


 第一章 总 则


 第一条 为规范本局行政审批工作,提高工作效率和质量,方便申请人办理行政审批事项,根据《中华人民共和国行政许可法》的规定和市、区人民政府推行“阳光政务”的要求,制定本制度。

  第二条 本局行政审批的实施,适用本制度。

  第三条 本局设立统一受理行政审批申请、统一送达行政审批决定的昆明市人民政府便民服务中心环保局窗口(以下简称“窗口”),窗口设在昆明市人民政府便民服务中心。

  第四条 本局确定法规处作为督办行政审批内部流转的行政审批工作联络员。

  第五条 本局局长对行政审批工作负总责。



  第六条 窗口工作人员应加强学习,努力提高政治、业务素质和组织纪律观念,全面理解、准确把握和正确执行《中华人民共和国行政许可法》及服务中心的各项规定,搞好服务。

 第二章 行政审批实施程序

 第一节 受 理


 第七条 本局采取设置电子触摸屏、公告栏等方式在办公场所长期公示以下内容:



















  第八条 本局的行政许可事项,由窗口负责受理。


  第九条 对申请人提交的申请材料,除即办件外,窗口在受理阶段不审查申请材料的实质内容,也不审查申请人是否具备取得行政许可的条件,仅对下列内容进行形式审查:






  第十条 经过形式审查,窗口对申请人提出的行政审批申请,应根据下列具体情况,向申请人出具相应的书面回执:









  第十一条 申请人提出的行政审批申请,除依法应当不予受理的外,窗口不得拒绝受理。


  第十二条 申请人委托代理人提出的行政审批申请,委托手续完备、其它条件符合规定的,应当予以受理,但依法应当由申请人本人到办公场所提出行政审批申请的除外。

  第十三条 窗口应当向申请人提供申请书示范文本和一次性告知单。申请书示范文本和一次性告知单由主办部门制定,窗口配合。申请书示范文本以及一次性告知单内容发生变化的,由主办部门重新制作。








 第二节 内部流转

 第十四条 本局职权范围内行政许可事项及主办部门如下:




 第十五条 窗口受理的行政审批申请,窗口应在1个工作日内交办到主办部门。

 第十六条 本局行政许可事项和非行政许可审批事项相关法律、法规规定的办理时限分别为:



 including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management system of the project. A management review meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and review of the problems and propose corrective measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project construction management (personnel, finance, facilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a "customer-focused" thinking, fully aware that meet their customers ' needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production and services projects. Projects in production and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the project legal person, interests as the interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith and cooperation, win-win and development; 3.2.2 needs and expectations of the project legal person into production and service management or technical requirements, and allocation of appropriate resources; 3.2.3 meet legal requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. 3.2.4 customers on the quality of projects put into operation for standards, in accordance with the national standard of quality works. 3.2.5 regulations and standards requires the State and issued by the Ministry of the project related to the current version of the technical specifications, procedures, design institutes and

 including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management system of the project. A management review meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and review of the problems and propose corrective measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project construction management (personnel, finance, facilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a "customer-focused" thinking, fully aware that meet their customers ' needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production and services projects. Projects in production and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the project legal person, interests as the interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith and cooperation, win-win and development; 3.2.2 needs and expectations of the project legal person into production and service management or technical requirements, and allocation of appropriate resources; 3.2.3 meet legal requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. 3.2.4 customers on the quality of projects put into operation for standards, in accordance with the national standard of quality works. 3.2.5 regulations and standards requires the State and issued by the Ministry of the project related to the current version of the technical specifications, procedures, design institutes and- 8 -

 including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the company's quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work related to the project implementation rules to improve the quality management system of the project. A management review meeting held each year, on the implementation of the quality policy, objectives and review of the problems and propose corrective measures. Efforts and resources necessary for optimal allocation of project construction management (personnel, finance, facilities, information, etc). 3.2 with customer focus project staff establish a "customer-focused" thinking, fully aware that meet their customers ' needs and expectations is the fundamental pursuit of production and services projects. Projects in production and service processes, to: 3.2.1 identify and determine the needs and expectations of the project legal person, interests as the interests of the customer, with customer satisfaction as satisfied, good faith and cooperation, win-win and development; 3.2.2 needs and expectations of the project legal person into production and service management or technical requirements, and allocation of appropriate resources; 3.2.3 meet legal requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. 3.2.4 customers on the quality of projects put into operation for standards, in accordance with the national standard of quality works. 3.2.5 regulations and standards requires the State and issued by the Ministry of the project related to the current version of the technical specifications, procedures, design institutes and

推荐访问:行政审批管理制度 昆明市 环境保护 行政审批