

 41 bans on safety production

 A、生产厂区十四个不准14 “forbidden” in the production area

 一、加强明火管理,区内,不准吸烟禁火区内,不准无阻火器车辆行驶。In order to strengthen the control of open fire, smoking is strictly forbidden in the whole area of the factory. Vehicles without spark arrestor devices are not allowed in the fire-forbidden areas.

 二、生产区内,不准未成年人进入。In the production area, no minor is allowed to enter in.

 三、上班时间,不准睡觉、干私活、离岗和干与生产无关的事。During working hours employees are not allowed to leave their work positions, to sleep, to do private work or carry out any activities that are not related to their duties.

 四、在班前、班上不准喝酒。五、不准使用汽油等易燃液体擦洗设备、用具和衣物。六、不按规定穿戴劳动保护用品,不准进入生产岗位。the workers do not wear the protective articles complies with the provision.

 七、安全装置不齐全的设备不准使用。Using equipment without fully safety devices is forbidden.

 八、不是自己分管的设备、工具不准动用。’s tools or equipments.

 九、检修设备时安全措施不落实,不准开始检修。十、停机检修后的设备,未经彻底检查,不准启用。without quite examination are not allowed to use.

 十一、未办高作业证,不系安全带,脚手架、跳板不牢,不准登高作业。It is forbidden to work at height without specific certificate, life belt, or the falsework or the gangplank is not firm.

 十二、石棉瓦上不固定好跳板,不准作业。It is forbidden to work on the asbestos tile without a fixed gangplank

 十三、未安装触电保安器的移动式电动工具,不准使用。It is not allowed to use mobile tools or equipments without earth leakage protectors.

 十四、未取得安全作业证的职工,不准独立作业;特殊工种职工,未经取证,不准作业。Workers who do not have a safety working certificate or a special work certificate are not allowed to work independently.

 B、操作工的六严格一、严格执行交接班制。二、严格进行巡回检查。三、严格控制工艺指标。四、严格执行操作法(票)。五、严格遵守劳动纪律。Respect the workers discipline.

 六、严格执行安全规定。动火作业六大禁令一、动火证未经批准,禁止动火。Fire is strictly prohibited when there’s not an authorizefire-safety certificate.

 二、不与生产系统可靠隔绝,禁止动火。Fire is strictly prohibited when the production system is not properly insulated.三、不清洗,置换不合格,禁止动火。If the equipment hasn’t been properly cleaned working with fire is strictly prohibited.

 四、不消除周围易燃物,禁止动火。If there are combustibles in the same area it is strictly prohibited to work with fire.

 五、不按时作动火分析,禁止动火。It is forbidden to do the fire work if there is no regular fire work analysis.六、没有消防措施禁止动火。It is strictly prohibited to work with fire if there are not fire extinguishing measures and a进入容器、设备的八个必须一、必须申请、办证,并得到批准。二、必须进行安全隔绝。三、必须切断动力电,并使用安全灯具。四、必须进行置换、通风。五、必须按时间要求进行安全分析。六、必须佩戴规定的防护用具。七、必须有人在器外监护,并坚守岗位。Outside of the tank must be a person to assist the worker during the whole operation.八、必须有抢救后备措施机动车辆七大禁令一、严禁无证、无令开车。’s forbidden to drive without a license or an order.

 二、严禁酒后开车。’s forbidden to drive after drinking alcoholic beverages.

 三、严禁超速行车和空档溜车。’s forbidden to exceed the speed limit or to move at null.

 四、严禁带病行车。’s forbidden to drive fault vehicles.

 五、严禁人货混载行车。’s forbidden to drive taking passengers and goods at the same time.

 六、严禁超标超高、超长、超重装载行车。’s forbidden to drive a vehicle that exceeds the weight, high or length limits.

 七、严禁无阻火器车辆进入禁火区。The vehicle without a spark arrestor is forbidden to enter in the fire-forbidden area.  防火、防爆十大禁令Ten prohibitions for fire prevention

 一、 严禁在厂内吸烟及私自携带火种和易燃、易爆、有毒、易腐蚀物品进厂。

 It is forbidden to smoke in the whole area of the factory and to carry any sort of flammable, explosive, poisonous or corrosive material.


  It is forbidden to not follow the established procedures to work with fire within the whole factory.


 It is forbidden to wear clothes that can easily produce static electricity in the areas with flammable materials and with high explosion risk.


 Safety shoes should be worn in the whole production area, it’s forbidden to wear non-safety shoes.

 五、 严禁用汽油、易挥发溶剂擦洗设备、衣物、工具及地面等。

 It is forbidden o use gas-oil or any other volatile solvent to clean the surface of the equipment, clothes or tools.


 It’s forbidden to drive a vehicle into the installations,tankfarm and flammable area without a specific approval。

  第七条 严禁就地排放易燃、易爆物料及化学危险品。

 It is forbidden to discharge on the spot flammable, explosive or dangerous chemical materials.

 第八条 严禁在生产装置罐区及易燃易爆装置区内用黑色金属或易产生火花的工具敲打、撞击作业。

 It is forbidden to?knock and strike with the tools made of ferrous metals or the tool which is easy to produce the spark in the production device tank area and explosive and flammable device area.

  第九条 严禁堵塞消防通道及随意挪用或损坏消防设施。

 It is forbidden to block the fire fighting ways and to randomly use or cause damage to the fire extinguish equipment.

  第十条 严禁损坏厂内各类防爆设施。

 Within the whole factory it is forbidden to cause damage on any flameproof equipment.

推荐访问:提一条安全生产建议 禁令 安全生产 四十一条