just remember 在我们同层之前 you didn"t exactly warn me about this stuff -你没警告过我这个东西

 -我知道 -before we moved in together. -I know. 所以我认为关于如何应对

 我有一点发言权 So I think I have a little bit of say in what we do. 我明白


 但我那时能怎么说呢? I get that, honestly. But what was I supposed to say? 难道我们第一次约会时

 就说"有阴魂一直跟... " On our first date, "There"s a demon that has been foll..." 不

 但是或许在我们第 15 次或 30 次约会时 No, but maybe on our 15th date or our 30th date 或者当我们决定同层时 or when we decided to live together, 也许那时你就该跟我提提这事儿 that might"ve been a good thing to bring up. 看这儿 Here. 好吧



 警报器也设定好了 All right. The windows are locked, doors are locked, alarm is on. 只要有东西进屋

 警报就会响的 Anything gets in here, we"re gonna know about it. 我想它才不管那些警报器啊

 门啊 I don"t think it cares about alarms and locked doors. 它无孔不入

 无所不能 It can go wherever it wants, it can do whatever it wants. 你怎么知道的? How do you know? 不管它是什么

 它都已经在屋里了 Whatever"s happening, it"s already here. 好吧 All right. 2006 年 9 月 22 日 第 5 晚 怎么了? What is this? 怎么回事? What"s the matter? 我... 我做了个噩梦 I just... I just had a nightmare. 对不起

 我吓到你了吗? I"m sorry, did I scare you? 没关系

 别担心 It"s all right, don"t worry about it. -我的天啊

 -你还好吧-Oh, my God. -You OK? -还好

 -你确定? -Yeah. -You sure? 我的头 My head. 你听到了吗? Did you hear that? -我下楼看看




 迈卡! -I"m going down. -No, no, no, Micah! 迈卡

 不要去! Micah, no! 迈卡

 不要留下我 Micah, don"t leave me here. 不要留我在这儿 Don"t leave me here. 拿着 Take this. 你觉得声音从哪边传来的? Where do you think that came from? -迈卡! -有人在那儿吗? -Micah! -Is anyone down here? -你就这点伎俩? -迈卡

 住嘴! -This all you got? -Oh, Micah, stop! 求你了



 过来 Please don"t do that. Oh, baby, come on. 你没事吧

 宝贝? You OK, baby? 我没事 I"m OK. -你确定? -我还有点胆战心惊 -You sure? -I"m still creeped out. -女孩们


 你知道吗? -Hey, girls? -No, but you know what? -如果你能指给我看... -你们好! 打搅一下! -If you can just show me... -Hello! Excuse me! 我知道现在是珠子时间 I know it"s bead time, 但是我有点东西要给你们看 but I have a little something I want to show you guys. 能不能等等? 我们现在属于女生时间 Can it wait? We"re having very intense girl time right now, 你和你的摄像机不能来打搅我们 and we cannot be interrupted by Micah and his camera. -谢谢




 从那些... -Thank you, OK. I understand. -I need a little break from... 他妈的! 我想给你们看些东西 What the fuck! I"m trying to show you guys something. 乖一点 Hey! You be sweet. 好嘞

 这是我们房♥间数码录声机 All right. This is the tape from the digital audio recorder 录下来的磁带 I set up in the bedroom. 我们惊醒前十秒钟的左右 This is the tape from about ten seconds before we woke up. 那究竟是什么鬼东西? What the hell was that? 我听了不下 50 遍

 还是听不出它在讲什么 I listened to it 50 times. It"s not saying anything. 我不懂它讲的语言


 也不是 It"s not a language that I recognize, it"s not a dog, it"s not, like, 街上传来的吵闹声

 也不是 noise from the street, it"s not any kind of 我所晓得的电干扰声

 所以... electrical interference that I recognize, so... -天哪

 -我估计它是... -Oh, God! ...

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